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If You're Having Dreams About Nukes, I Want To Know About It!

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posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 10:07 AM
i had one again lastnight. multiple explosions, kept hiding felt my skin melting. Saw demons flying. saw one face to face, it was a 10 foot tall being with a mirror mask face. terrifying.

posted on Oct, 21 2016 @ 02:57 AM
I had a really bad dream maybe 2006... I remember that New York had been completely destroyed by a nuclear bomb but the media wasn't reporting on it.. I had to find out through the computer-- I didn't even know about social networking at the time. It continues to give me chills to this day.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:22 PM
Hello ats, lurker since the early 2000's , just now made an account to post in this topic.

This dream was last night 10/23/16

It was very very vivid, full color, senses heightened, I was here in colorado just enjoying a day by the foot hills , right at the edge of the Rocky mountains ,I've lived in and around this area my whole life. I Was watching the news on the porch of the house ( it wasn't my house or any other I've lived in... but it felt like it was my house)

I see a breaking news shot of New York city from what i believe is a helicopter...a silent , blinding bright flash , it dims . Then i see the mushroom cloud for a split second , then a devestating boom. the camera cuts off immediately, the local news anchors are stunned, speechless.

I go outside after I begin to hear a slow dull roar , I look up and see a missile arcing across the sky coming from somewhere here in Colorado... as that is happening I see a missile from elsewhere coming into the city of denver , they almost criss cross paths... as if all nuclear nations are launching everything they have all over the world.

As im seeing this I'm also seeing from above in the sky somehow, and there are just rows of missiles filling the sky... the feel of dread and hopelessness in the dream was beyond real, suffocating and frightening. I was looking for shelter I had a dog following me for some reason . We got to this tiny basement of some house. was holding the dog to comfort us both . I Saw the flash thru the little holes in the wall . Heard an ear shattering crack/boom , room shook for a second then I woke up.

This was last night and it is still in my head, and it's kinda disturbing. Just felt real , the special effects of the missles/explosions the sounds , better than anything hollywood could do. It was intensley realistic .

This would be my 4th or 5th nuke dream.. first one was probably in 02 or 03. Most of the time it's denver that i see get hit ,But In 3 of them NYC was involved in some way I also always see the missiles in the sky , And I'm always in the mountains or close by. The last nuke dream I had was last year I could see multiple mushroom clouds while very high up in the mountains looking out. Didnt die from the blasts but the skies just turned all black

These are really kind of scared because I have had 1 prophetic dream that did actually come true and it haunts me since.. I'll put that up in another topic.

Anyways it's crazy to read how alot of you guys dreams are very similar. I just hope none of them are prophetic...anyone else have Denver or Colorado in their dreams?

guys love the life you live, and live the life you love
edit on 24-10-2016 by JustinMcG00 because: Spelling error

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:42 PM
I did have a dream last night where me an my family were fleeing from something. It's vague but, all I remember is we were fleeing from some sort of event involving an invasion or attack of some kind.

I remember seeing green fumes or something in the sky and flashes while we were driving down south to Florida. Maybe biological or perhaps radiation. It was like a rad storm in fallout 4, if you're familiar, just not covering the whole sky.

But it's on all of our minds right now, so I'm not worried about it. I don't believe dreams are anything to take seriously.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:50 PM
I just found this thread, and it is an interesting conversation.

I, like many of you have had dreams of war in some way. I had a dream years ago about being in my home town and looking to the west and seeing explosions. In the dream I was very scared and did not know what to do. It was a very real dream and even in my waking I was concerned. (after all these years I remember)

When I was in the process of moving, I had a dream about my old house with the windows gone from my bedroom and looking into my back yard, there was water everywhere and powerlines down. And a dead cow laying in my yard.

So I looked up dream interpretation, and it most of the sites where I went to stated that to dream about nuclear explosions can mean we have anxiety about change in our lives.

I don't remember what was going on in my life when I had the first dream, but as I said, the second time I had a vivid dream like that, I was in the process of moving.

