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Freedom of Speech - An excuse to be Openly an Anti-Muslim

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posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by ignant
Being anti-muslim is only addressing 1/3 of the problem

The other 2/3 of the global problem are...

Jews & Christians.

What is with the assault on Christianity lately? Problem? We can't control what our governments do, they just go on all these crazy wars and there's nothing we can do to stop them.

I'll tell you what the problem is: oil cartels and secret societies. They run everything, they plan everything, none of this has ANYTHING to do with ANY religion.

If these cartels and cabals were beamed off the planet by space aliens, we'd finally be able to live in peace!!!

/end rant

edit on 19-2-2012 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:31 AM

TO THE CONTRARY, FREE SPEECH has long since been eradicated in the United States of America and soon even what a person "Thinks" will become a crime. Thus, we have become a nation of liars, with many being forced to lie about what is in their minds, their hearts and what they dare only to speak between themselves and the wall. Don't kid yourselves and at least don't be a hypocrite between you and God.
reply to post by MajorKarma

As you say this nonsense you have no fear of being jerked out of bed, put before a kangaroo court, and beheaded or stoned or imprisoned by the end of the month. SHUT YOUR FREE HAND AS IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO WRITE ACCORDING TO YOUR ILLOGICAL SENSATIONAL RANT!

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL

WE were attacked on 9.11.

Because of our war in iraq in 1991 and our support for dictators in the middle east and our killing in the middle east and our occupation of muslim lands.

Which of the 911 hijackers were Iraqi?

Precisely WHAT "killing in the middle east"? It would of necessity predate the current round of wars, if it is to be considered the cause, and is redundant to the first listed cause if you are referring to Gulf War I.

Precisely WHAT "occupation of muslim lands"? Again, this would of necessity pre-date the attacks in order to be considered a cause of them.

edit on 2012/2/19 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by TheCommentator

I think this may be my favorite question ever.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:48 AM

Muslims attacked us before we attacked them! Muslim religion is not compatible with western values. Muslims can have 4 wives. Muslims can have sex with animals. Muslims always talk about young boys in the koran and have parties with young boys for sex Muslim religion teaches everyone must convert or be killed, this doesn't sound like a peaceful religion to me. Muslims are allowed to lie when it furthers the religion Muslims Marry 9 year old girls Muslims insist on they own laws (Shariah) that are opposite western law. Its ok to beat your wife Honor killings of girls who disobey is allowed Muslim push for everything there way, they won't live side by side with you. You can't have a bible in Muslim countries and watch how the slaughter The Koran is a sic book with all the perversions and war it teaches. Muslims are not peaceful people.
reply to post by fusionman

Should I say "SATAAANNNN!!!!!"

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by BenReclused

I believe the well known disposing of the Shah of Iran refutes this.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:54 AM
Wow that Muslim bomb statue is so sick. Who'd even make such a thing?

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

This quote looks higher than you do in your avatar.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:02 AM
Funny how that works, isn't it?
It's only "freedom of speech" as long as it fits what everyone else is saying.
So long as you aren't saying something everyone is against, you're fine.
The moment you say something someone dislikes, you're screwed!

But this reminds me about something I saw on the news a few months back. Mind you, my memory is terrible.
There was this show about Muslims just living a normal life just like any other person. And people got so offended by that show. "That's NOT how they act! They're terrorists!"
I was flat out amazed with that. To think someone could be so closed-minded. I try to forget that there are people like that...

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
This thread is a response to:

When you criticise a black person it is racism
When you criticise a jew you it is anti-semitism
When you criticise a gay you are a bigot homophobic or intolerance
When you criticise a woman it is sexism or anti-feminism
When you criticize a country,they call it Treason
When you criticize a religious sect, they call it Hate
When you criticise a muslim you are exercising freedom of speech?

L because: (no reason given)

You forgot one:

When you criticize Obama you are prejudice.


posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:08 AM

Well they have a right because we have been bombing them for the past 30 years, so their criticism is justified, we are saying all these things out of ignorance and hate, therein lies the difference.
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL
This absolutely makes me sicker than sick. They have the right to do what exactly?
Just explain yourself? Can you? They have the right to shut you up. They have the right to deny your credibility because it conflicts with the right to not like you based on WHAT???!!! I don't like your tall hair, it reeks of male chauvinism. I don't like your eyes because it looks like you abuse alot of cannabis indica. I don't like your statements about freedom therefore until we get rid of you and your family you seem and appear to be a threat to the state. I order you stoned!!!
BUT,.... not really because I respect your right to say it. No matter how stupid it is. Just saying..

