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World Wide Seismic Event...

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posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:08 PM
K, this is an immensely weird thing i've seen tonight...
Aurora Borealis in central scotland!

It was 3am-ish when i was returning home (completely sober fyi) and i looked up beyond the horizon to this greeny blue glowing wave pattern.
And as i look to the sky this morning its a greeny blue colour and not the grey or sparkling blue i'm used to.

Very weird indeed.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:11 PM
That would certainly be in keeping with the M Class flare we are experiencing. Imagine the fireworks of an X Class!

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:12 PM
A couple of months ago here in Colorado Springs we saw the lights... I think they said it was the first time they've seen it here... I don't know how much farther south you could have seen it, but I know it was a while down past us that people saw it... They didn't have any video or anything about it and not to many people actually saw it... I just moved here about two years ago, so I'm not really sure if it is sort of common to see the lights here.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:13 PM
I've never seen it like this before, its actually really beautiful but oddly unnerving.

I recall that when aurora borealis becomes visible in the south then theres something very very wrong.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:14 PM
That would likely be the X Class flares we experienced back a few weeks ago??

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:15 PM
Wait a minute, where in CO are you? Anywhere near NORAD?

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:16 PM
link the late 80's the lights were seen as low as central Oklahoma...they appeared as a constant glowing red across the northern night horizon.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:16 PM
i live on Ft. Carson... my dad's in the military... I live like a mile away from Cheyenne Mountain... aka NORAD

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:18 PM
it was a very weird colour, the green was algae coloured but the blue was more of a navy, the green was lower and much stronger, as if it was coming from over the horizon.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 10:19 PM
My dad actually almost got to work inside NORAD... He works with computers so he would be up where all the action is in NORAD

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by GiantsFan
i live on Ft. Carson... my dad's in the military... I live like a mile away from Cheyenne Mountain... aka NORAD

There is a rumored HAARP facility under construction in an underground facility within 90 miles of NORAD....

Perhaps not such a surprise for the lights in the sky after all...

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 12:15 AM
I haven't heard anything about it but I'll try a listen to see If I can find out anything about it... also... How does this HAARP thing work anyway?

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by GiantsFan
I haven't heard anything about it but I'll try a listen to see If I can find out anything about it... also... How does this HAARP thing work anyway?

"The Pentagon's provocative plan to superheat the earth's ionosphere
The HAARP phased-array transmitter zaps the earth's ionosphere with
high-frequency radio waves. In an Arctic compound 200 miles east of
Anchorage, Alaska, the Pentagon has erected a powerful transmitter designed
to beam more than a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the
atmosphere. Known as Project HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research
Program), the $30 million experiment involves the world's largest
"ionospheric heater," a prototype device designed to zap the skies hundreds
of miles above the earth with high-frequency radio waves. Why irradiate the
charged particles of the ionosphere (which when energized by natural
processes make up the lovely and famous phenomenon known as the Northern
Lights)? According to the U.S. Navy and Air Force, co-sponsors of the
project, "to observe the complex natural variations of Alaska's
ionosphere." That, says the Pentagon, and also to develop new forms of
communications and surveillance technologies that will enable the military
to send signals to nuclear submarines and to peer deep underground."

The Alaskan site says this:
"HAARP complies completely with all existing safety standards for electromagnetic radiation at all locations on or off the site. Measurements completed during testing of the Developmental Prototype (DP) since December 1994, have shown that HAARP is many times safer than the standards permit and will remain so during all phases of completion. At the closest public access to the site, for example, measurements indicate that the final facility will produce a field ten thousand times lower (weaker) than the adopted standards specify as being safe. This already weak field decreases rapidly moving away from the site and, at the closest town is nearly unmeasureable."

Check out the Magchain it looks like all the HAARP stations are working together

[Edited on 3-7-2003 by MrEisenhower]

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 04:03 AM
Thanks for the info... Ever since I first started following this post, I never did understand what you guys were talking about with the HAARP thing.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 04:32 AM
I still don't see how HAARP will bring a terrorist attack. I just don't see the connection. I think you guys panic to much and read to deep into things

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 04:36 AM
Maybe they know a little bit more about it and it's significance to our country and other country's that you don't know about... maybe what they know about this could actually help you...

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by GiantsFan
Maybe they know a little bit more about it and it's significance to our country and other country's that you don't know about... maybe what they know about this could actually help you...

DWOMT- This is still purely speculation at the moment, but you cannot deny the facts that are set out in front of us. Mr Nikola Tesla proved that using certain radio waves you could manipulate human emotion and control them to some respect. It just so happens that the HAARP facilities output this same frequencies, it has also been shown that the HAARP facility can manipulate weather, visit for more info on this.

Why would anyone at the Alaskan facility need to manipulate the magnometer read out?

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 07:50 AM
Check out screen cap i posted on 104626 - specifically look at trace during period of 0600 - 0900 07/02/03.

This trace is duplicated in the screen cap I posted in post 104762.

In addition, no screen cap was taken, but I looked at the diverging traces you referenced in 105420 last night.

Now, look at the mag trace I just captured.

major BS alarms are ringing in my head!

FURTHERMORE, where is Banshee??? Have you heard from her? She hasn't responded on this thread in days...which isn't like her.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 08:03 AM
Indeed, that is significantly different from the divergent traces I mentioned in my previous post.

Again, the HAARP feed is being faked....

As far as Banshee, I did get an email from her last night, she was having ISP problems and just got back online last night. She said she would be joining us shortly (I hope).

IRIS showing only one active quake, a mag 4.5 in Central Peru at the moment.

Although according to USGS we had a double seismic event overnight...

Well, it seems that SOHO is back... conveniently after all the activity a few days ago...

WELCOME BACK, SOHO: The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) wasn't gone for long. After a number of tests and new insights, SOHO engineers now say there will be no blackout periods for SOHO science data. "We're now talking only moderate fractions per day every day during the 2-3 week periods," says Bernhard Fleck, ESA's SOHO Project Scientist.

AURORA OUTLOOK: A solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the sun could reach Earth as early as July 3rd, although the 4th is more likely. Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible when Earth enters the stream, so sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot group 375 remains impressive. Consisting of nearly 30 individual spots, the entire group stretches 10 Earth-diameters from end to end. The large leading spot alone is about the size of the planet Neptune. Photographer Bob Sandy of Virginia took this picture of the active region on June 30th. It's easy to see and to photograph--but never stare directly at the sun. Always use safe solar observing techniques.

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 10:50 AM
Aghh u peepz, HARRP is feeding crap to u guys, where its getting it from is a diffrent story. Once again look at the magnometer normally now look at it under a week period.... the data is not the same, i cant say my data is correct but im sure the normal data isnt correct. HARRP seems to be going down abit... by the looks of it, its trying to create a rhythm with its transmitions while and attempt to keep all its work safe from the sun. (thats for 'fake' data)

For the real thing by looks of it harrp is trying to set up for something, the list of what there trying to do can be endless to our knowledge, but if what i saw was chemtrails something is going on... if anyone knows plz let me know

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