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The "Blame Game" Nation.

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posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:33 AM
After reading several posts on ATS,,, and other news resources, I feel we have become a nation of "blamers". We have stopped using Personal Responsibility. Instead of admitting "Yep, I screwed up.", we instead blame everyone and everything else. If a crime is committed with a gun, we blame gun manufacturers and owners. If we get over weight, we blame fast food resturaunts. What happened to Personal Responsibility? I own several guns and I have never comitted a crime other than speeding. I eat fast food every chance I get and I am not over weight. Am I abnormal? We all must understand that before an action or no action is taken, there is a process of thought that takes place. We make a decision to exercise or not. To do the right thing or not. Instead of blaming crime on guns, we should place the blame on the people who commit the crime. Is it Rap or Rock music that causes kids to commit violence? Or is it the parents that didn't teach them that violence doesn't solve all problems? Tell me what you think.
edit on 2/17/2012 by tothetenthpower because: --Mod Edit--All Caps Title.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:52 AM
Of course. Since, you know, personal accountability is passe, and everyone knows I'M not responsible for what happens to me, it's got be someone else. Multiply that by millions and we get a nation that's convinced the world is against them. Oh, wait, they are....

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:53 AM
I have long believed that the downfall of many is due to not taking personal responsibility, and placing the blame elsewhere.

Personally, I am a huge advocate of taking personal responsibility. Unfortunately it has become accepted (and somewhat expected) to point fingers whenever/wherever possible.

I think it is sad, and I believe this phenomenon to be the root of "losing compassion" for others. People are less inclined to help someone if they fear being blamed if something goes wrong.

Apparently, the golden rule no longer applies.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:10 AM
The people are just following their leaders, no Accountability for the leader so why should there be personal Responsibility for the general public?

With that being said, we need to be better then the tyrannical leaders in charge of the system, we need to stop taking their handouts of benefits and realize we only need ourselves and our families to grow in spirit and strength.

Until people are ready to say yes it is my fault I brought a (fill in the blank) instead of buying or growing food to feed myself and kids, or saved for a rainy day when my job might not be, instead of, so what I can collect years of unemployment.

We live way beyond our means, most people live in debt and have little to no savings, savings stand for many things not only money, but food, shelter like paying a little more to your mortgage each month and paying it off in full in just a few years, but it has become to easy to just declare bankruptcy or get assistance from the government completely removing self responsibility from the population keeping them in power and us in slavery.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:13 AM


posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by ThreeSistersofLoveandLigh

It is expected. Some people who were building skate parks for kids to have a legal place to skate, stopped. They were being sued by parrents who's children were falling and getting injured. Instead of saying "Thank you for building a place for my child to skate without being ticketed or harrased.", they sued. As if they expected them to watch their children for them and keep them from falling.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by drmeola

We do live beyond our means. But, not everyone squanders money and gets indebt. I understand that unforseable events do happen. Those people whom become indebt incidentaly are what programs are set in place for. However, people who just buy and buy and think they can just put it on credit and put it off until it is to late, they just say it's the Credit card companies. We have abandoned the will to refrain and save.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:55 AM
Spot on. McDonalds has been around over 60 years. Kids are obese now. Parents take some freakin responsibility!

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by JJTHEFETT

It is expected. Some people who were building skate parks for kids to have a legal place to skate, stopped. They were being sued by parrents who's children were falling and getting injured. Instead of saying "Thank you for building a place for my child to skate without being ticketed or harrased.", they sued. As if they expected them to watch their children for them and keep them from falling.

That gave me a laugh because it's so true.

It's so much easier to blame the other guy, or the Government. or what have you. Nobody likes looking in the mirror when we are in the wrong. [Myself included] It's so much easier to blame everybody, ANYBODY else but ourselves. In this day and age many feel that if they disagree with the "System" then it's broken and should be replaced, or if they disagree with someone else then the other person is wrong, asleep and "Unaware" For so many it's so easy to be judgmental while ignoring their own faults and shortcomings and to simply stop and think that this is how life is.

Nobody or no thing is perfect. We do the best we can with what we have.

If a person closed their eyes and blindly walked out into traffic [Knowing the potential consequences] and got nailed by a car [Whether the driver was on the phone or not] It was they who chose to walk out into traffic with their eyes closed.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Exactly my point!!!! We choose what action to take and a lot of people either do not know or know and don't care about the consequences. The end result if often of failure, but instead of admitting this they just point the finger.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
Spot on. McDonalds has been around over 60 years. Kids are obese now. Parents take some freakin responsibility!

