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If You're Having Dreams About Nukes, I Want To Know About It!

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posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 04:16 AM
I've had these dreams as well, more than once.

I live in NYC right now so with that setting in mind, my dreams involved family members all being elsewhere in the city,(note:here in New York City, we call Manhattan "the city." this doesn't include the other 4 boroughs) while I was at home. Wasn't working that day for some reason...

Anyways, it's a bit overcast outside as the day nears it's end, there's even a bit of showers. Everything's fine until there's a loud racket outside. I step out to check on things and see a number of fighter jets screaming by overhead in formation. More loud sounds and I notice a number of missiles then lift off from various locations and stream out towards the same direction that the jets had taken. After that, it's just a chaotic mess off activity as the city is struck 2 (or 3?) times as buildings collapse, smoke rises to further darken the sky, and the rivers running through NYC violently churn from the percussions. Car wrecks, screams, and on it goes...

The other dream that also has come on more than one occasion always involves a large passenger jet that has crashed down somehow into the area behind a school or college of some sort. Also in the evening time, and somehow linked to occur shortly prior to the other events. Numerous firetrucks, frightened mobs. I go to investigate the site (on foot) and upon arriving find it swarming with military personnel. This particular dream doesn't go very far but, like I said, is connected in my dream persona's mind with the other disaster scenario detailed above.

As for actual nukes/mushroom clouds? There's only one that's ignited in the middle of the city that lights up the sky as if it were a bright sunrise/intense evening sunset. This is observed from a fairly close distance in the company of multitudes of people scrambling to get away... until it flashes and the plume rises of course. Then everyone just stops dead in their tracks and stares, all with the same knowledge that they have only moments left to live before it reaches them.

That's my dreamscape. I don't have dreams like these very often but they are certainly unnerving when they occur. 9/11 and all that biz left no emotional scars on me if that's what you're thinking, although I do have a story to share about that too regarding things they never even spoke about on the news..

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 04:20 AM
Just had a dream about a catastrophic failure at a nearby nuclear power station. I was at home, watching the news where the authorities were telling us to seek shelter / evacuate immediately. Apparently the nation was under a cyber attack (by the Chinese?), we had lost control of the reactor and it was spiraling towards a complete meltdown. I also witnessed planes falling from the sky and blackouts that got increasingly worse (initially just flickering, but then entire city blocks going off the grid).

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 04:34 AM
I had a dream last night that i was at my grandads house with a bunch of people then all of a sudden we could see a rocket being launched into the air there was sirens and all the people went into a shelter which my grandad does not have but under his house can fit allot of people because it is high up and this went on till everyone was under the house or in the shelter and i kinda went in there and then everything kind of blanked out after a minute and i didnt think of it but went i saw the rocket in the sky it felt like i could see over all the houses at the rocket taking off and i heard a radio broadcast saying we were under attack and it all kinda happened pretty quick anyway after that i didnt wake up imy dream just kinda went fuzzled. Hatchetman78.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 05:01 AM
I have, for the last year or so, had many dreams about cataclysmic events, most of which involved nukes. What really stands out from those dreams is the intense sensation of being in a huge crowd of people, all of whom are just wandering about with nowhere to go. A lot of them are burned and/or otherwise badly injured. We are all thirsty - worse than thirsty; we are parched and dehydrated. There is plenty of water but we can't drink it because it is tainted. The landscape is barren.

When I was younger, I had TERRIFYING dreams. There was a wailing, like a civil defense siren, and I was always trying frantically to reach home on foot. There were many frantic people running everywhere. Suddenly there would be a loud sound like thunder, but amplified to impossible, deafening volume. It was a boom and a roar all at once, and it started suddenly. It was always followed quickly by a sudden sensation of something like wind, but not wind. It was more of a pressure or an impact, but it kept going. It was powerful enough to tear a body apart. Just as it hit me, I would come back, screaming, into wakefulness. That sound and wind/not a wind is the most frightening thing I've ever encountered. I believe that I was dreaming about being nuked.