Here is a link to one of the sites I checked out.

Thanks Justin for posting in this thread. I never would have seen it.

And Thanks to Fissionsurplus for making this thread back in 2012.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 05:51 PM
I had one the other night.

I was out at my folks' place and there were a few people out there like a family gathering. I remember that it was like we were monitoring flash traffic or something. Something very big and scary was about to go down but it hadn't quite happened yet. I remember someone saying "They just conned each other." When we were staring at two messages and wondering if this was it. Then I remember other messages and people going back and forth and muttering and shaking their heads.

It felt like we were on the verge of missiles flying if they hadn't already and no one could decide if we ought to leave or sit tight, and I remember thinking I ought to get some people working on grounding my folks' old shipping container they use for storage just in case to try to insulate my dad's pacemaker from an EMP burst.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:53 AM
These are crazy!!
edit on 14-2-2017 by WhoKnows2017 because: Whoops

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:19 AM
Hadn't seen this thread pop up in the 'recents' before, but now it has I thought I'd share mine. It was a long time ago, but it remains one of those vivid, realistic dreams that never leaves and just reading the thread title made it come flooding back to me in an instant.

It starts with me running up the ramps in a multi-storey car park, always going higher and higher. I'm holding a girl's hand and pulling her up with me. Not forced, but she just isn't running as fast as me. We finally make it, breathless, to the top floor and look out over a city, although it is not one I recognise. There's a flash and I watch the expanding ring of destruction come ever closer. You know the sort of thing - classic Hollywood image of buildings flattened in its path. Just as it is about to reach us I turn to her and say 'I love you'. Then it hits us (or rather that is the moment I wake up in a cold sweat).

Even though in the dream I only looked at the girl for a second I can still remember every single thing about how she looked, even though it was probably 20 years ago.

Always wondered whether it was a premonition, but the good news is I've never met her. Bad news is I would like to - she was cute!

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: crappiekat

Thanks Justin for posting in this thread. I never would have seen it.

And Thanks to Fissionsurplus for making this thread back in 2012.

I second those thanks!

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 03:44 PM
Only had one of those as far as I recall. If I posted earlier I don't remember it...

Basically hiking or beach-combing at a park I'm familiar with along Lake Michigan when Chicago gets nailed by one. Miles away so it's likely I don't get much more than a sunburn if anything, as this was practically off on the horizon. Noticed it because of the flash, and followed by what looked like a small sun-rise, before it faded into the recognizable cloud. However the thought in the dream was "Oh s###! They really started it." The general feeling there was that any place serving as a major transportation hub or port was fair game and also likely hit. (Chicago has lots of rail and two major international airports.) Thinking about it, I figured the Navy base may be next and that's not quite as far away as where it just went off. (Only a training command, which may explain why it wasn't hit already.) So I'm getting ready to hike back briskly to the car and get the hell out of there, and the wind blows briefly through the trees one way and then after a brief lull it blows the opposite before going quiet again...

I don't recall much after that, as it was one of those odd dreams you wake up from. However the feeling was that I somehow managed to survive that crappy situation by being well away enough from ground zero. (Unlike most other accounts here where the scenario is obviously at a much worse vantage point.) Yet mixed feelings of both dread and freedom to do whatever, since law as we know it would no longer matter.

Also had other dreams about natural disasters (meteor strike?) that were worse from my perspective. Something big hitting that clears out everything. However those don't involve nukes, so I suppose they don't count.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

I think dreams are purely manifestations of your fears or what you are currently exposed to in life.

Nothing more. Turning them into a prophetic insight could be a mistake. You end up living life along a guideline of some sort. Second guessing things maybe you would not normally.

Now asking others to print their Nukes dreams is opening a can of issues. Most on here might be inclined to exaggerate or embellish so they can fit in and be a part of something. The few that MAY be true are nothing more than what I think yours are.

