posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:29 AM
Right the only animals that seem do be effected seem to be those which we understand have uses or sconnection with the earth magnetic field,
we know (or guess) that birds use the magnetic field to navigate,
it has been suggested the same with dolphins...
both these things hwoever if logic is applied would suggest that a change in sucha field would create conffusion or at best loss of direction, which
would suggest the brids could have flown into the ground,
however as a poster mentioned already, statistically all the birds then dying seems increadibly slim, i mean at least one human could by chance
survive from a fall from a great height is there was 100 of them falling...
again with dolphins they could possibly drown as they are not sure which way is "up" to get air. however again it seems unlikley...
it would be rlativley easy to show the working for the above faults.. the dolphins would show sings of drownign (due to possible confussion) the birds
would show death by impact trauma.
if it was somthing effecting there brain, you would expect to see some signs there.. say some magnectic falre, change overloading the brain you would
expect to see some kind of hemoraging or simialr, then the chance of anything to do with an elctrical current traveling through 100 birds lined up 3/6
centimeters apart in the rain at an angl allowing for a circuit to be completed to earth (and increadibly unlikley scenraio) there would also be clear
sings of this method of death. in all the recent die offs there has been a decent sample size so i would expct someone knows what is happening.
the other option i see is chemical or nuclear poisoning (mainly as this has effected both air and sea animals mostly) againt htough there would be
clear signs in at least one of each sample set showing this.
Just my thoughts.
Edit - was going to correct my dreadful spelling, however there are sooo many mistakes, its late and im tired.
edit on 16-2-2012 by
GonzoSinister because: (no reason given)