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About a hundred dead birds block I-95 traffic

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posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 09:56 PM
No i get it but even with a spark gap the electricity goes the path of least resistance it may postivly charge the birds but unless grounded or touching anther power line at the same time electrocution in out of the question

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by leawyoming

Just throwing ideas out there,what are your thoughts on the cause?

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
reply to post by leawyoming

Just throwing ideas out there,what are your thoughts on the cause?

I think this happend!

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by angrywhitechick

260 Dolphins dead on beach in Peru - I didn't know they had electric wires under the sea where they don't normally hang out.

Yes these Mass die offs are still happening - but hey - it's normal

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:29 AM
Right the only animals that seem do be effected seem to be those which we understand have uses or sconnection with the earth magnetic field,

we know (or guess) that birds use the magnetic field to navigate,

it has been suggested the same with dolphins...

both these things hwoever if logic is applied would suggest that a change in sucha field would create conffusion or at best loss of direction, which would suggest the brids could have flown into the ground,
however as a poster mentioned already, statistically all the birds then dying seems increadibly slim, i mean at least one human could by chance survive from a fall from a great height is there was 100 of them falling...

again with dolphins they could possibly drown as they are not sure which way is "up" to get air. however again it seems unlikley...

it would be rlativley easy to show the working for the above faults.. the dolphins would show sings of drownign (due to possible confussion) the birds would show death by impact trauma.

if it was somthing effecting there brain, you would expect to see some signs there.. say some magnectic falre, change overloading the brain you would expect to see some kind of hemoraging or simialr, then the chance of anything to do with an elctrical current traveling through 100 birds lined up 3/6 centimeters apart in the rain at an angl allowing for a circuit to be completed to earth (and increadibly unlikley scenraio) there would also be clear sings of this method of death. in all the recent die offs there has been a decent sample size so i would expct someone knows what is happening.

the other option i see is chemical or nuclear poisoning (mainly as this has effected both air and sea animals mostly) againt htough there would be clear signs in at least one of each sample set showing this.

Just my thoughts.

Edit - was going to correct my dreadful spelling, however there are sooo many mistakes, its late and im tired.
edit on 16-2-2012 by GonzoSinister because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:49 AM
Maybe they were flying and they hit some air?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by GonzoSinister

Not a problem,bro.
I'm going with a electro-chemical interaction with the A) semi-truck releasing something from it's load.
B) some nearby chemical plant with an accidental release of something.
Or C) who freaking knows.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by angrywhitechick

I KNEW it!!!!!!!!! my mom was saying I needed rest, pfft, I posted this on January 18th on my personal blog:
Today I was walking home with my daughter and her dad and saw a dead seagull in the middle of the street, right on the middle lane. Naturally I thought it had been hit by a car, only thing is, it showed no signs of being hit by anything, it was in tact and not bloody at all, I have seen birds that have been run over by cars and what is left behind is NOT pretty, this bird was still pretty, she was dead as if she was lying there sleeping with her eyes open. I assume by now she is nothing but ground bird but when we first noticed she was very much fresh? she had just fallen? who knows, maybe there was a bird war. P.S. Just before walking across the street I could of sworn I saw something falling from the sky through my peripheral vision while in the store…was it the bird?

I knew when I saw that bird that day, it was a sign that SOMETHING was up with birds! because all the rest of the birds were flying like they were distressed. I called up my ma and told her what I saw. She was like oh don't bother worrying yourself over that, that dead animal stuff is long past, HA, now I can stick out my tongue and say I told you so over and over
I felt so bad when i saw that bird because I had JUST passed that street and there were no birds on the ground. My daughter exclaimed, ' mommy the bird is sick!'

I can actually walk to I 95 from my house! and I actually live about 10-15 min drive from Laurel depending on traffic.

edit on 2/16/2012 by ISis12RA12ELohim because: to add some things

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

LOL I was thinking the same thing. Please...bull*^*^. The bird I saw, what excuse do they have for that one? no power lines around and certainly no fireworks. Guess she ran in to an invisible wall.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by buddha

unless the bird all fly in a line wings touching.
from power line to power line.
now that could do it.

