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Kerry Cassidy Publicly Charged With Criminal Support Of Frauds And Pedophiles?

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

I'm not saying she or they are elite puppets at all. I'm saying all possibilities should be considered before indicting one person on another persons word. Especially someone who has become a public figure, and has made a public stance against the system.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Off Planet Radio's Randy Maugans chimes in:

...the focus on Bill Brockbrader/Wood deflects the real source of the problems: Kerry Cassidy. Or, shall we say, the collective [aka David Wilcock and Bill Ryan] behind Project Camelot.

After milking the Brockbrader "disclosures" for all they were worth in a whirlwind of rapid-fire media assaults, Cassidy glumly began shoving Wood under the bus, all the while maintainging her plausible deniability...

...we asked this before: WHY was David Wilcock brought into the second video interview (we get why Bill Ryan was there: there has to be some pretense to a team at PC)? Aside from plugging his book, and interjecting his plagarized opinions, Wilcock was there to "manage" a shaky Wood's disclosures and "mold them" to the current oeuvre. Think of it as sort of new age hamburger helper...

Shootout @ The Camelot Corral

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician

Originally posted by The Sword

Do you plan to flood ATS with this mud-slinging or are you going to man-up and take up your complaints with the very people who spawned them?

I sent Nexus an email regarding this thread.

TheExopolitician "Mans Up"

Nexus never received an email from you or anyone regarding that thread.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

I think you all need to get over yourselves.

You're letting it go to your head.

I'm more inclined to believe that your handlers are spooks of some sort.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:59 AM
I have read, watched or heard almost every interview or disclosure PC/Avalon has released. They have some very interesting information, but it all has to be taken with a grain of salt. Some of them are outright garbage!

That being said, there is quite a lot of feuding going on within the "exopolitical" world (as Alex Collier would say). In my opinion, it began with Cassidy and Steven Greer. After she exposed herself as the opinionated buffoon she is, it seems that it all has gone to hell since.

Why anyone would give these people money other than to attend a conference, is beyond me. "caveat emptor" .....buyer beware. People gave them money, it was a dumb idea, and now they are out of the money. Sorry!

Op: I think you make it quite clear that you are somehow involved in this. How so? Did you give them money, or are you one of the minions within Camelot that lost their UFO circuit spot?

edit on 17-2-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:06 PM
After looking at this thread, a couple other links and the Nexus thread the OP posted, it seems as though there is quite the spat going on between Nexus, Celine, possibly the OP and Camelot.

In my opinion, the BS is spilling over here to ATS in some sort of an attempt to discredit one particular party and I think we should not have any of it.

Take your drama elsewhere!

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:24 PM
Granted, the folks at the Nexus forum have a built-in beef with the Camelot/Avalon perps history of which I have no detailed knowledge.

Nonetheless, they and several others who are an integral and important part - as is this thread - in reviewing and watch-dogging the alternative media community are demonstrating necessary vigilance in that overseeing effort. In spite of the small, inconsequential hub-bub of shills who lamely attempt to subterfuge that quest.

Nazirite said it well:

We Have Been Spoonfed Long Enough

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Dragaon

Nexus never received an email from you or anyone regarding that thread.

Email was sent and who exactly are you @ Nexus to know whether or not every email sent to every Nexonian was or was not received?

A post to the Nexus forum pointing at this response would be most helpful, btw.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician

Originally posted by Dragaon

Nexus never received an email from you or anyone regarding that thread.

Email was sent and who exactly are you @ Nexus to know whether or not every email sent to every Nexonian was or was not received?

A post to the Nexus forum pointing at this response would be most helpful, btw.

My name is Richard, I am head admin over at NeXus and founder of the domain. All emails sent to staff@ or the administration comes to me as well, none came. Perhaps you entered it wrong.

edit on 17-2-2012 by Dragaon because: corrected syntax

edit on 17-2-2012 by Dragaon because: Added Link

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

Since when did the alternative media need "watch-dogging"? Isn't that an elitist point of view?

We are talking about a community in which there is almost no solid evidence for anything we discuss, so I would rather use my own best judgment, and let others do the same, than to let a bunch of self-important, self-appointed know-it-all's keep me safe from the frauds and fakes.

Nazirite said it well:

No, Celine said it.

Which brings me to this: After looking at your comments on this thread, the other ATS thread and the Nexus thread, I have to say that your writing style, use of certain punctuation and phrasing resembles that of Celine herself.

You wouldn't happen to be Celine attempting to bring your crusade against PC on ATS would you?

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Dragaon

Originally posted by TheExopolitician

Originally posted by Dragaon

Nexus never received an email from you or anyone regarding that thread.

Email was sent and who exactly are you @ Nexus to know whether or not every email sent to every Nexonian was or was not received?

A post to the Nexus forum pointing at this response would be most helpful, btw.

My name is Richard, I am head admin over at NeXus and founder of the domain. All emails sent to staff@ or the administration comes to me as well, none came. Perhaps you entered it wrong.


posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

After looking at your comments on this thread, the other ATS thread and the Nexus thread, I have to say that your writing style, use of certain punctuation and phrasing resembles that of Celine herself.

You wouldn't happen to be Celine attempting to bring your crusade against PC on ATS would you?

not playing that game.

I suppose I could be using other names...

Or maybe the obvious is more the truth...that this is personal...

Are you getting your moneys worth?

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician

Apparently I can only PM staff here. I read what you wrote and can help you if you want. contact me directly at; my name (at) 2012info(dot)ca

PS as a general FYI, Celine is not a member of ATS or any other forum.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

I suppose I could be using other names...

I had to ask. It is a valid question, and I still have to wonder what your agenda is here.

