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John F Kennedy knew the truth??

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posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 04:41 PM
Info from the Majestic 12 website:

"Some people think we were formed after the so-called Roswell Incident (wherein a UFO or two allegedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico -- we can neither confirm nor deny this event) in 1947.

Still others believe we were somehow involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy because he was preparing to reveal the Truth about UFOs (we can neither confirm nor deny this allegation)."

Do you think that John F Kennedy (fromer dead president of USA) knew the truth about Aliens, do you think he was going to tell the truth about Aliens but then he got shot? Post your views on this.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 04:46 PM
Personally, I think that the 'Neither confirm nor deny' answer is a load of BS, and I don't think that it's an answer from which you can get anything but a clear "Affirmative." from.

IE, just an example here, I'd say: "I can neither confirm nor deny that I like tacos." From that, more than 75% of people would say: "That dude likes tacos."

As for the Kennedy assassination, I believe that it was carried out by Oswald from the schoolbook depository, but that he was paid extremely well for it. Paid by who? well, therein lies the mystery. MJ12? Quite possibly.

There's just too much stink of conspiracy on the whole thing for it not to have been put together by the government.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Loki
There's just too much stink of conspiracy on the whole thing for it not to have been put together by the government.

My money has always been on that nutbar Hoover.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 05:00 PM
But why did'nt MJ12 want John Kennedy to tell the public about UFO's?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 05:06 PM
Because if Kennedy released the whole story, it would indicate the existence of a government program (MJ12) that has been used to decieve Americans and maintain contact with that which supposedly doesn't exist. It would incriminate ever president since the 1947 crash at Roswell, as well as lessen morale among Americans whom had faith in the honesty of the government.

Bottom line: It would've been a PR Disaster.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 05:34 PM
If you can find the video of Kennedy's assanation, I have no idea where you would find it but it must be somewhere. If you ever find it then watch the driver of the car, if he turns around and shoots Kennedy then you know it was the MJ12. Thats the way I know it anyways.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by MooMix3
If you can find the video of Kennedy's assanation, I have no idea where you would find it but it must be somewhere. If you ever find it then watch the driver of the car, if he turns around and shoots Kennedy then you know it was the MJ12. Thats the way I know it anyways.

I'll try and find the video on Kazaa, and how do you know if he turns around and shoots him it is the MJ12?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Minime
I'll try and find the video on Kazaa, and how do you know if he turns around and shoots him it is the MJ12?

Umm, how do I know? Well, ummmm.... I ahhhh, lets see here, just hold on. *Runs Away*

LOL, I dont really know, but I heard thats what happened. And if the driver did it and wasnt part of the MJ12, then it seems strange the driver wasnt blamed.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Minime

Do you think that John F Kennedy (fromer dead president of USA)

Former dead pres?

he has been resurrected??!!

Tell you what, their lawers wont be too happy with their confirm/deny statements!

Obviously not the brightest brains over at Maj

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 06:46 PM
I just saw the footage and it wasn't all that bad, it was rather sad.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 08:25 PM
Why do they not want the public to know about UFOs? Many reasons. Many people have much to lose by such a revelation. Govornments no longer are the highest authority known, now that extra terretrials are known, people will probebly become less fearful of the govornments, and less obiedient, and might even collaberate with aliens should they wish to run earth.

Religons would lose out, like Christianity and Islam, as people suddenly realize thier formerly held views of god are BS. Churches would lose income and membership. Muslims less deferential to clerics. ect.

Such a revelattion could create quite a bit of chaos, and overturn many of the institutions we have held dear for thousands ofr years.

Also, enemy govornments might want to make contact with extraterrestrials, and use it for their advtantage.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 08:42 PM
i dont think JFK new about aliens,he might of...

my thoughts on his assanation is that he was gonna go public about

1. aliens
2. no one liked his idea's

the most likely one is the 2nd one, as if he new about aliens, somehow his word would of gotten out.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 09:07 PM
It is my belief that he was killed because he did not agree with the Vietnam war! With him out of the way...that solved that!

EDITED to much as I too am a bit of a ufologist ...but I want the truth and everything doesn't conspire around UFOs

[edit on 9/17/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:58 PM
It could be true...but we could also relate this to many other things. I mean...aliens could somehow seemed to be linked to everything. The birth of crist, birth of humanity, construction of major monuments...everything. I just find it hard to believe anything these days since everything is either covered up or said to be a certain way without any evidence.

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 12:55 AM
As a different take on the whole "religion would collapse" if aliens made themselves known to the world, why does religion have to collapse? To be honest I can imagine the possiblity that the vatican at least might label the aliens as "demons signifying the end of the world", mark of the beast etc etc...thus catholics at least would oppose them and possibly cause all sorts of trouble.

Btw, I only use catholics as an example, I'm not saying they are the only religion that make take a stance such as this, so don't flame me for being anti-religion or anything

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 08:35 AM
I would expect that from Jimmy Carter, but not Kennedy

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by LordGoofus
As a different take on the whole "religion would collapse" if aliens made themselves known to the world, why does religion have to collapse? To be honest I can imagine the possiblity that the vatican at least might label the aliens as "demons signifying the end of the world", mark of the beast etc etc...thus catholics at least would oppose them and possibly cause all sorts of trouble.

Btw, I only use catholics as an example, I'm not saying they are the only religion that make take a stance such as this, so don't flame me for being anti-religion or anything

Well a friend of mine who is highly religious says that God created the entire universe and that humans were God's creation. Sooo if another breed of intelligent life spews about, then that screws those teachings. More than less, most religions would become false with their information. I am not too religious, so I don't know a whole lot about that subject.

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Chieftian Chaos

Well a friend of mine who is highly religious says that God created the entire universe and that humans were God's creation. Sooo if another breed of intelligent life spews about, then that screws those teachings. More than less, most religions would become false with their information. I am not too religious, so I don't know a whole lot about that subject.

why would it screw those teachings? whose to say that God didn't create the aliens just like he created us, except at an earlier time.

[edit on 18-9-2004 by RavenX]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 09:20 AM
Whose to say these UFOs are even from another planet? That's a presumption.

The JFK about to reveal UFOs seems a laughable assertion, I haven't seen any evidence to indicate that. What I do know is that he was out and about talking against secrets societies being a grave danger to our country, "a monolithic conspiracy which seeks to take advantage of an increased need for security to expand its sphere of influence". He was pleading with the press to inform the American people of this which they never did.

he was also against the CIA, the Federal Reserve(he was eliminating the federal reserve so we could print our own money), he wanted to pull out of Iraq, I mean Vietnam and wasn't doing what the elites wanted him to do, he was never meant to be president, they wanted Nixon, which they got later but the entire thing has been blown open since, I don't even think it falls into the realm of a "conspiracy theory" anymore as to what actually happened since it's been admitted by LBJ's mistress that he was a co-conspirator, here's the interview here Also recently Howard Hunt who was part of the conspiracy as a "bench warmer" also confessed on his deathbed which he gave to his son to release after his death(mainstream media blackout), reason being they would kill people he cared about if he came out earlier. Here is his mainstream media blacked out testimony,

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 09:25 AM
It is also important to note that LBJ, a month after becoming president, parked the USS liberty off the coast of Vietnam and had Israel attack us with unmarked planes which he then blamed on the Vietnamese and the draft started. This is called a false flag operation. This is detailed and now public knowledge though most of the public is unaware of it as usual.

Loss of Liberty

It's also detailed in a documentary called terrorstorm, which has detailed information about false flag operations. You can watch that one here,

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