posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:34 PM
I have been having some very crazy dreams myself, but to be honest I think there is something deeper here. I mean no offense by this, it is just an
observation. It seems to me that a lot of Christians seem to have dreams like this from time to time and when you get around other like minded folks
it tends to get blown out of proportion. You see people who think the same as you, have the same dreams as you, ect.. Growing up a Christian I know
that I was taught about end times so this is something in our subconscious. I think what happens is we incorporate things that are happening in the
rest of the world, in the news, from the people around us and mix it with our religious beliefs. Given your core belief of being a Christian, mix it
with the news, other conservative Christians around you, the fact that you come to a conspiracy site (that alone says something about the types of
dreams we have I think) and events currently going on in the world then it only makes sense that your subconscious would create such a dream. I
know that my dreams change when I am on ATS too often as crazy as that sounds.
Now don't get me wrong, I completely believe in prophetic dreams. My Grandpa used to have dreams that came true all the time. Since I was little I
have had dreams that come true as well. Example, when I was in 4th grade I told my mom all about this dream I had. It was a little blond boy about
2 years old and that I knew he was my son. I wrote it in my journal and talked to my mom about it for a long time. I drew a picture for her to show
her what I saw and she said "oh that looks like your uncle Larry & Aunt Deanna's house". Fast forward 30 something years and I'm in my front
room, glance over to the dining room to see my 2 year old climbing up into a chair at the table. Instantly I flashed back to that dream I had in 4th
grade, it was my son. Exact details, the room, the table, the chairs, the little boy, everything was identical! I called my mom and told her all
about it and she told me she remembered me telling her all about dream. She was out of state, but was planning on coming up to visit. Two weeks
later when mom arrived we pulled up to the house, actually a duplex, but she sat there stunned and said "This used to be your uncle Larry & Aunt
Deanna's house!!" I always thought that place seemed a bit familiar, but didn't know why. I had been there when I was just a year old, right
before we moved out of state because dad joined the navy.
Recently I had a dream that a nuke went off, but it seemed further north of me like up in Wyoming or Montana maybe. I am in Colorado, but I remember
it seemed to come from north of us. Everyone along the front range died in that dream, but the odd thing was standing around afterwards and most
people didn't realize they were dead. What I remember most about it is the wind or well, I suppose it wasn't wind actually. It was the force of
the blast probably, I can't think of what they call that off hand. But it just wiped everything out so fast, just in an instant it was over so
people didn't even have time to know what was going on.