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Do you think we have any chance of fighting this system?

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posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:48 AM
I have a serious question for AboveTopSecret.... Do you really think there is a chance of beating the powers that be?

I wonder how many of you have read the Wikileaks Spy Files. Do you realise that the CIA is simultaneously wiretapping every single phone in the US, 24/7, with all audio around you in the room?

Do you realise that every computer in the US is being wiretapped, with keystrokes, webcam monitoring... and this is all done through a secret WiFi network that you can't even detect?

Do you realise that there are going to be nanotech cameras so small, you can't even see them?

Do you realise what would happen if you actually tried to take over this system? Do you realise that the mafia runs all the news networks, major companies, governments? Do you realise that if you tried to actually change the system, you would be killed swiftly?

More importantly.... do you realise the fundamental properties of the universe? Do you realise that this universe is all about dominating other life forms?

Mainstream science is saying there will be artificial intelligence computers more powerful than the human brain, within just a few years. Some estimates say 2018. IBM is openly saying they are building an artificial brain more powerful than the human brain.

And if they're openly telling us this, we can say that they've surely already built this. Technology is always ahead of what we're told. Someone who worked at Area 51 did a reddit Q&A saying that military technology is 20 years ahead of what we're shown.

The elite are going to merge with these super-powerful machines, such that they are forcibly more intelligent than us.

If they ever get round to giving us the chips, our chips will, no doubt, be much slower than theirs, and surely used as mind control devices, such that we will forcibly be unable to think as fast as them..... Further still, with nanotechnology, these devices could be so small, they could be injected into our vaccines or water supplies, without us even knowing about it.

Don't you realise.... your Occupy Wall Street protests are completely irrelevant? Everything you consider activism is a complete joke to the powers that be.... The very best you could ever achieve would be election to a local office, and even then, the mafia might knock you off, if you're too radical.

I have considered all these things, and have concluded that there is absolutely nothing we can do.

Now, how about your so-called conspiracy researchers..? Alex Jones lies about everything. If you look at this YouTube channel, it completely tears apart Alex Jones..... This guy has absolutely no intention of helping you. Anyone who has appeared on CNN, Fox News and ABC News is blatantly part of the establishment. He would lie to you to make 1 extra dollar, and even more importantly to him, just to see the look on your face. This is the type of guy who gets off on screwing with other people.

But forget about Alex Jones. Just think about the technological dominance. Going back to the CIA's MK Ultra program, the government has been working on the perfection of mind control. They don't even have to physically-abuse you to make you a subservient slave, like in Cathy O'Brien's book. No. Not even needed. The CIA is able to electronically mind control people, using satellite microwave weapons.... CNN did a report in 1985 about using microwave weapons to even be able to see through your eyes!

So, my question is... Does anyone in this subreddit actually believe we can fight against a technological dictatorship like this?

You know... I don't even take the conspiratorial view on this. It's just going to be like evolution. The humans breach off, and leave their monkey ancestors behind. There's no conspiracy. They just breach off, and lock the monkeys in zoos, and that's the end of that.

Watch this YouTube video where a monkey tries to attack a human, and just goes face-first into the glass. That's what will happen if you try to overthrow this system.

I saw a BBC article saying that within 100 years, we're going to have thought-reading devices hooked up to our brains, and life extension technology, which will allow us to live forever.... But, what makes you think you're going to get this? You're not going to be able to afford the best technology, in the same way that Google has over 1 million servers, and you can only afford a laptop.

I see absolutely no way to win. What does everyone else think? Are you content with little victories on the Internet, or showing up to some protest? Or, do you agree with me, and think there is absolutely nothing we can do.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:03 AM
its the way the government was set up. its designed to keep people in check and to keep any chance of over throwing them out.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:04 AM
Plain and raw: We can all kill ourselves. Without us to rule over they have nothing. This is a dramatic statement I realise but it is a solution. Obviously gentler means of overthrow are desired and perhaps something better than death can be tabled. The point is without us they have nothing. Perhaps to leave our caves and go outside and live for a while is the answer, home is not as scary as it is made out to be.

