posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:28 AM
Wednesday, 15 Feb, 2012, about 2pm.
I see 8 military-grade helicopters (these were black, single-rotor) fly north over east Seattle (Capitol Hill).
I was in South Lake Union at the time, walking home, towards Capitol Hill.
I also noticed two big hawks out over the lake each being harassed by a pair of crows.
At 3 pm almost exactly, 2 of the choppers were observed flying back over Capitol Hill to the south.
This could have been totally innocent, and probably was. But it for sure is NOT something that happens every day! So I thought it was worth making a
record of it.
I am not at all familiar with what sort of operations require 8 choppers to fly together from one place to another. Maybe some seeing this have more
knowledge in this area.
I could not find any news stories about this.