So, will you add other peoples dreams influence your decisions in life (buying things like Iodine and books) and now escalating that new heights or will you remain unbiased and not let it effect you at all?????

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

I had a horrible dream last night about Nukes. Im from the UK and i remember seeing the blast light on the horizon followed by the mushroom cloud tearing into the sky. I remember shielding my eyes and knowing that i had around 15 minutes before the radiation cloud arrived and i had to get somewhere safe.

I joined a small group of people who were headed to a hardened facility and gathered as many of my family together and followed these people.

Once at this massive underground facility, it was accessed by a small steel door on the surface and some members of the group knocked the door. Apparently they had received a text the minute a nuclear device explodes. An Indian gentleman opened the door and initially refused to let some of us in but then relented and we got inside just in time.

Deep underground the facility was done up just like a two story home, painted in bright colours and some cameras beamed images of the outside world onto fake windows complete with pale peach colured curtains and window frame.

I remember looking out onto this projected window at a motorway. I think it was the M27 near to where i live and i saw a scene of utter devestation. Something was raining down and everything was on fire, people burned, cars crashed and burned, it was horrific. I just remember feeling totally numb, not scared, not angry, just numb, thinking of all the people i KNEW hadnt made it and at this point were either dying or already dead. I also spoke to the Indian gentleman who had purchased the bunker in an auction run by the government where only the wealthy could afford to survive, and asking him why we couldnt let others in to save as many as possible. Needless to say i woke up this morning sweating and panting with these very vivid memories, not of a dream, but of a personal experience, like i was REALLY there, almost premonitiary if you like. Still makes my blood run cold now.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 05:43 AM
Had a dream about nukes and warfare last year, think i posted it on someone's thread.

It started like a "normal dream" then suddenly i was transported outside of a building (was really vivid) then the walls started falling apart and bullets and tank shells were everywhere coming towards me, couldn't see who was firing them then all of a sudden a huge light/explosion then everything around me was destroyed, then woke up.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

Good thing you're out there in the high plains, nothing worth bombing in NM.
As far a survival. What you need to know is how to use a gun, and how to filter water.
Basically the two most important things you will ever need to know.
Second most important. How to hide in plain sight.
Third would be shelter and food.
As far as personal dreams. Nothing nuclear, but I do recall this one dream I was in NYC which is not to far from my house. And I remember it was mayhem, everyone was trying to get to the airports to get on planes to leave and planes were fallin from the sky, buildings toppled and fires everywhere, and I remember crossing a bridge and seeing out in the distance in the water, this giant machine like robot looked like a giant mechanical bug like a Beatle or spider. It was shooting this blue plasma fire stuff out its mouth, and then there was this rumbling and quaking and the sea just starting to swallow everyhing as it rose and rose above the land.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 04:56 PM
many people have dreams like that .
What my generation lived was much more then dreams .
See I am 51 so was born on the tail end of the Cuban missile Crisses .
And i rember the air raid sirens going off many times .
I also rember being in school maybe 6 years old at the time with practice nuk war drills .
First the air raid goes off ( you can hear that 5 miles away )
Then the teacher tells us Get UNDER the DESK . ?? ok I am 6 thinking ?/ if they can blow up teh whole school town how does being under a desk save me ? Even then I knew the idea was stupid .
Now as for today and tomorrow well back then 19 kiloton was big mega ton didn't exist yet .
well today there are 3 or 5 special nuks (( what is special about them ?)
every one is over 150 megatons (planet crackers )
all aimed at the poles in orbit and were ever else . So nuks go off its over every government knows this fact .
So they built these to ensure NO ONES lives .
Theses going off is like the planet being hit a by a large comet . EVERY volcanic goes off every falt line goes teh ice caps are melted and create storms with winds of 800 mph tidal waves the very mountains are shook to the ground .
ALL this is AFTER every city has been destroyed by small (( 19 kiloton to 30 mega ton .
Not even mount chesnie can withstand the destruction . So
Just ware are you going to run ?
Withing 5 years only thing left alive will be in deep oceans and caves . Be a million years before anything bigger tehn a rat or grows more then moss will be around again .
And its not a question of if but when . 18 k nuks still in service 40 k nuks can be made ready to go quickly and you think you can run ?
Chances of humans surviving this are dismal indeed ( the best chances are south of the equator .)
North of it 99% destruction within 5 years total .
Run indeed just pray your right under one .

posted on Apr, 14 2017 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

I had this dream a while ago (last year - 2016) about San Francisco being nuked....

