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FEMA Friends Will Be Gone "For Some Time"

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Vinny5036
I have two friends who both work for FEMA here in Illinois. I periodically touch base with them to see what's going on in the state and in the nation. These guys have worked all over from 9/11 to Katrina to Joplin tornadoes this past year. Both of these guys I have know for about 9 years now and have always been on the up and up with me.
In past meetings they've always said that if they deemed it necessary, no matter what, they would care enough to tell their closest friends and family if something was coming down the pipe.
Well, yesterday I stopped by to chat for a bit while out and about. I seriously don't want to give too many clues to whom they may be. There are things I could mention that if the right person where to pick up on this, they would be found without a doubt. In any case, we were standing in the kitchen shooting the bull and I asked them " don't you guys get enough of each other at work that you hang out when your home too..?" They told me they were leaving tonight for "some time" down to the Illinois-Missouri-Tennessee area. I asked them what was going on and was told that if what happens that they think is going to happen, it's going to be a big quagmire. They said that they've been training for many months on the fault zone of New Madrid and that it could happen sooner than later.
I got this big lump in my throat. "So a big earthquake possibly?" He said if this thing "breaks loose" like they've predicted, it will bring massive casualties to big cities in the midwest including Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Louisville, etc. Natural gas pipelines will rupture causing uncontrolled fires along with several nuke plants taking massive damage as well. They said that the massive chaos could be enough to declare a Marshal Law situation. Many communications will be down so the panic of not knowing whats going on will cause widespread looting and disorder. The power grid will certainly be affected as well.
This is my first thread, so please folks, what do you think about this?? I trust these guys 110% because they're very good friends and they're family men. They really don't even like the government that they work for.
I left there very frightened and tense. I have no reason to believe ever that they would make this up. They're straight up people, they just work for the wrong side.
Does anyone think there is any validity to the subject besides myself? Any threads lately backing what they're claiming??
Please, go easy on me, I'm not a fear mongerer, just a father and a husband who cares about his family and the people that surround me.

So your post is dead on! Your sources are dead on. What worries me the most about this is, how do they now know where earthquakes are going to hit? seeing how a 4.0 hit there this morning? are you able to get in touch with them and see if that was just 1 of more to come or if the big one was a little less than first predicted? I find it nerve racking that they knew 4 days prior where to go for an earthquake!! anyone else find this to be f*cked up????? thank you for your post and your willing to share your obvious trustworthy sources.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by oghamxx

That would be Lt. Col. Tom Bearden:

Retired Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army Tom Bearden is a theorist of a collection interacting processes in energy technology, mind-matter interaction, electromagentic-biological effects, and unified field theory concepts.

Quite interesting to listen to for certain. He is widely portrayed as a fringe thinker much like Richard C. Haogland.

Lots of trollishness generally follow any posting about either of these two so do not be surprised to see something similar if the topic is discussed further.


reply to post by SunLife

AFAIK, there was never an actual purchase order issued.

Here is the thread about the RFI:

Is It Strange That FEMA Wants to Buy 140 Million Packaged Meals?

And here is the RFI:

Solicitation Number: HSFEHQ-11-R-Meals Notice Type: Cancellation

Synopsis: Added: Jan 20, 2011 11:54 am The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):

- Serving Size - 12 ounce (entree not to exceed 480 calorie count); - Maximum calories - 1200 and/or 1165 per meal; - Protein parameters - 29g-37g kit; - Trans Fat - 0; - Saturated Fat - 13 grams (9 calories per gram); - Total Fat - 47 grams (less than 10% calories); - Maximum sodium - 800-930 mg

Note the the request is listed as "Cancelled"

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by CaptMorgan316

Originally posted by ANGELA111

edit on 21-2-2012 by ANGELA111 because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue Feb 21 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: The use of ALL CAPS

Truly amazing. Posted at 3:31am and the quake happens at 3:58am. I bet that's 27 minutes of her life she wishes she could take back. Who is laughing now?
edit on 21-2-2012 by CaptMorgan316 because: (no reason given)

exactly. the OP was proved correct and the idiot with all caps should hang their self Thank God it was only a 4.0. hahahahhahahahhaha. Glad that people out there have resources that do believe in helping and sharing information.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by crankyoldman
I haven't seen this brought up: We'll assume the poster's experience is true and correct for a moment.

