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Reconnecting To Our True Essence and Unconditional Love

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman

Yeah, that's pretty much how I see it too. You see this done a lot with modern western psychologists using Buddhist/Hindu terms. They use catch phrases such as: mindfulness, enlightenment and liberation as if they are talking purely from a Buddhist/Hindu perspective. But the thing is, they aren't. They are only using these words because they are loaded with sensationalism in peoples minds right now, and they understand it will attract people and give a sense of credence to their own egoic perspective. The word "love" is the same. Everybody says they know what it truly means yet they use it so sweepingly and recklessly that it is quite obvious they haven't really gone into what that word means, at least within our culture.

And you make a great point about the word love in other languages/cultures. The ancient Greeks used three words for love to clarify between absolute acceptance/approval/submission (say for a God or a higher ideal), an attraction/desire/want/lust (for a person or an object) and a virtuous form of respect. And the ancient Hindus were even more direct, saving the word "love" for only describing the absolute of reality (removing all self-identity from the word, ie. there was no "I love..."), while using words like compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, empathy, desire, lust... for more 'earthly'/personal topics. But as you said, our culture just sweepingly uses this word for all of these things like it really has no specific meaning at all.

"I love beer"
"I love Jesus"
"I love monday night football"
"I love everyone and everything"


edit on 18-2-2012 by LifeIsEnergy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:40 AM
You can lead a horse to love but you cannot make him feel it. Love cannot be expressed or labeled it must be felt and once this happens there is no need for debate over the word any longer for one realises no words truly suffice.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by Th0r

but then if it is a feeling it is definitely proving that love do not exist
any is through the free fact of its absolute realisation terms

so if love is through feeling reality which is a fact concerning opposite feelings and all kind of different ones, then love do not exist

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:40 AM
Thank you for taking the time to make such a heart-warming thread.

While I believe I possess great levels of empathy for my fellow human beings, there is still a long way to go for me to discover and radiate Unconditional Love. Do you have any recommendations for those of us seeking to connect with our Higher Selves and experience this Unconditional Love?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
Thank you for taking the time to make such a heart-warming thread.

While I believe I possess great levels of empathy for my fellow human beings, there is still a long way to go for me to discover and radiate Unconditional Love. Do you have any recommendations for those of us seeking to connect with our Higher Selves and experience this Unconditional Love?

This is actually a fantastic question and one I would probably ask myself, since we do have to experience it for ourselves.

Being in these human shells/ bodies we are stuck with the one thing that is thought to protect us, but holds us back, The Ego. We need to learn to quiet that monstrosity of an entity down, so we can experience who we truly are, and to do this can be a challenge.

Here is my technique, in fact, it's the same technique I have used for years to project, or have OBE's, but instead of trying to project, you will just remain still and feel the true essence of your being. The results over the years have amazed me, because I have felt many things I normally would not feel in my waking hours. The extended results infuse the body with the much needed "unconditional love", even though it does not seem to last it is available. I have many times been overwhelmed by the amount of this beautiful energy that is always there, it does not matter where we are located, where we are financially, or who we are, it's always there.

We are so caught up in the physical we forget/or ignore our energy body. Our energy body is actually the one suppose to be in charge, but our Ego's start to take over very early in life. Ego's are not suppose to be over-riding source 100%, but to experience duality we allow it.

Ego's are temporary and will not follow us. Want proof? Go to a graveyard lots of physical shells left behind, so ask yourself who is in charge.

OK, now the technique.

You'll need to find a place of quiet where you won't be disturbed for about 1 hour.

It's a very simple technique. Focusing on a single bit of energy inside you, if you can sense anything else besides your true essence your stuck in the mental/ego/logical mind. Nothing wrong with that because it's your mind not allowing you to let go.

Our physical shells/minds/ego's are only a temporary experience (Life), they will never truly trump your higher-self, or the true you, but they will do their best to trick you.

I completely understand the discomforts of releasing to the higher-self, it's a bit of a roller coaster, but like I said if you focus on that one sparkle of energy within, then allow it to expand, you will find your true essence/ higher-selves.

Lie still, on your back, hands to your sides. Make sure that you have nothing binding on like belts, tight pants, hats, shoes, etc. Put on a pair of sweats, but make sure you physical body has nothing to distract it, or draw attention to that area while in meditation.

Next take in a couple of long deep breaths, hold them to the mental count of 10 and release. Allow the body and mind to relax and let go. Do the breaths until you start to feel a tingling sensation in your fingers. or hands because this is the area of the physical body most people will feel their energy body at, but some may find it elsewhere.

Now once you have this sensation allow it to grow or expand, our true essence is just waiting for us to allow it to reboot our physical shells and recharge our batteries. This is the only way I can describe it for the skeptics.

Feel the energy expanding 3 to 5 feet passed your physical shell/body, on all sides, and you'll become larger than your body, kind of like a balloon blowing up. Feel the warmth. The warmth will travel everywhere in your body, sometimes I have felt so much love and warmth it was over-whelming and woke up before it traveled through my whole body.