The view in which I was seeing this play out put me in Manteca, California, at a church. I was hovering above to see at a vantage point facing west. I could tell that the season was either Spring or Fall, though the the leaves were green, I did see people with warmer clothes on with some with scarves and knitted beanies on. I could see people going about their business and folks driving here and there. The church parking lots were mostly empty.

In just a moment, I looked up towards the west. Over the horizon of the Tracy & Livermore hills I saw a missile coming down. What I witnessed was a military glitch at which a missile defense system hesitated but then shot up two smaller missiles to meet the one coming down above San Francisco.

The defensive missiles came up too short and just above San Francisco the nuke exploded about 1k - 5k feet about the earth. I saw a massive mushroom cloud that had glowed bright yellow and red expand larger as it rose upward. The blue sky around the ball of flames faded as it was replaced with a dark cloud that violently filled the air.

I looked back down towards the bustling town of Manteca witnessed the people in their cars during this early evening stop their cars. Some cars collided as people were not paying attention. People exited stores and filled the parking lots of outdoor malls. Some, even ran from their cars; leaving them were they were once running. The the cries of people went up and the air was filled with screams and confusion.

The church I was at began to receive people running into the church. The staff were greatly overran but people were calmed with the calmness and confidence of the staff. People were asking for answers and knew that their lives were but dust. They cried and listened for every ounce of encouragement and life from each believer of Christ. Then I woke up.
edit on 14-4-2017 by JustGreg because: I accidently capitalized a letter which made things confusing.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 07:18 AM
If you're having war nightmares, I feel bad for you, son.
I got 99 problems but a nuke ain't one.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 08:07 AM
Everytime when I had a dream about nukes I was in some city seeing a nuke with a timer and in panic I was figuring out that dumping it into some very deep sewer should save everyone.
Some few months ago I had a dream that US launched ICBM. I had a feeling that it will fail mid flight and I'll have bad luck enough to be near the impact zone which happened. In my opinion those dreams are rather manifestations of my anxiety then anything prophetic.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:44 AM
Haven't posted on this thread in a while I don't think it means anything but it was definitely influenced by the day and events currently going on but I had a dream back on Easter Sunday. It appeared to be a warm summer evening and I was with my family and girlfriend, we were having a picnic on top of a large hill looking over part of the city out towards the prairies and after eating I was laying on the hill listening to some music with my girlfriend, at one point I got up to get us a couple of beers and after moving some chairs and going through the coolers I started walking past my aunt on the way down and she mentioned to me that she could see two suns in the sunset, I told her to f*** off and that a joke like that wasn't funny (irl I'd find it really funny and would not be angry about something like that) but as I was facing her it got oddly dark for a moment and she told me to turn around, when I did I saw a ball like the sun hovering a few thousand feet above the ground on the outskirts of the city, and I felt very cold all of a sudden before there was a massive flash as the ball exploded creating a massive mushroom cloud, I dropped my beers and ran down to where my girlfriend had been but I couldn't find her and started panicking looking around I saw her father (a major in the military) he told me to go prone facing away from the blast, I did so and tried to ask him where she was but I got no answer and then I felt a strong but cold wind hit me and everything went black and I woke up. I woke up in a cold sweat kinda scared but eventually I fell back asleep. Usually dreams like this don't scare me but this one did for whatever reason.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 08:09 AM
sometimes my dream are so real and scary that i am even afraid to sleep

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