The story means that someone in a controlling position within the government has access to information that could predict a catastrophe - in this case an earthquake. Think about this for a minute, they know it is going to happen and say nothing to anyone but the team responsible for cleaning up.

It has been said that FEMA was in NY prior to the events of 9-11. If we take that at face value, then we can conclude one of two things: They know when things are going to happen via some predictor mechanism, which could range from psychics to computers, or, they know things are going to happen because someone is causing things to happen and informing the clean up crew.

If the OP story is correct, these facts are disconcerting to say the least. If the OP is making stuff up or has been played upon in some way - well.....

Your thought process went directly where mine the hell did FEMA know to respond to this area. The OP and his sources were correct as we saw this morning...4.0. Now I must know how they were able to predict this to be within 4 days. I'm thinking we all need friends in FEMA so we know what the f*ck is really going on!!!! It really bothers me that our government knew about this and sent FEMA for clean-up and not to try to evacuate!!!

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

The story means that someone in a controlling position within the government has access to information that could predict a catastrophe - in this case an earthquake. Think about this for a minute, they know it is going to happen and say nothing to anyone but the team responsible for cleaning up.

Predict? or Create? I noticed HAARP activity yesterday in the area. HAARP status

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:02 PM
I think it's quite possible the 4.0 was just a warmup. Guess we'll see, is FEMA still there and for how long?

I live in Missouri about 250 or so miles NW of Sikestone, didn't feel a thing, but can imagine what might happen to St. Louis and maybe even the reactor in Fulton and areas closer to the fault line(s).

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by jadedANDcynical
Note the the request is listed as "Cancelled"

is that CONFIRMED ???
because I believe otherwise.

Right after I heard about this order being placed,
I went to Mountain Foods website which was
the contractors supposedly filling this order
and I tried to buy some food. I was UN-successful.
There was an out-of-stock sign on many of their
products. And the wait period to order certain items
was over a month. I saw this with my own eyes.
I may have taken a screen-shot of this, can't remember
but I will go looking for it cause I thought it odd that
a large food distributor would be out of stock on so
much of it's products and to have a month long
wait. I eventually had to go to another food distributor.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

I agree with you, the more interesting thing is how the stratification and compartmentalization of the systems pretty much prevent anything leaking out in a meaningful way. That, in many ways, is remarkable. While despicable, it is remarkable.

I remember a story about a group of people way back, south america I think, that never found themselves in any kind of war - during times of war. They were able to remote view, possibly astral project accurately, and see what the waring factions were going to do - then they simply moved to avoid the trouble. I bring this up because it isn't such a horrible thing to know what might happen and do something about it, rather then insist on allowing things to happen and profiting from the pain and destruction.

But they all worked together, and these days a sample Black Friday sale tells us this is not in our reality at this time.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
I am no where near any of the highlighted areas, yet Casablanca never appeared in my theaters either.

Of course you didn't see Casablanca at a theatre near you. It's only showing one night and that night will be on March 21st, 2012. I should have stressed that a little more. And no, it's not only those two things that I'm basing the dead zone theory on. It's 20-25 years of seeing things go away from here when everybody else still has the same choices. A lot of quasi-insignificant things like product selection and a lot of bigger things like businesses and services.

As far as the 4.0 quake this morning, to me that wasn't anything to get worried over, in itself. We had one about 40 miles from home just a couple years back that was 5.4 and it really shook some things, but didn't do all that much damage. I mean, a person can live with a few cracks in the outside walls of your house, right? What does have me concerned is that the 4.0 could just be a percursor. If a "big one" should hit, the government and FEMA could say, "Well, there were indications of it, we had those smaller ones right before it hit...."
edit on 22-2-2012 by TrulyColorBlind because: Fixed coding mistake on the quoted section.

edit on 22-2-2012 by TrulyColorBlind because: Edit to add a word I had left out.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:05 AM
All you had to say was Martial Law
To tip me off that it'll be an inside job via "fracking" or whatever.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Detour

List of vendors who responded to the RFI, which does not even include Mountain Foods.