I live in a strategically valuable area; we're ripe for the picking. Within a small radius, my area contains a military base, a nuclear power plant, and an intl airport with fighter-friendly runways (obvious strategic importance), and two MAJOR assets valuable for shipping/commerce - Interstate 80 for E - W travel, and the Mississippi River for N - S travel. I've always maintained that if a nuclear strike were imminent, I'd put the kids in the car and drive all of us to the likeliest target, and then sit and wait. Much better to be vaporized than to die a slow death from burns, infection, poisoning or starvation, IMO!

I absolutely believe that we can tap into a collective intelligence/subconscious when we dream, and I'm fascinated by the responses here. I hope that the dreams are simply a way of coping with the fear of cataclysmic events in general, and nuclear annhilation specifically.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 05:20 AM
Just as a side note, I would like to rebuff a comment made by another poster who said it was a waste of time trying to prepare for nuclear war as we would all die..


In the western media the nuclear threat has always been portrayed in an over the top fear mongering way to suggest total destruction.

However proximity to ground zero is proportional to survivability, the truth is that if you survive the blast, with the right measures you can indeed survive..

The key is knowing the half life of the radioactive isotopes which, the most dangerous ones dissapear within hours to days after the explosion.. So intiial shelter is vital.. Then there is getting rid of contamination to yourself or water which, the best thing in the world for that can be found under the topsoil of most gardens.. Clay loam.. You can filter water through it and use it to decontaminate yourself..

edit on 19-2-2012 by EvanB because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by usmc0311

Usually people who don't remember dreams are people who smoke cannabis, once they stop they start remembering everytime.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 05:59 AM
i used to dream about nukes when i was sleeping next to them on deterrent patrols lol do's that count

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:25 AM
I had a dream that I was in small boat alone, rowing toward Europe...and I could see the shore of Iran (somehow)...I heard A whistling in the air, and then BOOM! mushroom cloud annihilates the country. Just a dream though

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Lapislazuli

Are you sure that's not wishful thinking? Hence the smiley afterward. You sound like you want that to happen, how did you know it was Iran? I'm not trying to bash on you but I find that account rather strange...

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:36 AM
I have been having a feeling that soon some humans will have power to over come the detonation switches that make these death devices off with only our minds.A new telepathic power.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

It really raised my eyebrows to see this post this morning. I just had a nuclear dream last night. There were 2-4 mushroom clouds, one major one. I rarely remember my dreams, but last night's was fairly vivid, I remember noting this fact even as I was dreaming it.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:49 AM
Although I have had dreams about bombs going off in my locale, they were fairly vague so I couldn't relay a decent description right now. However, I have had a prophetic dream that came true... This is the dream:

An old friend of mine I hadn't seen for years turned up in a red car outside my house, except it wasn't my house... Very similar but different somehow. He was shouting my name, I heard him and looked out of the window, only to see my old friend waving at me out of this red car. Anymore of the dream is sketchy but there is a point to this...

About three months later, I'm down the street at my friends house. His house is very similar to mine because all the houses on my street were built at the same time but it is slightly different... I hear a car horn and someone shouting my name, I look out the window to see the same old friend as in my dream, hanging out of the window in a red car!

Bare in mind I had not seen this guy in years and we had had a slightly turbulent history before hand.

I think it's worth mentioning that this re-union led down a rabbit hole of further turbulent events that affected my life for the worse...

Was the dream a coincidence? I don't know but I can't help feeling like it was a warning somehow. I had pretty much buried our old friendship because of events involving the fairer sex and then after this dream that came true my life took a further turn for the worst, again, to do with the opposite sex.

I wish I could elaborate a lot more on the exact events but I don't want people involved to know who I am.

I can certainly say from this experience that sometimes, just sometimes we dream the future and I am 100% convinced of that.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:59 AM
Ive had lots of really freaky dreams the last half year or so.. Alien invasjons mostly, and a nuke went off in amsterdam or london, cant really remember. Really scary stuff.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:06 AM
I tell you what is most strange about my doomsday dreams... Im never actually that scared, others around me are in dissary but im thinking properly and confidently.

