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Occupy Movement Gets A PAC

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:31 PM
WHAT ???

February 16, 2012 4:00 PM -- CBS

ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS Atlanta) – The Occupy movement has decided to fight fire with fire.

Last week, John Paul Thornton of Decatur, Ala. filed to create a PAC for the Occupy Movement. “PAC” is an acronym for a political action committee, or an organization that campaigns for or against candidates, legislation, and ballot initiatives.

#Occupy the PACs ?

Legal Document

A bit ironic since I thought the Occupy movement was not this "organized".

They must have a backer with connections

I wonder which Lobby groups will be involved

Does this mean that #Occupy will be targeting something else ?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:35 PM
The whole system probably, i sure hope so.
Target the whole thing because most of it is crap. Gotta play by their rules for a bit.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Just gotta love how haters on the Occupy movement go ON AND ON of how the movement is "unorganized", and THEN when they begin to organize in some manner, they hate on that. Then after ridiculing them for being "leaderless", the haters ridicule the Occupy movement when they think that they are being backed or having a leader. And ON AND ON about EVERYTHING nit-picking and HATING.

So no matter WHAT the Occupy movement does, the haters will NEVER stop hating and display quite CLEARLY that they are all about HATING the movement no matter WHAT they do as long as the movement continues to be one that represents [color=gold]WE THE PEOPLE of America, and the world.

The Anti-American traitors and Occupy haters, both public and private, greatly DESIRE for the BS to continue in this country. The same BS that has RUINED MILLIONS OF FAMILIES LIVES in this country.

CLEARLY, the snakes and shills will never stop hating and ridiculing a movement that is for [color=gold]The People.
edit on 18-2-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors


It looks like they joined the crown doesn't it ?

p.s. -- never said I hated the movement.

over reaction and assumptions will get the best of ya if you're not careful.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:45 PM
It really cant be said that they are not organized. I think these thoughts are just synonymous with an unconventional movement. I think people are starting to hate on the movement for trying to be more formal. If the occupiers really want to have a voice, and they do... Then they must be involved in the process in the same way as every other special interest group. Just putting it out there: I am affiliated with the 99%. The 1% makes me sick and we outta punish them french revolution style.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

This is odd, seeing as the Occupy movement would APPEAR to be against something like a PAC... then again maybe they will use it merely to demonstrate the reasons to the world why it is not a good thing...

I do not know... the Occupy movements have gone too far in some respects, yet not far enough in others... I do not know what to think anymore...

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:13 PM
I think everyone including OWS, is taking this guy too seriously.

The formation of an Occupy Wall Street super PAC by an activist in Decatur, Alabama is sparking a backlash from the movement's organizers in Washington, D.C. and New York City.

"This caught us completely by surprise," said Bill Csapo, an activist affiliated with the Campaign to Occupy Wall Street in New York. "I don't think any of us would agree that a super PAC is the right way to go."

To be sure, Thornton has been feeling the heat. "I didn't know this thing was going to blow up as soon as it did," he tells The Atlantic Wire. "There are stronger feelings about it than I originally envisioned."

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors
reply to post by xuenchen

Just gotta love how haters on the Occupy movement go ON AND ON of how the movement is "unorganized", and THEN when they begin to organize in some manner, they hate on that. Then after ridiculing them for being "leaderless", the haters ridicule the Occupy movement when they think that they are being backed or having a leader. And ON AND ON about EVERYTHING nit-picking and HATING.

Wow.... You were starting to sound like a spitting image of George W Bush there for a moment. That 'With us or against us' thing is what has pretty well killed Occupy for any realistic chance it had on wide spread, open support from the public. Oops...

For a movement that espouses inclusion and tolerance, it sure gets viciously intolerant if anyone dares criticize particulars or specifics about how it does things. Any aspect of things, it seems.

There was a time I was proud to say I was in Occupy....that was a few months ago. Now, sadly, those who don't already know, I really don't say a word to anymore. I sure won't deny I lived in a camp to volunteer for what seemed like a solid cause....but it's become something I won't offer having been a part of anymore. Sad....but that With us or Against us nonsense where anyone asking questions or pointing out problems is a hater, is a fair part of why.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

How is he saying you're either with us or against us? He's pointing out the fact that at least here on ATS there's not one thing Occupy could do or not do that wouldn't be twisted and slammed.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Kali74

His reply was to the OP who simply seems to be pointing out the rather odd situation where a movement that rejects anything related to the Establishment and those who run it is joining that very Establishment with a new PAC that requires hobnobbing and ass smooching to that very set of people everyone says they hate. Hmmm

Seems like a valid question, whether it's right or not. Given the op as what his reply was being made to, it sure does read like a 'With us or against us' type of attitude on display.

Personally, Kali, I really agree that just about everything is attacked..but another equally determined group seems to defend everything they do to such an extreme that neither side has any leg left to stand on at this point. I think there are some like you and I who happen to find ourselves on different sides of this issue but can still reach to find understanding and respect outside the sides we're standing on.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Maybe because mush of what is said against Occupy by the right and here on ATS is utterly ridiculous. As I said in my original reply to the OP is that I don't think the guy is serious and I don't think the action needed to be rebuked by anyone officially involved in an Occupy, but just in case the guy is serious...know that according to ALL sources the guy is acting alone and has been rebuked by OWS and Occupy DC spokespersons.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:14 PM
This whole Occupy having a PAC thing isn't surprising to me. After discovering that ex-Acorn operatives were being paid $100 a day to attend the Occupy protests, I'm not going to be surprised by anything I hear about this movement.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Maybe because mush of what is said against Occupy by the right and here on ATS is utterly ridiculous. As I said in my original reply to the OP is that I don't think the guy is serious and I don't think the action needed to be rebuked by anyone officially involved in an Occupy, but just in case the guy is serious...know that according to ALL sources the guy is acting alone and has been rebuked by OWS and Occupy DC spokespersons.

Well, coming from you in what I know of you, I'll take that as good enough. You are saying that as an absolute and I respect your judgement. I also figure you are still in Occupy in one form or another and have the day to day inside knowledge to know what you're talking about. Thanks for that clarification.


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