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i may know where the strange sounds are from

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posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by isyeye

I wasn't aware of all the other responses, my bad. I just saw this last page

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 03:59 PM
The cases of Shizo that reaxi0n posted on the previous page seem to match many other threads here about 'abductions', I would say they are all such cases. Prove me wrong, no one can prove you right. Now dreams sometimes happen, even often, so there is nothing bad in saying some dreams are what you will see or happen. I myself have had many dreams even of places I've never seen that I see for real and that tells me something, some dreams tell you. But it still remains dreams and thanks goodness I can recognize them as such,

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by truthermantwo
my question to everyone telling me to find help is this

why not believe me, im telling the truth.

why so afraid to see the facts that relate all voice hearers.

my voices call out my name. They are a separate conciousness than my own. And again ill tell you that they no longer are sounding as though they are around my head, they sound like nothing to distant cries on the horizon. How does one explain that. im not afraid of ridicule, ive got two important people who know my voices are real. if i can just prove the science behind how they do it i can prove my case.

With all respect intended, I hope you were able to read my post above.

Auditory hallucinations. An auditory hallucination is the perception of sound — usually voices — that no one else hears. The sounds may be a single voice or many voices. These voices may talk either to you or to each other. The voices are usually unpleasant. They may make ongoing criticisms of what you're thinking or doing, or make cruel comments about your real or imagined faults. Voices may also command you to do things that can be harmful to yourself or to others. When you have paranoid schizophrenia, these voices seem real. You may talk to or shout at the voices.

Although the voices may seem very real to you, they are in fact non existent. I went to school for cognitive psychology and it does seem like you are experiencing symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia or some kind of delusional psychosis. I can't diagnose you obviously, but I will say I'd recommend you speak with a doctor about what you're experiencing. Please take it into consideration because things like this do not fix themselves, and they get worse over time.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 04:15 PM
Maybe, just maybe, the Bible had something right.

Here come the false prophets, those who claim to have the gift of speaking with higher beings.

Just so you know, we've no need of false prophets and zealots. They only confuse matters and cause unnecessary panic.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:12 PM
Well, sure people get sick and have to get help......
Chemicals like hormones and such in the body ,and vrain must balance harmonically.....
That balance is different for every person.....
There is no real standard.
Suppose OP, you have other schizoid symptoms too?
Would you be willing to see somebody who understands and knows the range of symptoms and things that point to a diagnosis.....?
If your counsellor or whatever, cant find enough evidence for such diagnosis then maybe people will have t take you more seriously....??
Just a thought....
meantime there are pulenty of contactees in this world, so dont lets throw the baby out with the bath.....
Id like to hear moore details of these voices, what they say, what they sound like, mad, sad, happy, whatever you can tell about the supposed aliens you hear.......
Allso, i understand that there are several technologies that have been developed specially for producuing audible voice transmission tdirectly to a human being without wires, speakers or any visible connections....
The feat is done in at least two frequencies i believe
Micro wave
Extrmrly low frequency

So the voices are indeed possible, however the liklihood of you being the but of some psyops is not high ...perhaps it may be higher than i am aware....
Other contactees of alien communications also hear voices as well as use other methods of comms.....

Please lets stop the psychology babble, and concentrate on the thread subject which is the strange sounds and the voices which are being associated with them.....
Firstly please classify the sounds....
id like to see some sample conversations if you have notes....
Are they warning you about disaster?
Do they have means of goving you any of their knowledge of technology?philosophy?
Do they come from this dimension?
You really MUST qualify your statements with some comprehensive information, all you have,
specially the basics, their make up(not their lipstick)what they are made
Also what is their timeline?
What do they want from you/us???
peace bro enough for now.......

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:13 PM
Well, sure people get sick and have to get help......
Chemicals like hormones and such in the body ,and vrain must balance harmonically.....
That balance is different for every person.....
There is no real standard.
Suppose OP, you have other schizoid symptoms too?
Would you be willing to see somebody who understands and knows the range of symptoms and things that point to a diagnosis.....?
If your counsellor or whatever, cant find enough evidence for such diagnosis then maybe people will have t take you more seriously....??
Just a thought....
meantime there are pulenty of contactees in this world, so dont lets throw the baby out with the bath.....
Id like to hear moore details of these voices, what they say, what they sound like, mad, sad, happy, whatever you can tell about the supposed aliens you hear.......
Allso, i understand that there are several technologies that have been developed specially for producuing audible voice transmission tdirectly to a human being without wires, speakers or any visible connections....
The feat is done in at least two frequencies i believe
Micro wave
Extrmrly low frequency

So the voices are indeed possible, however the liklihood of you being the but of some psyops is not high ...perhaps it may be higher than i am aware....
Other contactees of alien communications also hear voices as well as use other methods of comms.....