Last Name First Name Contractor Business Types NAICS Codes

Blandford Dave

INNOTECH PRODUCTS, LTD. 311 NORTHLAND BLVD CINCINNATI, OH 452463690 USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 5137723066

For-Profit Organization, Manufacturer of Goods, Contracts, S Corporation 424490

Cantu Brenda

LABATT INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY COMPANY, INC 4500 INDUSTRY PARK DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 782185405 USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 8003248732

For-Profit Organization, Contracts 424410

Frederick Clark

RESEARCH FUSION FOUNDATION 5844 APPLEGARTH LN RALEIGH, NC 276148852 USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 9195646202

Minority-Owned business, Veteran Owned Business, Nonprofit Organization, Foundation, Hispanic American Owned, Contracts and Grants

311991, 524292, 541519, 541611, 541612, 624210, 922190

Gordon Lenna

CASS VENTURES, INC. 1505 SOARING HAWK PT ATLANTA, GA 303393169 USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 6782966425

Minority-Owned business, Self-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business, For-Profit Organization, Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business, Women-Owned Small Business, Woman-Owned Business, Native American Owned, Contracts and Grants, S Corporation

311423, 311615, 311991, 311999, 424420, 424440

Montgomery Peter

American Preparedness Center 2150 Northwest Parkway Suite R Marietta, GA 30067 US Email: [email protected] Phone: 8777217737

For-Profit Organization, Service Provider, Research and Development, Limited Liability Company

315999, 423450, 423910, 424490, 451110, 493190

Randolph Kim

DAVIS SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 7800 E 24 HIGHWAY KANSAS CITY, MO 641251345 USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 816-241-7733

Minority-Owned business, Self-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business, For-Profit Organization, Veteran Owned Business, Black American Owned, Contracts and Grants

311991, 312112, 325611, 325612, 326199, 326299, 333319, 339994, 423450, 423840, 423850, 424130, 424690, 561720

Wilson Melissa

ADVOCACY AND RESOURCES CORPORATION (ARC) 435 GOULD DR COOKEVILLE, TN 385064180 USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 9314327585

AbilityOne (formerly JWOD) Nonprofit Agency, Nonprofit Organization, Manufacturer of Goods, Contracts 333993/

You could also contact them directly if you are intersted:

Synopsis: Added: Jan 27, 2011 3:59 pm This RFI is being cancelled in its entirety effective as of 4 pm Eastern Time on January 27, 2011.

Contracting Office Address: 500 C Street SW Patriots Plaza -- 5th Floor Washington, District of Columbia 20472

Primary Point of Contact.: Julieann L. Phillips, CONTRACTING OFFICER [email protected] Phone: 202-646-3234 Fax: 202.646.1765

Notice Details page indicating cancellation.

edit on 22-2-2012 by jadedANDcynical because: second ex source

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 07:28 AM
I have been following this thread, I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but the quakes back in 1811-1812 occurred over a period of three months, maybe even longer. The largest and most damaging at end.
But what if they knew to go there because they noticed some very faint small movement taking place.
Maybe in this area they start small and end with the big one, so maybe they have good reason to be expecting something to happen, and look I was quite surprised at the 4.0 now what's next.
I remember that one in Kentucky,back in 70s 80s when ever it happened, it made my cabinet doors rattle, in Detroit.

Hey and how did that Indian Tecumseh, know that quake was going to happen, and the comet that had come a month before was a sign of some sort?
I will go to Detroit and stomp my foot and knock down all the house's in wherever, start of Indian war.

I don't know but maybe Tecumseh knows same people FEMA knows?

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by 1ibl2ibs
I'm pretty sure no one has mentioned this yet, but there was a 4.0 in Missouri last night. 4.0. In Missouri.

That would be New Madrid Fault Zone.

In Missouri.


To conclude, Missouri. 4.0. Breaking news.

So just to make sure I understood you correctly ...
is that a 4.0 in Missouri ?

