posted on May, 27 2018 @ 05:27 PM
Hello ATS-ers, I'm trying to formally introduce myself on the Introduce Yourself New Member thread, but the "reply" option does not yet appear open to
me, so I'll begin by saying this thread is the entire reason I bit the bullet and joined Above Top Secret. I've been reading and lurking on this
nuclear war dream thread for years, afraid to say anything. Well, here I am.
First, I'm American, and female. I was born in 1970 in Philadelphia. I have suffered nuclear war nightmares for decades and had them before they
were "trendy". I began having them in the late Seventies after a relative read Hal Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth" to me when I was a kid.
The frequency of these dreams skyrocketed during the Reagan Eighties, became even more vivid and detailed during the Nineties, and are absolutely off
the chain ridiculous now in 2018. I had one last night. This one prompted me to finally uncloset and share it here on ATS.
In the dream, I was in England. (Many of these awful dreams take place in England.) I'm a traveled American, have an active passport, and have lived
extensively overseas. But why England?
It was late day, about what in America would be 6:30 P.M. judging by the sunlight but 3:30-4:30 P.M. in Europe. Sunlight is different in Europe than
America, especially Northern Europe. The sun appears to go down earlier and sunlight is to me generally dimmer there than in the States. Days seem
to "end earlier" and more suddenly. So I was on a rustic-looking road, outdoors, walking, no car, facing northeast. On either side of this road were
open fields with a line of trees ending the view in the distance. The season felt like American fall, so it was likely English spring or summer.
From the north, facing south, two jets in soil-colored camouflage came racing down from the sky making kind of a curve as if to strafe someone in the
field or drop off something, flying parallel. I never saw the cargo being dropped but I "knew" in "dream knowledge" they were dropping a nuclear
explosive. The jets did this then raced back up again taking off at maximum speed. I knew right what to do and averted my eyes to east by southeast,
and closed them.
The most immensely bright light I can't even possibly describe lit up everything, even behind my shut lids, turning everything from dark to orange to
white even though my eyes were closed. It made my face very warm then hot. I knew what it was.
The dream instantly "switched locales", and I was in a European city that did not seem to be London but felt British. It was same time of day, people
were around, walking, shopping, living their lives. There was no flash of light but all the electrical power in the shopping plaza began to suddenly
go dead, exactly as in the films Threads and the Day After, in street sections and grids, spot by spot. People complained and watched shopping signs
and advertisements go dead, but then quickly realized what was going on as the sirens began, and began to panic. This was where last night's dream
ended. Believe me, for me this one was tame. I've had hundreds of these dreams and all are far worse. I also accurately pre-dream airline and other
disasters. For two decades now, if I dream of an airline or helicopter disaster, within one week it happens. Vivid. Accurate. Horrific.
I'm tired of them. They're exhausting and demoralizing. So one night I sat in meditation at the fire and asked Native American grandfathers and
grandmothers related to me to please come sit with me and explain to me, "Why am I having these terrible dreams? If they're the future, and in stone
about to happen, what the hell can I do about them? And if I can do nothing about them, why torture me by showing me? In this way, I'm being
murdered by nuclear war hundreds of times before I actually am: isn't this a bit like that Stephen King novella 'Only In French'? Those people were
evil; Wtf did I DO?"
This may be helpful to others here: the grandparents replied that certain people living today are what they call Timewalkers. This means they have
the ability to witness events before they happen, on alternate "timelines" if you will, and meditate, send energy to those timelines and heal them,
and divert them in many cases from happening. According to these elders in my meditation - and trust me, I am nobody so this may mean nothing - this
has something to do with what may be CERN, in Switzerland. The long and short of it was,
1. Certain powerful people have screwed up the fabric of time itself by meddling with ordained events in order to seize or to maintain control, or to
rewrite situations that have happened or are happening, or are going to happen, in order to make things go their way.
2. These people are unqualified in the extreme to be meddling with time and causality in this way. This meddling has cut rifts, or slices, or
"wounds" in what the grandfathers called the "timesky". They said if we could look up and see time, we'd see this cut as a gigantic, almost
labia-like dark tear in the fabric of the night sky above us traveling from horizon to horizon, south to north, 180 degrees. It is ENORMOUS.
3. Certain humbler people were given the gift to "timewalk", follow events to terrible moments and nightmarish future scenes being created, locate
them, trace them to their source causalities of meddling, interfere, meddle back, and heal and repair those timelines. Unfortunately many timewalkers
committed suicide during 1980-now so the number is less than it should be. The bad people intended these suicides. These are the people hounded,
harmed and oppressed for no reason, most often and usually online and by strangers. You are no stranger to them. They know what they're doing. They
want you dead so you can't timewalk, respond as triage to their interference points, and reverse them. It's like a bloody and deadly war the human
eye can't even see.
4. There are more meddled, contaminated timelines leading towards nuclear annihilation for mankind than most of us can possibly comprehend. If we
literally knew how many and how the high the probability is, we would all lose hope. Only the triage workers, the timewalkers, are psychologically
strong enough to be given a taste, a hint of it. But even for those who are such people, the psychic cost is enormous. That's why they are often
weak and wake up scratched, bruised and extremely exhausted physically. Do not take SSRIs to beat this. SSRIs, according to the elders, are poisons
intentionally targeted to timewalkers to drive you mad and to discredit and kill you. TPTB may in fact delete this message.
5. The election of Donald Trump was actually one of the few timeline points broadly not leading directly to nuclear war. I am a Democrat, but
apparently, a Hillary victory would have led to nuclear war because of a miscommunication and a misunderstanding ahead on the timelines. None of us
would be here after 2019. The Trump timeline is still flexible and open to reinterpretation and manipulation. Both sides are at war fighting to
correct the timeline or ruin it.
6. This is why things seem strange, off center and out of whack currently.
I don't spend a lot of time online, but if you have any questions related to this, I will answer them briefly as I can and as I know. I'm not sure if
this is even real. They also told me John Titor was a timewalker and was correct. Just add eight years to all he said.