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Sarah Palin: GOP nominee will be picked by bosses, not voters

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:27 PM
Sarah Palin: GOP nominee will be picked by bosses, not voters

Former VP nominee thinks primaries will likely end with a deal over delegates; voters have no ‘enthusiasm’ for Republican candidates.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Not a fan of Palin - but this is the first thing she's said in a long time that is 100% true, and something I think we all knew and suspected.

The GOP party bosses will not use the caucus voters to decide the nominee, but will just anoint the candidate they want. No doubt this will be a 'brokered deal', as Palin calls it, taking place in the smoke-filled back rooms at the convention far away from voters eyes. The money men will decide, and this dog-and-pony show will ultimately be revealed for the farce it is.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:30 PM
This is something I've known for over a decade, but it's good to see someone in politiccs admitting to it.
I just wish the source wasn't that crazy ass Palin.

Every Presidency is a "brokered deal", only they happen months or years before the actual elections. The polls, caucuses, and elections we take part in are no more than a scripted WWE match, only a lot more elaborate.

edit on 16-2-2012 by FugitiveSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:42 PM
Does that mean in 2008, that she has fisrt hand knowledge of her own rising to power, and being picked as a republican running mate

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

The money men will decide, and this dog-and-pony show will ultimately be revealed for the farce it is.

Good. Think people are angry now? Wait until they do this.

Spin or no. right or not, Sarah is still an idiot. Palin and Bachman = dumb and dumber!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:49 PM
It's all a big joke. It really is. Nothing changes. Our country was bought and sold a long time ago.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:51 PM
amen that....
Still, i wonder whats prompted such acrimony?
Being the VP candidate last time wasnt a warm fuzzy?
Do i detect somethink cracking in the GOP plaster?
Is the Governor somehow being quietly backbenched for this round?
Why so bitter sarah?
I hope that Ron Pauls swelling popularity and the recent dirty tricks in the primaries are having an effect on the backroom boys....They may feel a trifle exposed this time around......
The "dog and phoney "show has gotten a little too too transparent even for the most ardent knuckle headed believer.....
The exciting part of this whole election is seeing the light going on in peoples eyes....
The usual methods have gotten slipshod and really quite amature......The electorate may have taken a page from GWBushes philosophy....
"fool me once and shame on....uh .............well............ you cant get fooled again"

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:14 PM
She's saying 'screw the voters', WE will decide who will win. Publicly admitting what most of us have suspected goes on behind closed doors. The party bosses have already been doing everything they can do thwart primary voters, with Maine being one of the most blatant examples yet.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by underduck
It's all a big joke. It really is. Nothing changes. Our country was bought and sold a long time ago.

Yea I'm beginning to think we were either :

A.) Allowed to form " our " own country but all along England was in control and always has been.

B.) We actually did free ourselves and attempt to form our own nation, but were then infiltrated by the british.

Back then ..1700-1800's The American accent sounded more similar to british than it does now, so it would have been easier to infiltrate one of your own.
I could see them training people at a young age to speak " American english" and to infiltrate and move here at a young age with the idea to infiltrate the gov and take it over.

It could have take 200 years for this to finally happen.

Not saying I believe these things, but they are worth considering.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:53 PM
It does take a long time for the realities to surface and it is nice to see a politico speak of it openly.

I have much more respect for her now.

The sad part, for a long time, the President and other politicians were chosen by manipulation of vote counts and the electorial college was merely a front for the party bosses choosing the candidate.

Thank you SP...

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