Please lets stop the psychology babble, and concentrate on the thread subject which is the strange sounds and the voices which are being associated with them.....
Firstly please classify the sounds....
id like to see some sample conversations if you have notes....
Are they warning you about disaster?
Do they have means of goving you any of their knowledge of technology?philosophy?
Do they come from this dimension?
You really MUST qualify your statements with some comprehensive information, all you have,
specially the basics, their make up(not their lipstick)what they are made
Also what is their timeline?
What do they want from you/us???
peace bro enough for now.......

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo

We've got a Walt Disney .

Yeh you need "psychiatric cre"


posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by truthermantwo
my question to everyone telling me to find help is this

why not believe me, im telling the truth.

why so afraid to see the facts that relate all voice hearers.

my voices call out my name. They are a separate conciousness than my own. And again ill tell you that they no longer are sounding as though they are around my head, they sound like nothing to distant cries on the horizon. How does one explain that. im not afraid of ridicule, ive got two important people who know my voices are real. if i can just prove the science behind how they do it i can prove my case.

And i know a schizophrenic guy who hear voices telling him that even people like myself is a part of FBI, kgb or some other government agency, which i know for a fact that i am not.
He believes these extremely far fetched delusions 100% when his condition is at worst.

Again this is the thing with such disorders.. Any kind of delusions can appear real to you even though to a "sane" person it would make absolutely no sense.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:57 PM
this is not new to me, my brother also talked to God and Satan and many other beings, he told me how he was having wars with those beings and could beat them with only his mind, everybody on earth has another copy in another world he was seeing and hearing and interacting with but with different names, he even believed he drove his car without using his hands but with his eyes, telepathy and psychic powers and .....endless story, he was able to talk about those adventures for continuous 24 hours, guess what? he has paranoid delusional schizophrenia, do yourself a favor and get some help from a psychiatrist, you don't want to lose everything in your life, schizophrenia/psychosis gets worse over time without medication.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:21 PM
I'm really not sure what to think.I'll be honest,I thought maybe you just made this up for the sake of posting something to get a rise out of people.Then I read one of your posts where you say the voices are saying your name.If that's true then please consider the other suggestions in this thread and get help.You're showing signs of mental illness from what you've written.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Hellas

Wow. Not sure if that shows how easy it is to fake, or how screwed we are if it's a natural noise. Whatever gizmo that lady has, sounds pretty damned close to whats going on.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:42 PM
I'll keep this short and sweet, for your sake OP.

God wouldnt put you in this situation. Why we ARE here, I cannot say, but it is NOT to fight battles with our minds. Love, live and learn.

You are under a demoniac assault. I am not obligated to tell you how I know. I AM, however, obligated to help.

God's voice would shatter your skull. God's angels (not the fallen) would stand, in volume, above these attacks, in peace and clarity. Christ would not mingle His voice on the same level as your attackers, and will free you from this if you call on Him and truly believe. Considering you're falling for a complex, demoniac ruse, believing in the Prince of Peace should be simple for you.

Stop entertaining demons with your time and attention. THAT is a losing battle. Think of peace, and holiness. Clear, simple vibrations of love and harmony. Youve given this senseless cycle of self-destruction enough already. It is over, the moment you give in to God's overwhelming love for you. He is wrought with sorrow to see you deceived like this.

The only way to destroy a demon is to starve it. This has gone on WAY too long, and angels of mercy and compassion weep silently next to you. Please, stop letting this maelstrom of self-imposed chaos and delusion prevent you from BEING THERE FOR THOSE WHO NEED YOU. They dont need an astral warrior. They need a collected, peaceful example of Gods love prevailing where luciferian talons once laid claim.

I am praying for you after I send this. For your peace, and for you to break this abysmal cast you are letting Satan trap you in.

You see, I fought a similar battle. Very similar. By the time I realised it was happening SOLELY to keep me from Christ's simple love, it was...almost too late.

God doesnt need you to fight battles for Him. He needs you to live a simple, loving life. Your family doesn't need you to save the universe. They just need you back.