I would never call a nuke doomsday dream of mine a nightmare, due to the ultra real feeling of it and such high quality memory of it, makes it some what enjoyable - its like im in my own desaster movie at cinemax

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:12 AM
Well Ive had dreams about alien attacks, meteorites, nuclear attacks, tidal waves, large tornadoes, zombies etc etc.

So I guess we are gonna have a nuclear zombie apocalyptic future.

Lets think logically for a second. A lot of us visit ATS which has a big Doomsday following and tons of threads about just that. We have tons and tons of video games, movies, tv shows (Jericho, walking dead just 2 examples) books, even some music based on end of world scenarios through war, disease, zombies, 2012, etc etc you name it we have thought about it.

Now with all the end of world scenarios being pumped into you constantly by different sources and media consciously and sub consciously would it be safe to assume that hell yeah your gonna dream about bad stuff?

I think any logical person would have to agree.
edit on 19-2-2012 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
reply to post by Lapislazuli

Are you sure that's not wishful thinking? Hence the smiley afterward. You sound like you want that to happen, how did you know it was Iran? I'm not trying to bash on you but I find that account rather strange...

Um, I don't want that to happen. The smiley was just to elude to the fact that maybe it was a dream that could come true in the near future. Also, as in most dreams, it was a "feeling" that it was Iran. I knew it was.
edit on 19-2-2012 by Lapislazuli because: (no reason given)

eta: I would never wish a nuke on anyone friend.
edit on 19-2-2012 by Lapislazuli because: ETA

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Hey now, Joel the K here. Very interesting thread indeed. I have 2 dreams to share. One of them i have had several times in the past 3-6 months. I'll start with that one: In the dream I am in my home when I sense a rumbling outside. I go out the front door, down the porch steps and into the yard. I look up to the sky. What i see then is terrifying. I see rows of aircraft, flying to war. They are flying in formation. The dream is so vivid I can see details on the plane's under-bellies. Most of them are long range offensive aircraft with some smaller escort craft. The noise they make is nearly deafening. In the dream it dawns on me that this is "IT", that world war III has begun. There are no nukes per se in my dream, but there is world war so I thought it was relevant.
In my other dream, there is a massive earthquake during a terrible storm. I am away from home. I survive the storm/quake but untold numbers did not. The thing I recall most, what made it so very real, is that i remember seeing hundreds of people huddling near some rubble, all of them with their cell phones, black-berries, i-pads etc..etc..., all trying to call loved ones and make sure they survived. I'm not a cell phone guy at all. I still have a $10 pre-paid Dollar Store cheapo phone, just for emergencies. I hardly ever use it. So it was weird for me to dream about all of those cell phones. It was so real. Anyway, those are my dreams related to your thread. Thanks. Sincerely, Joel the K

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

I had a dream that one big nuclear bomb ( mushroom shaped) was going off about 25 miles away from me form my bedroom window ( I live on a big hill with the fields surrounding me so can see for miles and miles, towns cities and villages. I was there with my mum, sister, her boyfriend and my girlfriend watching and me saying '' this is the beggining of the end'' then I woke, really scary and it freaked me out.

Have you had any other dreams about it?


posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 08:57 AM
Albuquerque New Mexico. Dream/vision/saw whatever..that its 'gone' big explosion.wind..percussion..devestation.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 09:54 AM
Laugh all you want but I have been doing Ed Dames's LearnRV dvds and on the third dvd he split the class in two and gave one half, and the users of the dvd, just the "target reference number" and the other half was "front loaded" meaning they got a phrase to remote view. Remember all I got was a set of numbers. The phrase/target turned out to be "U.S. mainland/next deadly foreign terrorist attack" My final drawing for this was a large missile with people working hard at the controls on the ground in a fenced compound with some kind of high energy source linked to the missile. I did not know what I was drawing. I thought near the end of the session that it might be a rocket launch into outer space but felt strongly that no body was inside the missile. And that is exactly what I drew, a large missile....nuclear? I do not a side note, I am very impressed with the remote viewing sessions so far, way beyond chance to have been getting so close, and even right on, target.

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