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Remote Viewers Predict Catastrophic Meteor Impact Before 2013

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posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 05:45 PM
I can't believe that the RV clowns are dancing for joy over the event in Russia. It was a catastrophe unless you are in the glass installation industry; then you are rocking with rubles for vodka.

I loved how all sorts of other wannabees were saying they too saw something in the sky. There are thousands of fireballs each day! Most happen over oceans or empty areas where people do not see them. They also happen over cities where light pollution and pollution in general restrict viewing.

Fireballs are common, but the bolide that dropped in on Russia was incredible and not that common.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

A remote viewer didn't say there was a school shooting.

I have seen everything that the remote viewers have seen,except for one and that was the school shooting, I haven't found any information on them seeing a school shooting.

The reason why i think they would not publicly announce the shooting is because what i saw, was done and organized by professionals like the CIA, FBI, Government or Defense, they were not some random having a bad day.

And as for the other person seeing a school shooting that would be mountaingirl111.

Love and harmony

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

A remote viewer didn't say there was a school shooting.

I have seen everything that the remote viewers have seen,except for one and that was the school shooting, I haven't found any information on them seeing a school shooting.

The reason why i think they would not publicly announce the shooting is because what i saw, was done and organized by professionals like the CIA, FBI, Government or Defense, they were not some random having a bad day.

And as for the other person seeing a school shooting that would be mountaingirl111.

Love and harmony

So if you have seen everything remote viewers have then you saw the killshot happening before 2013, the Catastrophic Meteor Impact Before 2013 or june 2013, nuclear explosion from the Korean peninsula, and a space vehicle being forced to return to earth? When is this time frame and how can you see this if you said earlier you aren't a remote viewer? Is there anyway I can get the lottery numbers for next week?

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:57 PM
So please tell us about what you saw at the mining mission on Mars.
Can you inform us about the mother ship that trailed behind Hale Bopp?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 07:11 PM
I'm trying not to start a new thread on this so as to avoid duplicates but this is the closest I can find. There was a meteor impact in Japan and they capture great images of it.

Would have put under another meteor thread but all have locations in title.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by Dianec

They are talking about it here if you want to join in on the conversation.

ATS Thread... Meteor Explodes Over Japan May6 2013

Love and harmony
edit on 7/5/13 by Whateva69 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 04:32 AM
I think 'D-day' has arrived for the RV community. According to this updated article, they're pretty much staking their reputation on this event actually happening.

Nothing will happen of course, perhaps another 'faux science' can finally be put to rest.


edit on 15/5/13 by logicalview because: correction

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 07:44 PM
Late to this party.

Um. You guys, you cannot reasonably judge a field of cognitive science or cognitive art based on someone on the internet making claims to be The One, basically.

I mean you can call an individual or group a hoax or at least "unsuccessful despite sincere efforts"
but it isn't fair to cast that upon decades of work and tons of people who are completely unrelated.

It's like saying that everything about [insert absolutely any interest, skill, talent, or research field here] is completely bogus because there's some people who say they're experts and they're ... well, perhaps not.

I haven't looked at this yet, I have no idea who these people are, but my experience is the % of legit stuff in public is ... well... homeopathic.

That doesn't mean there isn't any. Just that it's really, really hard to find.

edit on 22-8-2013 by RedCairo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 07:50 PM
And by the way. Since this is ATS and I would hope some of the members are independent thinkers and a little bit wary of government, please be aware that the most effective damage you can do to any subject, is to intentionally misrepresent it while claiming to be its proponent, and to spawn as much misinformation and other miserably embarrassing representatives of it, as possible.

UFOlogy has the greatest amount of disinformation of probably any topic in the world for the last 70 years. So what happened after RV went public?

* Former intelligence agent shows up on the radio talking about RV and aliens
* Former intelligent agent shows up on the radio talking about future predictions (all totally wrong)
* Former intelligent agent breeds some very high profile sidekicks who are just as loony and do just as much damage in their own way very publicly
* Former intelligent agent starts massively successful radio-show-host-mutual-fanclub-hoax to assure tens of millions of people their children will die if they don't buy his audio/video/training to save them
* Former intelligent agents start mass-producing alleged "expert viewers" after high priced "training." This is done while literally "removing and then renaming" the primary underlying _doubleblind_ science-protocol which was the thing that made RV legit for study and use in the first place.

In short, they first removed its only credibility, then they renamed a fun 'method' as 'protocol,' then they destroyed RV in public in every possible way for any credibility, then they bred as many others to help them as possible. It worked really well.

And then other people do the work for them, and former intelligent agents do not need to work nearly as hard.

An undiscriminating general public will look at their work, or at the work of people directly or indirectly indoctrinated and influence by said former intell person, and consider all people of the practice, all the science, all of it to be the same kind of lunacy. All the stuff very carefully orchestrated for the public.