I may have violated some T&C in this post, if so please delete or whatever is deemed necessary.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:15 AM
Oh woe is me, all is lost, I shall sit in ashes and worms for we are beaten. BULLBLEEP. There IS hope, kiddos. That is the whole purpose of conspiracy research - not to show off how smart we are, how we have the secret knowledge so we can feel good about ourselves while the world burns. We study, we research..then we USE what we learn. We change the game. It CAN be done. It happened in Egypt. It happened in America over 200 years ago. Hell, look at what ordinary people did to Bank of America a few months back - scared them so bad they had to call in a SWAT team to prevent people from getting their own money!

Don't give in and don't give up. What we do, what ATS and all the other sites and researchers are all about isn't despair. It's hope. Plain and simple.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:19 AM
Im going to let you in on a little secret. They dont need any of that monitoring equipment. They can read your mind dude. Your thoughts, audio your ears pick up, see through your optic nerve, etc.


Theyve been able to do this for hundreds of years!

The technology is just to keep people in the dark and provide an explanation for what they can do. A necissary cover story to distract from whats actually going on with the telepathy and such.

I wonder what the next set of devices to throw you off of what they are capable of will be?

EDIT-the end goal is to find out how to create/harness the God particle. Which they never will. Its the way nature is setup, in any universe.
edit on 17-2-2012 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by foood4thought

The fight is beginning to take a toll on me, that is certain. At times, I feel like just giving up.

There are so many elements that are going on today that it is difficult to stay focused on just one thing.

The world is going to hell, and quickly.

Morality has taken a hit. There are no honest people in government. Everyone is out for themselves. And nothing seems to matter any more.

And it all comes down to MONEY and GREED. I have found this to be the most lowest denominator that drives men to be corrupt, evil, and immoral.

Not the power...but the money that gives you the power, is what is driving us into the ground.


posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:31 AM
No we cant beat the system, so we have to do the best we can and enlighten as many people to the situation at hand, then when somebody with political power comes to light - we vote for that person.

Lets use Ron Paul as an example, if he was running for office in another 5 years, i think he would get the POTUS position without a doubt, but as for now - there's too few awake that have the power to change things.

When a family (Rothschilds) own all but 3 of the worlds central banks, I think its going to be a pretty big task taking our freedom back. I think a good starting point would be making people aware of a world without usury, what it would be like and how many people would be dragged out of poverty if loans weren't issued with debt. Or even showing people the benefit of backing money with a resource like gold, or silver.

We have to start at the bottom, we cant just get a leader in a good position, not been able to change anything because the politicians are bought. . We need to teach youth whats happening so when its their turn to control the world, they do it with the ideals of all humanity, not a handful of men who are hell bent on controlling the world

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Theres always a chance because the spirit of hope has driven humanity since its birth and has allowed it to overcome the countless obstacles that have plagued them through out the generations

Sh^t has hit the fan before and we persevered. No reason we can not do it again.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by usernamehere

actually if someone planned a mass meeting of people, like a concert but millions of people went and say for a week spent nothing, that would effect stock markets and quite frankly they dont understand english any more you need to talk with mahoneys

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:35 AM
I say, what's the point of not trying?

Live your life as the shell of who you are because you aren't guaranteed victory? Hell no. I know no other way to be. I will live by MY standards. That is the only control you ever have. To be free is to be victorious already, regardless if your oppressors realize that or not.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:35 AM
Yes, they can read our thoughts. As for 100s of years, I'm not sure, but they can definitely read our thoughts.

I've actually tested this out, by writing stuff on paper, and I'll actually get emails the next day repeating what I wrote on paper. The CIA knows that I know, and they let me know they have this technology. If I sound paranoid, I'm not.