This wouldn't do anything because there's no potential difference when all the power lines carry the exact same voltage.A potential difference exists between the power lines and the ground,that's what gives an electric shock.

I'd guess at poisoning as the cause of death.They all ate or drank at the same place some time before,stopped on the power lines for a breather and one by one became sick and fell onto the highway below where they were run over by Occams razor
edit on 16-2-2012 by Imagewerx because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by angrywhitechick

Impossible, you cannot be shocked unless you are grounded. Bullcrap not, buying it.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by angrywhitechick

Check out Wikileaks UFO Footage Banned From Pubic Eye on youtube..this video footage is of a young couple out sight seeing..Birds start falling from the sky..the female gets a nose bleed..and then some type of UFO that hides in the clouds..uses a cell phone tower to blow them up..This is the same kind of UFO seen in Russia..the video footage from the Wikileaks..the young couple speak in some foreign me it looks real..I asked Clifford Clint with MUFON to take a look at this video..I have not heard back from him yet..but he did tell me that SETI Discovery of Fleet of UFO's heading towards the Earth is Real..Take a look at MUFON Website..go up to the right corner..there is a map of local UFO Reports..check out youre area..Northwest UFO is also a great site to look up reports in whatever State you are in...The dead birds are a sign that UFO activity is going on in youre State..

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:01 AM
There is something wrong with birds in the USA recently. I can accept one story teeling about fireworks or powerlines, but there are just too many cases

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:36 AM
It is because we are receiving more energy from space (which could have its own thread) and as our weakened magnetic field gets weaker it will continue to happen and more kill offs will happen.

Anything energetic in our Solar System is being effected.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by kdog1982
reply to post by GonzoSinister

Not a problem,bro.
I'm going with a electro-chemical interaction with the A) semi-truck releasing something from it's load.
B) some nearby chemical plant with an accidental release of something.
Or C) who freaking knows.

I think your write on this one i think it is a combo of electromagnetic radiation and some enviromental chemical reaction dont know exactly how ......

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Maybe they were flying and they hit some air?

Lmao I would have never thought of that! Seems more likely. Haha.

Anyway I find it weird how they ALL died just because of a power line? Nice excuse in my opinion. However, no one really buys that.
This reminds me of those dolphins that died, like people stated here

..Also reminds me of when frogs fell from the sky -_-

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:21 AM
Can someone please tell me how dead birds blocked
a road?

Edited headline:

"Emotionally challenged, Illogical adults block roadway for hours, making everyone late, over bird carcasses"

I am going to be late to work, because you want to block the road over dead birds? I would have drove on the curb, and all you would have heard is thump-thump-thump-thump-thump.

I hate to lay blame on other females, but some women are just illogical. (this woman wouldn't have hit the brakes)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:23 AM
They (the DOD) have been working on a "shield" to protect the US of UFO's.. no kidding. The electromagnetic field is roughly 25 miles up. So "there" ships lose there magnetic field and crash. For some reason birds have died off when they switch it on. There working on the why now.. HAARP and the smaller versions of it are the culprits.. What scares me is the DOD have been in RUSH Mode for the past 18 months which is scaring myself and the others who have been working on this.. I get the feeling something is coming...

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by ScarletWitch

The subject line I used was the actual headline of the article I posted.

It was inaccurate. First of all, there were more than 100 birds. From other reports I have seen there were 100s. And you're right, even 100s of birds wouldn't block the highway. The birds themselves didn't block the road but MDot blocked the road as they cleaned up the birds off the highway.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Apollo7

Ummm...that video has a date stamp on the lower right corner of 2018 and if it really happened and a weapon had the power to do that, then how did the video camera make survive....

On topic...birds falling from the sky would freak me out.

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