edit on 19-2-2012 by sirjunlegun because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:37 AM
is that so...? why are all Muslims confused? because their religion is political in nature.Christianity is not political in any way. if you believe than you do, if you don't than at least we is(or should be) a way of life not a religion.Jesus told his followers to pay their taxes to Cesar... Muslims want Fascism, their goal is to impose their believes upon the rest of mankind... why is it that the media and cartoons can mock Christianity and Jesus Christ but dare not to mock Mohamed or islam?............ the Muslims would go crazy.......and they wine because they are (hated)....not all Muslims are bad, just like not all Jews are bad.lets not judge an entire ethnic group based on a few people.but we shall be aware of the extremes....on all sides.
edit on 19-2-2012 by SOILDERSUNITEDFORCHRIST because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 02:02 AM

is that so...? why are all Muslims confused? because their religion is political in nature.Christianity is not political in any way. if you believe than you do, if you don't than at least we is(or should be) a way of life not a religion.Jesus told his followers to pay their taxes to Cesar... Muslims want Fascism, their goal is to impose their believes upon the rest of mankind... why is it that the media and cartoons can mock Christianity and Jesus Christ but dare not to mock Mohamed or islam?............ the Muslims would go crazy.......and they wine because they are (hated)....not all Muslims are bad, just like not all Jews are bad.lets not judge an entire ethnic group based on a few people.but we shall be aware of the extremes....on all sides.
edit on 19-2-2012 by SOILDERSUNITEDFORCHRIST because: (no reason given)

First. We are not talking about an ETHNIC group. Okay? You don't need to be from Afganastan to be Muslim. Second, Christians have alot to answer for with the Crusades and the needless killing of countless people at the stake. Your religion is not without fault sir. Jesus Christ is seen as a prophet like Muhammad in Islam. Infact the only difference between to the 2 religions is that Muslims believe Christ to be a prophet and Christians believe him to be the actual son of God. There really is no other difference.

I'm so sick of ignorant bible thumpers that refuse to even look at religion and respect it for what it is. The 2 religions were formed at the same time based on the same bs stories that were passed down for thousands of years. Get over it. Your book isn't unique. Infact, the only thing it's done was kill people. That's it.

So go bash your head off the wall at your local church and make sure you step over the homeless man on the way out. Fake Christians make me sick.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by badfish420
I think that picture is hilarious. Does that make me anti muslim?

Furthermore, is there something wrong with being anti-muslim? I'm also anti christian and anti any stupid #ing religion which can be used as a cause for war.

Spot on. There is nothing wrong with being anti-muslim (just like there is nothing world with being anti-christian or anti-theist in general) do not let the modern PC movement convince you otherwise. Religion is plague upon the world.

Originally posted by Scope and a Beam
If people really need to have racism explained to them in this day and age there truly is no hope for the human race.

Islam is not a race, so there is no racism. Islam is a worldview, an opinion. Being anti-muslim is the same as being anti-republican or anti-communist.

edit on 19/2/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 03:17 AM
Yawn...More anti american/western complainers. Btw, yes I'm anti muslim. Islam isn't a religion of peace, no matter how you cut it.
edit on 19-2-2012 by jjjigga because: .

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by phantomjack

Happened much much earlier in the 1950s with the CIA overthrow of their government. The reality is far more complex than Santorum or Fox news would tell you

It is kinda hopeless talking to pin heads that have never read a book.

Anyway, good thread. I respect your position.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by jjjigga
Yawn...More anti american/western complainers. Btw, yes I'm anti muslim. Islam isn't a religion of peace, no matter how you cut it.
edit on 19-2-2012 by jjjigga because: .

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 03:31 AM
I am not anti Islam.. I don't want to be one

Show me one Islamic country which allows you to peruse your own personal religion and your free choice ? Count the number of churches there are in Islamic countries and then go count the number of Mosques there is in any given one European country... While they come to England and other western countries use the freedom of speech over there to spread sharia law and absolutely pathetic view of women which they have.. I don't want to be anti Islam... i really don't want to hate an entire religion, but just look around you and see the facts ? There are Muslims who don;t want Sharia law and who don't want to walk back to stone age, but who wants to speak against an a Riligous leader preaching sharia law who can cut your head of just by shouting "BLASPHEMEH"

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by maddy21
I am not anti Islam.. I don't want to be one

Show me one Islamic country which allows you to peruse your own personal religion and your free choice ? Count the number of churches there are in Islamic countries and then go count the number of Mosques there is in any given one European country... While they come to England and other western countries use the freedom of speech over there to spread sharia law and absolutely pathetic view of women which they have.. I don't want to be anti Islam... i really don't want to hate an entire religion, but just look around you and see the facts ? There are Muslims who don;t want Sharia law and who don't want to walk back to stone age, but who wants to speak against an a Riligous leader preaching sharia law who can cut your head of just by shouting "BLASPHEMEH"

Somebody here who speaks with some sense finally.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 03:42 AM
Free speech as someone above pointed out is only restricted to expressing anything that is withing the perimeters of the accepted norm. As long as you follow the current trend, the current cult you are alright. Today Muslims are the bad guys, the mirror on which to project the frustrations of your inauthentic lives.

For the rest of us, there is constant repression of true free speech.

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