It's possible that they're using microscopic cameras to read what's on my paper... However, there are times where I'll just think specific things, and I get emailed what I was thinking. I've exposed them enough, through my YouTube channel and Twitter account, to the point where... they know that I know... so they just throw it in my face, on a daily basis. I'm not even joking, or deluded. I have 100s of examples of this. They even send me leaflets through my mailbox, with little bits of what I was thinking.
edit on 17-2-2012 by foood4thought because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:37 AM
In one hand,If the majority of people in the world come to this conclusion that the "big plan" is not actually going to benefit them as a whole community,I assume they will not sit still and they will surely do something about it....they might not win but i am sure they are willing to give it a try......on the other hand,the Rothschild's plan,as strange as it may sound, might even be good for the humanity at large in the long term! most cases our brains are incapable of understanding the big picture anyways...let's face it ,the "oneness" is better than being divided...the question is who is more qualified and capable of ruling that one big nation.and to what expense!.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by foood4thought
Yes, they can read our thoughts. As for 100s of years, I'm not sure, but they can definitely read our thoughts.

I've actually tested this out, by writing stuff on paper, and I'll actually get emails the next day repeating what I wrote on paper. The CIA knows that I know, and they let me know they have this technology. If I sound paranoid, I'm not.

It's possible that they're using microscopic cameras to read what's on my paper... However, there are times where I'll just think specific things, and I get emailed what I was thinking. I've exposed them enough, through my YouTube channel and Twitter account, to the point where... they know that I know... so they just throw it in my face, on a daily basis. I'm not even joking, or deluded. I have 100s of examples of this. They even send me leaflets through my mailbox, with little bits of what I was thinking.
edit on 17-2-2012 by foood4thought because: (no reason given)

Yes I have no solid facts on the actual age of consciousness, but ive done some research and it at least was around when secret societies were originated back in the day in europe (thats where I get the 100s of years assumption).

But if you go back to the Mayans and earlier civs, there is evidence there too. I think its always been in existence.

We have always been in a peatree dish, the scenery and technology has just changed. Mine the people for their energy has always been the plan.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by strangedays
We have always been in a peatree dish, the scenery and technology has just changed. Mine the people for their energy has always been the plan.

I'm not sure about energy mining, seeing as we get our energy from food and water. Surely it would be more efficient to mine the raw resources.

I tend to look at how humans are basically a-holes, and I tend to think this technology would be used for the lulz, and for their pleasure, rather than to "mine our energy" or similar.

But the thought-reading thing is legitimate. I have tested it myself.
edit on 17-2-2012 by foood4thought because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by shapur
In one hand,If the majority of people in the world come to this conclusion that the "big plan" is not actually going to benefit them as a whole community,I assume they will not sit still and they will surely do something about it....they might not win but i am sure they are willing to give it a try......on the other hand,the Rothschild's plan,as strange as it may sound, might even be good for the humanity at large in the long term! most cases our brains are incapable of understanding the big picture anyways...let's face it ,the "oneness" is better than being divided...the question is who is more qualified and capable of ruling that one big nation.and to what expense!.

Exactly. An elite person believes that they deserve to live over simple people. The sad reality is-no life is more important than another. And truth be told, the elite are lazy-they have money, pay everyone to do the work for them. Generally they are fat pasty white dudes that have atrophy from sitting around doing nothing. Their children that sit around doing nothing and experiencing the high life of privlidges, gadgets, the best foods, etc. The type that has no struggle, while the "real men" who built the railroads, structures, etc are thrown away. Since everything is already built up, they only need moderately skilled workers to fix things that go wrong. Making labor off of another mans labor like it says in the Bible. They believe these people are the ones to survive. Everyone else who is not on this bill is just exterminated. They play God.

With situations like this one has to wonder if it would just be better to let them extiinct themselves (which they will lol). They use fear and talk of how big they are, and how they can "squash others like a bug". Its like nothing youve ever seen when some fat pasty weakling says something like this to you. Its mindblowing that these people feel they have a right to have life over another. And people are not going to take it. And they are afraid of those people.