And these 'couple of people' who you mentioned are ...verifying the authenicity of this war...consider what role they REALLY play in your life.
This starts and ends with you. You stand now at a very real fork in the road (provided you understood this message), and the people in your life who truly love you are counting on you. Not to stop Armaggedon (har meggedo is a valley near Jerusalem, where ancient scholars believed the final war would be fought. Nothing
more. Look into it), but to come back.

I said short and sweet, didnt I? Oops. Anyway, Im posting this so I can commit to prayer. When you finally realize these truths for yourself, for real, and want freedom, you know where to turn. You KNOW.

I will be here for you, and will offer what I can, only for escaping this nightmare. Pm me. If you ask me for help in destroying these demoniac bastards, I will answer you now: The only way to kill a demon is to starve it.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by truthermantwo

I dont mean anything to the contrary or to insult you. Maybe we all dont believe you because you are adamant about it being absolutely true? And absolutely true without accepting the rational observation that you COULD be wrong...places questions of what youve posted.

You have to accept the "maybe I am hearing them" or "maybe Im not" be considered "rational".
There is a bifg difference in someone who say "I saw the TOOTH FAIRY! I really did!" and..."I THINK I MAY have seen the Tooth Fairy" which prob. would have received some positve feedback. At least more than you have.

Good luck.

PS In your defense? You at least used MAY KNOW in your THREAD TITLE.
edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:07 AM
I have not read a reply yet that does not reflect caring person’s intentions for truthermantwo.

However, just to add to an open discussion on this, please note:

Many of the historical records regarding this world’s most famous spiritual people have heard, conversed, and in many cases, fought with invisible voices, and mental illusions. The list of these people includes Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Mohammad, Budda, and many, many others. These spiritual/religious icons listened and spoke (mentally) to God, Angels, Demons, and other invisible beings.

Alien Abductees often report to hear invisible voices, whether you believe in Aliens and Abductees or not. These human beings are not afraid of being called crazy, they have support networks, medical researchers, etc. They will all screen for tumors first, and move on from there. There is in fact a fairly substantial community for direct, supportive Abductees’ help.

There is an entire field of study known as Spiritism which studies “mediums” and “the ether”. Mediums are human beings; Mediums include humans capable of “hearing invisible voices”. The “ether” is a “plane of existence”, often described as “that which surrounds us, but cannot be seen within by human eyes”. It is a plane of existence that is outside an average human’s visible wavelength. For those who do not understand this, imagine yourself in a really, really dark basement… and only being able to hear “the things that go bump in the night”. You’ll wish you had a wider visible wavelength really quickly, or a flashlight!

Invisible voices are often called “spiritual guides” as well. There are hundreds if not thousands of really ancient, just plain old and new age spiritual texts telling you exactly what these beings are, and how to contact your own “spiritual guides” or “angels”, and be able to converse with them.

Truthermantwo, I know, and have read about many people who wish they had never contacted their “spirit guides” for the exact reasons which you described in your primary posting. These beings/voices will drive them crazy. These people describe everything you have gone through, and far, far worse in some cases.

Always remember that you are generating thought energy. Thought energy is no longer the legend/myth of old religious text, new age spiritualism or science fiction. Thought energy is real, quantifiable, and is being harnessed to control everything from aircraft weapons systems to prosthetics. Whether we call this Brain Wave monitoring or Thought monitoring.

Personally I’d recommend that you just send out Love, Love, and Love. You just “flood” the ether with love. If you really need to think about fighting and striking back, check out some of those old Hebrew documents, or the Psalms, or any of that old or new religious stuff that many people either do or don’t believe in. You’ll see that they all just push LOVE, forgive and forget, etc… incidentally these old religious texts are discussing remedies for invisible voices and interactions within “the ether”... but I’d still get a tumor scan just to make sure, we have that technology now, and the old school dudes did not…

Assuming that you do not have a tumor or something like this. Then I’ll add that the kind of voices you are talking about, are considered to be “beings” which feed on negative energy – from your brain waves, and the more you “fight” and “lash out” and generate anger, hate, rage the more they “feed on you”. In other words you are being “baited” and/or “tested” within the situation in which you find yourself. Sending out Love will help. With time you can accomplish the elimination of all the voices, and change your life remarkably. You will also want to get a great deal of good rest and sleep.

Keep your mind active, you need to keep what they call positive pressure, this is where you are thinking and creating, and not, repeat not keeping your mind blank waiting to hear something. This is like using positive air pressure in a building to keep outside air..out. It really, really helps to use positive (as in happy, joyful, and pleasant) thoughts as well. Reading books and thinking about the characters will help you quite a bit. Watching TV is not a great idea because unless you are really into the program… you are just getting drained.