YES! Anti-tobacco adds have been out for years now and people still try to sue tobacco companies. I smoke and use chewing tobacco. If I get sick it is my fault! With that being said, should they favor tobacco companies on new lawsuits because, they were aware of the risks?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:48 AM
i see what you're saying, and i half agree...

however, part of the "blame game" of western civilization, an incredibly important piece of it in fact, also consists of blaming individuals.

we all share this world, each society, and the individual community we live in. we all share "the blame" for the many problems and dysfunction occurring everywhere around us, which (in my opinion) highlights the irrelevance of assigning any blame at all - INCLUDING individual blame. do we all have personal responsibility? absolutely. but does this mean that assigning absolute personal responsibility is the end of the discussion? no. not if we're analyzing through a lens of objectivity and wisdom, that is. blaming individuals is the same as blaming entities, even if you repackage it with the title of "personal responsibility."

i am NOT AT ALL saying that ANYONE gets a "free pass" at being responsible for themselves and their choices. this is where it might get tricky, unless you're truly understanding what i'm saying. example-wise, consider that the cheapest food, the most processed, borderline poisonous, is the most ubiquitous in every big-chain grocery store across the country (~70+% contains GMO ingredients). that children in many public school districts across the nation are forcibly vaccinated, lest they be refused enrollment (which could lead to a nice visit from CPS). that the US has the LEAST upward mobility, and the highest income disparity of all westernized nations? adequate health care is simply UNAFFORDABLE for most people? not to mention the lies and manipulation perpetrated by both the media and the government...

i could go on. my point is, the message of your post isn't as cut and dry as you appear to believe it to be. yes, there are numerous examples of obvious denial of personal responsibility by members of society, but i simply do not believe that this is in any way the cause of the majority of societal ills. in fact, "blame," even if it's directed at individuals in terms of personal responsibility, gets us into the sticky territory of the divisive, "divide and conquer" mentality that primarily serves to pit us against our fellow man.

instead of trying to dole out blame at all on any level, how about we push it aside to try to understand why people make the choices they do? are some of these problems indicative of deeper, more subconscious root causes of dysfunction? i'd answer that with a resounding YES.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:51 AM
also, a challenge i try to continually place upon myself is to pay very close attention to the things in other people that cause me the most irritation and rage. after all, that which bothers us the most about others is simply a reflection of something contained within our own selves... just food for thought.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:56 PM
This drives me crazy, even if the OP isn't wrong. Personal accountability is very important and we do all share in the blame in why everything is a mess. We became lazy bosses and now the employees are running amok and think they own the place. But...why does accepting personal responsibility mean that you don't act to correct? I see alot of people here whining about whiners and of the mindset that if everyone just shut up everything would be okay. Sorry, but we are past that point. Lawsuit fever and things along those lines are symptoms of a greater sickness and we need to treat the actual problem not just it's manifestations.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by JJTHEFETT
People blame because it's easier than taking responsibility.

Respopnsibility is work.
It is effort.

We live in a microwave society now, where the attention span and concentration is at 3 minutes or less.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Kali74

How do you propose we could fix the problem and not just the symptoms?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by jewdiful

instead of trying to dole out blame at all on any level, how about we push it aside to try to understand why people make the choices they do? are some of these problems indicative of deeper, more subconscious root causes of dysfunction? i'd answer that with a resounding YES.

It's not that I am blaming people for blaming people. I'm wondering if this has become our new method of problem solving? Why do they make those choices? What are the root problems? How do we correct them? Can we?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by beezzer

So, are you saying that it is more or less lazieness that is the problem?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by JJTHEFETT

I'm not too sure,'s like cancer, invisible until it's already done harm. It has to become part of our daily national conversation and we have to be willing to not be lazy and call it societal laziness. Laziness again is usually a symptom of something much harder to deal with.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by JJTHEFETT

I'm not too sure,'s like cancer, invisible until it's already done harm. It has to become part of our daily national conversation and we have to be willing to not be lazy and call it societal laziness. Laziness again is usually a symptom of something much harder to deal with.

Neither am I, that's why I took the Red pill... Which now leaves me two questions for you:
1) How do we make it part of the Naitional conversation?
2) What is it that laziness is a symptom of?

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