Don't help them. Really. ATS people are smarter than this.

edit on 22-8-2013 by RedCairo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 01:16 AM
When these RV'ers decide to do something socially constructive, like finding the missing children of the world, I will change my mind, otherwise, it is in the same circus as all the rest of the world's doom mongers.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by charlyv
When these RV'ers decide to do something socially constructive, like finding the missing children of the world, I will change my mind

1. Remote viewing is a free-response descriptive process. It is not locational. Dowsing is locational. In fact, the publicized use of viewing to 'find' things is one of the sort of intentional misleading things, because it's probably the thing it is singularly worst at. There are exceptions and they can be counted on one hand and have fingers left.

You can attempt to structure descriptives so that they are helpful but it often takes a lot of back&forth and combining it with other intelligence sources and often requires targeting a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with the target focus but is merely somewhere near.

For example let's say you want to know the building the terrorists are in or where the missing woman is. No matter how well you describe that white, 3 bedroom tract home, or that shallow grave in the woods, it's not going to help anybody. But that's like having a tool that is a camera and being mad because it doesn't give you GPS. Sometimes you get a picture of something that is happily not just descriptive, but locational -- let's say a unique shaped water tower nearby for example -- sometimes just by luck; but sometimes you get a descriptive that could be anywhere so is useless as info even if it's totally correct.

2. Apparently you are unaware, but I'm glad to hear you're changing your mind. ;-) Viewer Joseph McMoneagle was on over a dozen Nippon TV specials in Japan, working with their version of the FBI, on super-cold-case files of people missing for years often decades (as well as a couple primetime shows bearing his name). He is exceptional however--most viewers aren't anywhere near his skill--so he's a nice example of viewing but probably not a good example of the average skill that someone who hasn't done it full time for 40 years would be. You might find some of those videos on youtube, they used to be there.

Getting an official service to go public with this and try to do it right was a miracle. Here in the states you either get religious fundies screaming about it's the devils work or science fundies screaming about it's impossible. Even though many law enforcement use these services it has to be kept very quiet. The culture there perhaps due to the powerful martial arts influence is less neurotic about the topic. Well mostly, not entirely.

During those events they had the idea that they would combine the investigators, and the viewer, and a film crew with some guys trying to make it all work. The viewer would make sketches and descriptions, investigators would use it to try and find a starting place and how the data might be applied to the terrain; he'd try to start at a coastline and work in since Japan's an island, and the crew on the ground would literally carry his sketches around to people going, "Have you seen this (building)?" trying to find the path.

They found several people like this, and found the location mere-moments-before of some they were looking for -- many of these people didn't want to be found, though the ones they did usually turned out well (some didn't turn out well and were not televised). This was the only decent combination use of genuine investigation/intelligence plus psi plus the effort on the ground to put it into play that has been publicly used.

But that was a combination of viewing, dowsing, actual investigators, and a lot of work. It wasn't just "some psychic just gives you the answer like it's a magic 8 ball." Everyone wants to make it sound like even if you have a tool you can just magically point it at something and get something so clear it's obviously fraud when people say all that BS.

It requires the extensive investment of the officials who are actually working on those things, it requires their training so they don't screw everything up in their ignorance about the subject, it requires the active use of all the available forms of intelligence combined not just the viewing which is actually very poor as a stand-alone data collection source most of the time and for most people (but then so are many information gathering forms; it is the synthesis of different things that is often powerful).

This is all an ongoing, time consuming, back and forth process. Anybody saying otherwise is making it up.

Aside from that, JM's done decades of work with his business, often involving missing children and many other altruism based services, much of it very successful and a huge amount done for free, since he states he "doesn't believe in profiting off other peoples' pain." (This is partly due to a long career as a combat vet in every worst-battle-ever in vietnam-etc. ever heard of, and other things, which kind of changed his perspective on what really matters in life, eventually.)

The altruism argument has flaws but doesn't work here anyway.
edit on 23-8-2013 by RedCairo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 08:06 AM
So it looks like ppl have written this guy off and yet this came out today which to me is a definite 'shot over the bow' event :
link to report about near miss "Carrington type event two years ago

Source article summation by space

SOLAR 'SUPERSTORM' NARROWLY MISSES EARTH: The heliophysics communitty is buzzing today in response to an article in Nature Communications, which describes an intense solar storm that narrowly missed Earth almost two years ago. On July 23, 2012, a CME rocketed away from the sun at 2000 km/s, almost four times faster than a typical eruption. The storm tore through Earth orbit, but fortunately Earth wasn't there. Instead it hit the STEREO-A spacecraft, which experienced the most intense solar proton storm since 1976. Researchers have been analyzing the data ever since, and they have concluded that the storm was akin to the Carrington Event of 1859.

So ...hmmm. Correlation to his SOTB?

Whats the bet the big rock hits Puerto Rico?

About 5 yrs ago now I RV'd this guy to try and see if he was for real...found out he has a small birthmark on top of his head and that's about it...didn't catch him out in places Ive caught others out in..he seems earnest.


edit on 20-3-2014 by Rosha because: gremlins

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 08:12 AM
But then, when compared to economists...and evangelists, and tv pundits

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Danbones



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