I am a runner, looking to work out-- running, and I would like to try yoga.. can anyone suggest a youtube video, or some website that can teach me how
to do it? thanks
You won't regret yoga and in fact it is such a unique experience for the body that you will notice an immediate result and enter a level of relaxation
that you have probably not known. There are numerous complete systems to try and I have borrowed from a few to create my own regimen.
I always thought this was a good series to try out, and it is really thorough:
For me, nothing else offers what yoga does. It is not only holistically healthy and relaxing, but it allows us to discover our deepest level of
relaxing, physically , mentally and spiritually. One is able to carry this new state into their everyday realities. It teaches us how to breathe
too, which many of us do wrong with shallow breathing.
I have found some instrumental, non-repetitive music really helps with the exercise. A class setting is a nice alternative, and a beginners regimen
may be best.
Best wishes in your endeavors, and remember that you do not have to be able to mimic the instructors perfectly at first, it takes some time for your
body to adjust to these positions. You will however notice the differences immediately.
edit on 17-2-2012 by speculativeoptimist because: grammer
Yoga Yoga Yoga - that's all I'm about right now. Well, yoga & pilates. I'm a noob as I've only been practicing since October but I've seen
huge changes in my body. I'm hyper-flexible so it can actually be more challenging. I attend these classes at my gym but have been looking for some
at home work as well. We have a Kinect so I've been doing the Yoga on Your Shape 2012 which is pretty cool since it monitors your actual movement to
make sure you are doing the poses correctly.
I have not reviewed it but I've heard great things about
Bryan Kest as well.
There's the link to one of his DVDs.
At the gym, there seems to be an air of competition which is counter-yogi in my opinion and who knows, maybe that's just in MY mind. I'm reaping
the benefits. Just today I was told by my doc I could go off my blood pressure meds as I was 114/70 - wow - I can't recall ever seeing that. I owe
that 100% to Yoga. Meh, stopping smoking and yoga.
Just wanted to jump in here and suggest to anyone who has an interest in yoga but is disabled or thinks they are too out of shape to even attempt it
some alternatives.
I have enjoyed the Peggy Cappy series of DVDs YOGA FOR THE REST OF US and also have practiced chair yoga. I found it a great way to increase
flexibility and decrease stress while working around a problem that prevents me from doing a more traditional form.