I believe what this technique accomplishes is that it fools the mind/logic/ego, and then allows your higher self to take the reigns, or remember that it's the one truly in charge.

Good luck to you all, I really want everyone reading this to experience their true selves.

Peace Out,


edit on 18-2-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Akragon

A friend of mine experienced a series of channeling episodes via automatic writing that speaks to our true essence and unconditional love: emotion and enlightenment, the reason for being, Atlantis and the polar shift, the Mayans, pyramids and portals, war, Jesus and Buddha, and more. The spirit spoke about the questions of the ages and then simply left. The link is free; no one gets anything other than the pleasure of getting out the message for 2012. We neither endorse or reject the words in the 35-page manuscript:

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Our true selves, if we choose will be revealed to us very soon, some have already connected to their higher selves, and some will continue to desire another reality. Our choices are not right, or wrong just what the true self wishes to experience and except.

Peace Out,

I not only think some of your words are wrong (choices to write them) but I think that telling the world them is a sin because it keeps them ignorant.

Our choice are right, and are wrong. Love is a noun and a verb. Living mammals have minds. Love involves action. The world does not know this. It is our job to not tell them, but to show them.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by greyer
Love involves action. The world does not know this. It is our job to not tell them, but to show them.

Agreed, but look around the world does this look like "love"? It is difficult for one to show love, when they have forgotten what it truly is. Most people are miserable, but they don't know how to change it.

Have you ever been around a person that just projects love, and they don't need to say or do anything they just have that good energy about them?

The word "Love" has been used for many things good and bad, but again words mean almost nothing, it's about the feeling and projecting, IMO, but first one will have to connect to their higher-selves.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Th0r
You can lead a horse to love but you cannot make him feel it. Love cannot be expressed or labeled it must be felt and once this happens there is no need for debate over the word any longer for one realises no words truly suffice.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

This is the whole point of my OP, one must find this feeling/energy themselves.

Thanks for the brilliant wording.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
Thank you for taking the time to make such a heart-warming thread.

for a silly question this is more silly answer

to experience unconditionnal love u must realize absolute conditionnal hate

when u clarify objectively the reason of what can not exist, by how it cant be true in truth maths terms, and once u realize it in absolute objective terms, by proving urself disconnected totally from subjectively and realistically with ur environement, then what left is u as an entity free eager to perceive anything positive

it is as silly as the question for what it cant exist

but let me show how it is the only answer possible in truth conception so hypothetic terms

loving is always making u more then what u r perceiving positively, since it is u that mean smthg superiority so objectively in truth since all is in absolute terms, meaning more generate the sense of being more
and this sense of being more become the present fact in need of its reality in absolute terms

so unconditionnal positive mean is impossible

while if u mean smthg being negative, then it cant be related to u nor to truth when truth is objective positive fact reality, so u and truth are saved as u r by perceiving smthg negatively, u dont change and reality dont change either
that is why surely in depth evil increase its powers while it is the most dumb and vulgar freedom

so it proves how love is never any answer, on the contrary it increase hate condition always

if negative and free inferiors wills didnt exist then of course talking about ur positive feelings is to ur freedom rights but truth will have nothing to do with it

truth matters is out of positive superiority constancy from ever to always more free

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Agreed, but look around the world does this look like "love"? It is difficult for one to show love, when they have forgotten what it truly is. Most people are miserable, but they don't know how to change it.

Have you ever been around a person that just projects love, and they don't need to say or do anything they just have that good energy about them?

The word "Love" has been used for many things good and bad, but again words mean almost nothing, it's about the feeling and projecting, IMO, but first one will have to connect to their higher-selves.

Yes yes yes. You indeed have not forgotten what love truly is.

It is difficult to show love to the world because feelings make our souls vulnerable. You're right love is a word that is tossed around so much, people think it is just sexual. The one thing that so many of us forget is that all action regardless of what in reality is projecting our spirit. This earth is magical. You may not be able to approach someone and please their mind, especially if they are having a bad day, but if you know these secrets you can please their soul. Even to a person who has completely rejected the idea of loving other people, he is a hater and just doesn't like people, you can even please his soul. So we have to look at the difference between our mind and our souls.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

I'm empathic as well. I've had those unconditional experciences many times. Scary, Draining, yet the experience in being a part of "The Big Picture" ? Learning and the Joy!

What i don't like about empathy? When you least expect it. It's happening!

And yes.. I do like the song "Unconditional Love" by Donna Summer !

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:36 AM
Now I am realizing that the reason why I am going insane is because I am not loved. It is such a strange setup because it is not that I am not loved, but that the world does not love me. And even at that, the world does love me. So why cannot this soul find unconditional love? I pop in the world, I am loved, I am not in the world, I am loved. But at the same time I cannot be loved. In the world I am not loved and there is nothing I can do. Love exists in the world, love exists in me. But love does not exist for me, love is not given to me.
edit on 19-2-2012 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by greyer

The only love that can or does matter is your love for yourself. Find that love and love will flood into your life. The problem is very clearly that you have not discovered this yet or you would not even feel that way to begin with. Your own love is everything.