Or maybe the obvious is more the truth...that this is personal...

Ahhh, it's personal. Then maybe you should take the same route as Celine and contact them directly, instead of barking about it on ATS. You will not get any results here. This is a forum, not a battlefield for personal vendettas.

Are you getting your moneys worth?

I'm not dumb enough to give a dime to anyone on a forum, a conspiracy website. or a "disclosure" site.

So ya, I got my money's worth. Perhaps you feel as though you have not.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Dragaon

Originally posted by TheExopolitician

Apparently I can only PM staff here. I read what you wrote and can help you if you want. contact me directly at; my name (at) 2012info(dot)ca

PS as a general FYI, Celine is not a member of ATS or any other forum.

I responded to Nazirite via U2U, that will suffice, thanks.

Moving along...I noticed that Céline of Nexus is following through with her pursuit of the fraudulent, felonious activities of the Project Camelot Team (Ryan and David Wilcock included) - wholly apparent to anyone with a modicum of intelligence and decency - by beginning the review of whether said fraudulent money transactions (donations to Project Camelot in support of Pedophile/Stolen Valor Bill Brockbrader in particular) are being reported as income. Personal or charitable...or not at all.

Celine Questions Project Camelot's Legal, Taxable Status

In support of that effort, I would call for Project Camelot (Kerry Cassidy et al) especially if they are required by law to open their books for review, to do so.

Ms. Cassidy admits to, and self-reports with impunity and arrogance, USA-IRS tax violations, again, of the felonious type.

Kerry Cassidy Admits To Lying To The IRS

With that evidence as Ms. Cassidy's penchant for shooting the middle finger at Federal Law, finding the reserves of energy and defiance, buffoonery and stupidity, opening the Project Camelot books for public inspection, should be easy-peasiness for her.

I mean, c'mon, once you show your ass...

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

I hate to say this, as I try to stay away from confrontation, but no one cares on ATS about the personal issues between Nexus and PC/PA boiling over onto ATS.

This is complete garbage and why you or anyone else thinks ATS is the place to vent childish grudges against these people is beyond me.

Go back to Nexus, say hi to Celine and if you aren't satisfied with the outcome then take legal action against them. That's where it seems to be headed according to Celine's statements.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 02:28 PM
Following on the effort of other fraud investigators...

Investigating Admitted Felonies and Fraud By Project Camelot

...I have acquired the name of the appropriate office in the State Of California under which to report Ms. Cassidy - and Project Camelot if appropriate - for the above mentioned illegalities and potential illegalities.

Seems only fair, Ms. Cassidy claims to love whistleblowers...will she cast her love on poor little me?

edit on 17-2-2012 by TheExopolitician because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Dragaon

Contact me directly at; my name (at) 2012info(dot)ca.


PS as a general FYI, Celine is not a member of ATS or any other forum.

Preaching to the choir.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

I hate to say this, as I try to stay away from confrontation, but no one cares on ATS about the personal issues between Nexus and PC/PA boiling over onto ATS.

All issues, by definition, are between parties. You know this, diversion and distraction for whatever is your agenda duly noted.

The real issue is the honesty, integrity and legality of people and organizations like and including Projects Camelot and Avalon. Sorry that these important parameters of human interaction don't concern you.

They do concern me and my bet is they concern anyone who has given a dime to these slippery eels since they did so under the guise of fraudulent information. This is how the most successful fraudulent operations work hiding behind what is superficial layer of good intentions.

Specificall, I pont to the Bill Wood aka Bill Brockbrader fiasco where Ms. Cassidy yanked this admitted liar from obscurity, repeatedly begged for donations to financially support him and Project Camelot, denied all well credentialed and fully supported evidence against his fraud.

Only to later admit that Project Camelot was aware of such evidence...yet the donation requests and the button on the Project Camelot website remained in tact. Fraud perpetuated on fraud.

This is complete garbage and why you or anyone else thinks ATS is the place to vent childish grudges against these people is beyond me.

See above.

Go back to Nexus, say hi to Celine and if you aren't satisfied with the outcome then take legal action against them. That's where it seems to be headed according to Celine's statements.

I don't post to Nexus, I don't know Celine from celery and if you want to vent about Nexus, why not haul your tiny, singular voice of dissent over there and do it?


Best of luck, let me know how it comes out for you.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

You know this, diversion and distraction for whatever is your agenda duly noted.

My agenda? I don't have an agenda and I don't believe I have said anything to give you the idea of such. But what is your agenda? Almost every post you have made on ATS has to do with PC/PA or David Wilcox.

Talk about an agenda!?

The real issue is the honesty, integrity and legality of people and organizations like and including Projects Camelot and Avalon.

Like I said before, if you are correct...take it to court. Complaining on ATS does nothing to further rectify the situation. Most people here already know what to expect from PC, so if you are looking for sympathy you will most likely not get it.

Sorry that these important parameters of human interaction don't concern you.

When did I say anything to give you that impression? Do you say that because I do not jump to action with fevered enthusiasm over this issue? Please...that statement was as silly as it was insulting!

Earlier I said "Caveat emptor", buyer beware. This is very important because I don't understand why anyone would get mad that their money was wasted on utter crap when PC/PA has never produced anything other than crap!

Sure, they put out some interesting stuff, but in the big picture nothing has ever been backed up with evidence. All of the people they're affiliated with can be considered shady at best, and then you throw a fit over Bill Wood??


if you want to vent about Nexus, why not haul your tiny, singular voice of dissent over there and do it?

I brought up Nexus because your entire source of information is NEXUS!

You can call my voice "tiny"..that's fine. But at least I knew better than to send PC money!

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