Be one of "those" people. Take back your life.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:01 AM
Don't underestimate the power of human consciousness, especially collective consciousness! It only takes one person shining a light in the darkness to enable all to see. This is what the Power Elite have kept suppressed and hidden from humanity for 13,000 years. The dark half of this Precession of the Equinox (26,000 years) is coming to an end, and it will happen from within human thought and ideology. Even the children of many of the old time Powers That Be have a different attitude about humanity. Revolutions are happening all around the world. People are fed up with the tyranny and being robbed blind by the banksters of the world. Their time is up. The whole cabal will be in shackles soon. Public trials will follow. Everything will come out in the open. Spread the word!
edit on 17-2-2012 by SimontheMagus because: addition

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by usernamehere
Plain and raw: We can all kill ourselves. Without us to rule over they have nothing. This is a dramatic statement I realise but it is a solution.

That is why they have religion. most religion claim you go to hell if you commit suicide. Which gives more credibility on why Religion could have been created to control the masses.

Makes me wonder if perhaps this could explain why ancient civilizations disappeared ,collapsed, or committed mass suicide. Their rulers got to high and mighty to the point its people preferred their own death than to have themselves and their children be a slave to the system. Then the ancient elites added the "suicide sends you to hell" clause to religion.

edit on 17-2-2012 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by SimontheMagus
Don't underestimate the power of human consciousness, especially collective consciousness!

This is correct.

HOWEVER-when the collective is using threats of how they can take you out of this world, one has to wonder what the means to the ends are. Just bully people around? Logically the victim of the attacks/threats would be better off at least taking a few of them out before they get to them, as shown in these murder/suicides that happen daily in the US. You need to ask what were the motivations for these people to commit these acts? They are being squeezed until they pop-by threats/attacks from the "collective consciousness".

So the collective consciousness is going around killing people. Its kind of hard to look at it as a good thing. I mean its a bunch of murderers and the other people that are a part of it wont speak up because they will attack their own in the same way. Thats not going with ones conscience. Thats following orders, like the nazis to Hitler.

Surely they could kill any man they want to. But what would this prove? They are so big and bad? There are setups daily-car crashes, plane crashes, any smart person can see they are taking people out left and right. Who gave them this authority or power to do this? They have abandoned religion for the most part, and dont believe in God (in any form-God, Krishna, Allah, etc). They believe they are God. And thats the fatal mistake. As it has been for all of history lol.

I personally deal with daily threats from them. I just try to live my life. I dont go around harassing or hurting others, and if they want to try to kill me I will do my best to defend myself and get the upper hand on them. They would probably just poison me because id probably be a bit to handle in a combat type of situation lol.

I truly believe the purpose of my life is to serve witness to the collapse of everything, this time around.
edit on 17/2/12 by masqua because: Fixed BB Code

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:22 AM
The only way to fight it would be to use there methods to get in, and then pull the curtains back to show the inner workings, kind of "ron paul wearing a wire" every where lol that would be lulz but seriously, no one try that we saw what happened to lincoln jfk, and mr king.

The greatest thing the devil did was convince the world he didnt exist.

see above- look at the system, its all the same never changed those that sought to free us died.

Hell if ron paul becomes president ill make a claim, he will seek to free us.

Hell seek to slap the fed.

He will get shot, or portrayed as a racist because anon found one e mail from the arrayn nations.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:26 AM
They won't attempt to kill you unless you start gaining a large following, or directly attack them.

They enjoy it far more to just mess with people, and play games with them. After all, these are mafias that want to be successful on this planet. These are mafias who want to live the high life, so actually... they don't like killing people, but they do it if they feel in threat.

I can assure you. These evil people are actually the ones who enjoy life the most. And so, the person in this thread who talked about death being the way out, that may actually be the way. It's starting to seem more logical to me. I don't think there's such a thing as goodness in life. I've had a pretty high standard of living in life, but it's all pointless. I would like to believe there is a much greater life for us once we die. Apparently these idiotic mafias can't see this, and enjoy superficial things like sex and drugs.

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