Look into yourself. Look at the things about you that you love or really like a lot. Then find the things that you pretty much like and *accept them*. Then consciously move them all up to things you love about you. Then find the things that are just okay about you and look at them with love. Love those things about you, move them to the group with things you love about you and before long you will that group of things you love about yourself will be of a good size. Keep doing that. If and when you find things that you really dislike or even hate about yourself, explore them further. Look at why they bother you. Try to consciously change them. If you can't, then accept them. Gradually you can move those too to the group of things you love about yourself. Before you know it, you will love yourself entirely. Your life will be filled with love.

Even when you start this process, just the act of identifying thing about yourself that you love will improve your outlook. If you were the only person on Earth and you hated yourself, you would experience life as you do now, devoid of love. But if you were to experience it with love for yourself, your world would be full of love, beauty, miracles.

We all start off loving ourselves as children. Gradually we take in signals from external sources, before we're really conscious of doing so, that can start to degrade our self-worth and self-love. You don't have to accept those external signals. They may not have even been meant for you or you may have a predisposition to self-criticism. But that doesn't make those things true or even relevant to you in any way. You choose your perspective. No one else can do that for you. Looking for love from external sources will never work. You have to be your own best friend.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

i disagree totally, it is obvious that u love one existence, the fact that u exist is ur own love source, that is why u found the intelligence to prove how u can be existing as one perfect to urself

loving the concept of existence as for urself is not right, it is surely not wrong when any is only in absolute terms so it is not absolutely wrong but it is surely not right at all

im sure that u cant figure that conscious could mean smthg different then existence or being existing

while if u look objectively u would see that the majority of people are the living proof of what i say

hating oneself of course is negative fact as actually it is impossible in truth, so it is undirectly the sign of absolute evil life effects on everything and everything awareness free senses

love is all to living sense out of objective sameness, so it proves mathematically how a free conscious cant love itself but if it is an evil one

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by absolutely

objective sameness in the unconscious conception of truth being objective positive superiority sameness fact, including oneself and the free conscious or awareness sense, but living sense is mostly about objective truth value, that make the awareness move forward mechanically meaning unconsciously how all and any is right and safe and free while really superior result

but what u preach is about the right to subjectively create a perfect person from ur own will and freedom which is by definition evil, since u r clearly meaning to abuse objective facts for ur own self, self is all u it is ridiculous to mean to make it from what is there unless u r evil, meaning to reject any and all objective present for one u

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 11:43 AM
Amazing post OP S&F

Remembering or discovering our true selves is a choice that many people are currently starting to make they are questioning the powers that control them, the government. People look around and just know that everything in the world or the physical reality is just not right, but they can’t seem to remember what the truth is, that is why many of you are searching right now, and wound-up reading my post here on ATS. The search for the truth is within, and also without.

I could not have put that better myself, that's exactly me.! I've been told a few times I have an old soul

I too am an empath.
In the past i've regarded it as a curse and tried to suppress it, then I realized the beauty of it and got control of it. It's opened so many doorways for me.
edit on 19-2-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by absolutely

I'm sorry but I've read that half a dozen times and I can't figure it out. What are you trying to say? Is English your native language? If not, what is, please? I will read up on it and try to work out what's missing in your text there.

The point you seem to miss is that others loving you or being able to love others is only possible in an unconditional sense when you love yourself fully. You cannot place conditions on love. You have to see the beauty in our individual traits - that includes those in the self as well. That doesn't mean that you have to *prefer* everything. The most enlightened of people will still have things that they don't relish or even like particularly. But to love and still value the experiences given with all the different emotions brought out by those differences in whatever you might meet along your path is how you experience love unconditionally. You may not like being stung by a bee, but sometimes it takes a sting to get to the honey.
edit on 19/2/2012 by CosmicEgg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:15 PM
Conditional, unconditional... who cares? You can drive yourself crazy trying to define the word "love" and compare it to others' definitions. We're all imperfect human beings. Just do your best to radiate love. You probably won't succeed 100% of the time, and that's ok. We're all at different levels of learning in our lives.

What about that rapist? Maybe you hate him right now. Maybe you work on loving others and understanding, and ten years from now you realize that there's no point in hating him because he's also a flawed human being who is on his own level of learning. Or not. whatever.

I guess what I'm trying to say is... just try your best to love as much as you can, and have faith that you are where you are supposed to be. ^__^

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

""I love beer"
"I love Jesus"
"I love monday night football"
"I love everyone and everything""

Correction: "I unconditionally love beer, jesus, and football"

Then again, if we look at the list correctly with the American mentality: "I conditionally love beer, as long as it is imported." "I conditionally love Jesus - a man I have never met, as long as he does good things for me." I conditionally love MNF, as long as my team wins.

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