If you want to just read up on this, I would recommend The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook by Robert Bruce. This is an excellent resource for your library.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by truthermantwo
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

i reallycant go into it more without sounding crazy to so many here. basicly years ago i tried to psychicly contact the grays, you know the aliens. What i got was voices. so i put something out, and got something back. Ifinally reasoned with them and we started learning from each other, but many bad things happened. Both to me and them, and yes even though i hate hearing them repeat themselves i care about there being.

from what i gather. the machine operates on many principles. remote viewing by using a time field which allows conciousness to see what energy beings see and hear from the psychic dimensions. for intance when you picture something in your mind, it doesnt just get stored in memory, but travels to another reality in which other beings travel using safe methods. The reason they give people voices is not to make them crazy, but becuse from that form of time - state conciousness they dont use reason, just auto trigger someone hearing voices for a many plethora of possible reasons. this is some of what i learned from contact with these beings..

Ok I'm going to jump in here. I believe you, but I'm also very concerned about your approach.

First off I have had personal experience with possessions/channels or whatever you want to call this. My good friend's girlfriend had a brain abscess that caused seizures, then soon afterwards she showed signs of a demon possession (several actually). Soon after she started to channel a dead friend, then after that, Uddha (Buddha), Kysto (Christ) and Yashi (Yaweh). I spent time talking to the channel and the 3 spirits that just refferred to themselves as "They". I plan on posting this entire story for review at some point soon, but it's hard to relive, trust me.

Her background was a very religious one, and she was fairly intelligent too. And even after she sought help and the abscess went away the demons and They kept returning. I had sessions taking notes and taking it serious. To this day I'm still certain these voices and channels were not her (again ill go into this later). I am convinced she asked for this (or to speak to god no matter what the cost) I mean she quotes scripture and fully has BELIEF in that system. I am under the impression these voices had nobody's needs in mind except hers, and would twist things (truth with non truths) very cleverly to get me to belive They.

So bottom line is after almost losing my ability to rationalize and almost losing all friends and support of family I came to the conclusion all the voices were lying, deceptive entities. They were trying to hijack her life, my friends life, and my life. I dont care what info They had to offer or what threats the demons made about humanity if i didnt follow suit, I dont care what They are or where They came from.

My advice is first seek a professional to make sure the physiology is ok just in case. Next, DONT listen to them (voices), just dont, it helps nobody IMO. And please stop asking for alien help/answers. You asked them to come, maybe you can ask them to leave? You are a terrific human and the answers are already in you. Seek to know yourself my friend, please. I mean only the best intentions and outcome for you in this. This is truly time for you to rise up and seek the light.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:57 AM
And also if you want a more natural approach this link may be useful to you

Dark Force and Entity Troubles

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by Starchild23 not trolling your post, but the false prophets mentioned in Holy scripture never mention 'speakng with divine beings'. In fact, its common, and in this falling world, so many who DO in fact speak with angels (both flavours
), are labeled schiz, when theyre not.

I believe, in ops case, hes dealing with fallen angels-or making it up. From experience, i see 'A'.

The false prophets have an efficient, organized agenda. Otherwise they would fail, labeled as op is here, tonight: schiz.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Aliquandro

Helloagain! Gwe spoke briefly in my intro thread yesterday. From reading your post, here, I see we have more in common than I realized. I have a similar scenario, and Im still recovering..

About mixing truth with lies...this comment truly defines the old addage: wolf in sheeps clothing, and is one of th3ir strongest tools.

This isnt about me, though.

I just had to let you know that Ive been where your friends gf was. I still get attacked, but now that Im allowing God to, Im rarely aff3cted. Heh 'let' God. You know what I mean.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:32 AM

Imaginary voices make me want to say
Phnglui w'gah nagl oh fhtagn

Seriously though seek help, lest some outsiders use your brain as a beach head.
edit on 18-2-2012 by Pigraphia because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-2-2012 by Pigraphia because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-2-2012 by Pigraphia because: (First time putting a youtube video up, I messed up)

edit on 18-2-2012 by Pigraphia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:35 AM
Please allow me to question your sincerity. I will keep it very simple.
You claim to be clairaudient. But what do the sounds taste like? If you are experiencing what you claim, you have much more explaining to do as to how you have reached your conclusions. Encounters like this affect every sense and then some. I only felt the need to comment because I believe that you are on to something that I may be able to identify with. I still get the sense that this is a great work of fiction. Either way, I'd like to hear more.
That taste should still be in your mouth.

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