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 08:21 AM
yes a 4.0..and Va had a 3.4 as questions is this now over and does anyone know if fema is still there..if fema pulls out then im thinking its maybe over..but if fema is still there then we have to wait..

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 10:29 AM

I think my sarcasm was just bypassed.... never mind

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by jadedANDcynical

Sorry but the guy I heard on Coast to Coast was retired NAVY. The main topic was the claimed suicide of Defense Sec James Forrestal in 1949 Forrestal was a part of MJ-12 and was going to go public on UFO and alien contacts. This was before the Navy guy got into seismic detection development, originally to detect Russian bombs, later submarines. He also mentioned having spent time at the Jet Propulsion Lab and other interesting areas such as the canopy of water theory.. He claimed that much later in his career the Navy had deployed a series of satellites that gave the earth a constant MRI like scan to detect nuke explosions and they could use it to accurately predict quakes. They did not/have not gone public as the technology is classified. Maybe today they warn FEMA of potential big quakes?

I recall him saying that a very early prototype detector was the liner of a thermos bottle, a rubber band and a paper clip. It could detect a fly landing on a railroad track 30 feet away! WOW He was on the team which was using a bowl shaped quarry (a giant detector) just outside a prison in Michigan when they were able to detect a Russian H bomb and immediately phoned the president

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Plumbduff

I am just glad you got mine.

And for the record, it WAS a Missouri.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:29 PM
The “once in 500 year” flooding of the Mississippi river over the New Madrid fault line is part of a campaign directed against the American people, according to multiple intelligence agency (MI6, CIA, FSB, Japan Security police) sources. The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a “nuclear emergency” involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. The best way to derail this plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington D.C., is to widely announce and denounce these plans in advance.

The people planning this attack are the same ones who orchestrated the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster attack on Japan. The attack on Japan involved long term planning. A suitcase nuclear device was brought in by sea to a remote island in the Okinawan archipelago before being brought to Kyushu by a fishing boat, according to a whistleblower within the group that smuggled in the weapon. The weapon was then taken by car to a property in Hinode, Tokyo owned by former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. From there it was taken to the Chosen Soren (North Korean) headquarters in Tokyo before being transferred to the deep ocean drilling ship the Chikyumaru, according to the whistleblower. The bomb was then placed in a hole drilled 10 kilometers into the seabed off the coast of Japan where it was exploded, thus triggering the earthquake and tsunami. The subsequent “nuclear accident” was sabotage intended to provide a cover story for the radiation released by the bomb.

The investigative trail goes from there to George Bush Senior and his mafia gang as well as US Senator J. Rockefeller. If the American people wish to prevent a greater tragedy than the one that hit Japan, they must arrest these and other Washington D.C. criminals.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by PageAlaCearl
The “once in 500 year” flooding of the Mississippi river over the New Madrid fault line is part of a campaign directed against the American people, according to multiple intelligence agency (MI6, CIA, FSB, Japan Security police) sources. The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a “nuclear emergency” involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. The best way to derail this plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington D.C., is to widely announce and denounce these plans in advance.

The people planning this attack are the same ones who orchestrated the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster attack on Japan. The attack on Japan involved long term planning. A suitcase nuclear device was brought in by sea to a remote island in the Okinawan archipelago before being brought to Kyushu by a fishing boat, according to a whistleblower within the group that smuggled in the weapon. The weapon was then taken by car to a property in Hinode, Tokyo owned by former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. From there it was taken to the Chosen Soren (North Korean) headquarters in Tokyo before being transferred to the deep ocean drilling ship the Chikyumaru, according to the whistleblower. The bomb was then placed in a hole drilled 10 kilometers into the seabed off the coast of Japan where it was exploded, thus triggering the earthquake and tsunami. The subsequent “nuclear accident” was sabotage intended to provide a cover story for the radiation released by the bomb.

The investigative trail goes from there to George Bush Senior and his mafia gang as well as US Senator J. Rockefeller. If the American people wish to prevent a greater tragedy than the one that hit Japan, they must arrest these and other Washington D.C. criminals.

Could you provide sources Please??

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Vinny5036

There is no source, just like there is no source to your story of FEMA friends.

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