Originally posted by Sintabon3
To the two clownes and Talmud "expert" here who are trying so patheticaly to justify the Holocaust and murder of jews, why don't you crawl out from
under your rock, grow some balls, and open a Post of your own called "why am I an anti-semite" this thread is about zionism being a cover up for
anti-semetism, not why antisemetism is justyfied.
You are name calling again Sensabon, that is a sign of loosing. Stick to logical theological presentations and not your slurs against others.
I do think too much of the truth is showing due to Sensabon's inability to refute the obvious. Sensabon won't explain why across millinea the Jewish
elements experienced Pogroms; from the Russians, from The Europeans, from The Islams. There appears to be a universal dislike for the Jewish
So, lets cut to the chase, with a pious Sunday School lesson, using the Jewish Religions Own highly respected pious teachings and respected ones.
What Sensabon won't explain is that in the old times there was Noah and Noah only had 7 big laws (The Noahide Laws) and that began the pious aspects
for what would become Judaism and the Torah. Then comes Moses and Moses sees the corruption of the simple Noah rules via the Egyptians adoping the
pagan gods from Babylon and the corruptions of Nimrod, Semaramis, and etc.----which amounts to the school of tyrants.
Moses comes to be the savior of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt and tosses out only 10 Rules, as he saw the problems of tyranny from the teachings of
Babylon infecting the Egyptians. Babylon was highly recorded via the Stone of Hamarabbi some 213 laws 300 years before Moses came up with the ten
simple rules to live by.
The early Hebrew religion was considered to have devine inspiration and benevolent purpose in these times from Noah, to Moses, and on down to David
and Solomon, then things went terribly wrong. The pious teachings from these older times fell to the tyranny of Babylon and the old values were
burned with the 1st temple and the Ark of the Covenant disappeared. Here the Hewbrew took in the elements for tyranny and what would be called Satan
in those times. The Babylon Talmud pulled in the teachings of Babylon and the methods of the many 213 Babylon Laws seen on the Stone of
The Second Temple came to uphold these Babylon games for the purpose of power and control over others, and the Jewish in place of ten simple rules
started to acquire 613 Babylon type rules they were supposed to follow. They became so controlled they didn't see the reasons why Moses revolted
from too many tyrant rules into the simple ten rules. These days, even the US system of law is corrupted by these Stone of Hamarrabi Rules, which
are one in the same with the Babylon Talmud's needs to control and seek power over others. This brought in the theme of usury to gain power and
control over others.
In the periods after the 2nd Temple was burned down the Islam came into view as a resistance against these same old tyrany methods of Babylon and also
equally against those that adopted the tyrant rules, the Jewish Babylon Talmudists. Here the corruption of religion was called as them being
"Infadels" (aka the Godless ones), or these following the pagan games of Babylon's tyranny. So, as a result those not based in the old pious
beliefs and the benevolent purpose of the divine religion from Noah and Moses were basically hunted them down and they either taxed them into
nonexistance or killed them when they refused to stop following the ways of tyranny. Islam opposed all usury methods.
Same goes for the Russians who adopted their system of rules to fence out those ways of Babylon tyranny using usury, corporations that seek to own
property so large as to control the Govt., and so forth. Russia's political views stemmed from Marx, whose predictions were all about how to avoid
the excesses of capitalism and property ownership for control and what most would term the Beast.
What Sensabon won't tell people about Judaism is that in the times after the 1st temple, the religion departed from the pious and devine inspirations
of Noah and Moses and David and Solomon into the low road to hell via the Babylon methods of tyranny to lord over and control others. That
corruption of the Jewish religion brought about the Pogroms across the board from various other religions and political systems.
The Story of Jesus and the Essene is that of persons that knew of these fallabilties of the Jewish religion and sought to return to the benevolent
values of Noah, Moses, David/Solomon. They were going to save the religion from that wrong turn, but the need for power and control was too much for
the Essene's most high master. Yet, those basic teachings remain ever so true today, and the Jewish Babylon Talmudist can't shake the simple truth
to this day some 2,000 years later.
Mary, Joseph, and Jesus traveled to the lands of Egypt and they got to see the shining pyramids of those times and the moats that surrounded them and
likely a good deal of the technology that allowed their construction. And they got to see the pagan gods to which Moses revolted and they learned of
the alchemical methods of the Egyptians that Moses was taught. The Essene learned a lot from those experiences and the highest ideals from Joseph
and Jesus was to restore the pious truths from those early times of the Hebrew religion and to reject the themes from Babylon that were about too many
rules, too much overbearing control of others, too much pagan rule nonsense, and methods more about tyranny then benelovent purposes for the good of
edit on 19-2-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Sunday School Lesson
edit on 19-2-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Benevolent Purpose is
lacking from Sensabon