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High school student creates a vehicle that gets 800+ miles to a gallon

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posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 11:43 PM
Yes I know this as been around for a long time but it's always great to see it being shown to the public.

Claims that you get 20 to 30% better fuel mileage using this in existing cars. He isn't reinventing the wheel just improving on it.

This isn't a claim of free energy.

This high school student has done what many have said is impossible I think it's about time that people take notice and realize that the PTB do not want this kind of technology implemented because it will hurt their bottom line which has been and always will be money.

[url=]Hig School Student makes Engine run on water[/url

Please everyone remember the very first thing I said was this is NOT new. What I find to be interesting about it is that a high school student was able to prove the concept. NOTHING NEW. This is not groundbreaking. It is heartbreaking because the technology is still being ignored.
edit on 15-2-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 11:54 PM
i think this is hho gas. i heard good things from people with carb engines. fuel injection i think you have to put more money into it. this has been around for a while. Lots of people on both sides of the fence. i never tried it.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Brown's Gas.

I doubt it increases efficiency.

But I wish him every success if it does.
edit on 14/2/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 11:58 PM
I think it is high time that the automotive industry start using some of this decades old technology to improve gas mileage. Where's the downside to the consumer? I can see why oil companies would not want to have it incorporated in vehicles because they would lose money but as consumers shouldn't we be demanding this. It isn't a question of does it work because we know it does. I would be very happy with 20% or 30% better gas mileage. I would probably drive more.

I have personally put one of these in my truck and it has helped my gas mileage so I know it works. The only major modification I had to make was buy what they call a PMA which stands for permanent magnet alternator. I also had to have my friend add a device that fooled my computer because it thought it was running to rich or to lean.

One thought I had about that engine the high school student made was if he hooked it up to a small generator I wonder how much electricity you could generate all of a gallon of gas. When dealing with vehicles you are putting strains on the engine at different speeds. I would think that having a engine run at a steady pace generating electricity would be a easy task comparatively.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Now he'll get "cancer" and die in 3 days

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by LongbottomLeaf

This video is kind of old I have not found much information about the kid after this. He did win some awards from it. So at least he got some acknowledgment.

The problem is there is so much misinformation and disinformation on Internet people tend to just dismiss it as a urban legend.
edit on 15-2-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:30 AM
HHO ie browns gas..This is old news. There are a million plans for this device on the web if you want to make one. Its not rocket science. Should have been put on all internal combustion engines from the beginning.
Did you know your typical lawn mower gets approx 6 mpg and accounts for about 5% of all fuel emissions.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

You brought up that you have installed a system in your own vehicle but you didn't expound on your experience. Did you see a difference and if so did it nullify the cost, or at how many miles will it have nullified the cost?

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Lexx790

HHO ie browns gas..
I don't think this is the typical browns gas device that you can get from dodgy websites... they claim he has won several awards for this invention, so there must be something more to it. I saw this video a couple of months ago and I was fairly surprised to see it actually made the news. If one highschool student can do this imagine what the words best scientists could do if they really tried... we have been stuck with this damn internal combustion engine for like 150 years now... that's completely absurd imo, it makes me angry... when the hell are we going to advanced past this stupid relic and stop burning excessive amount of fossil fuels.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by mretgis
reply to post by Grimpachi

You brought up that you have installed a system in your own vehicle but you didn't expound on your experience. Did you see a difference and if so did it nullify the cost, or at how many miles will it have nullified the cost?

When I first installed it, it played havoc on my computer system but with the help of a friend we got it running better than it ever had. I ran it for about four months I didn't keep great records as far as gas mileage but I did see a difference it seemed like I was having to fill my tank less and less. I added a another component which makes it almost impossible to tell you what has given me better gas mileage. I put a stainless steel tank in my bed of my truck which has a slurry of potassium hydroxide, I throw empty beer cans and coke cans in with it and it creates pure hydrogen which I run in conjunction with the fuel cell. Those things combined I have virtually doubled my gas mileage the only downside is cleaning out the stainless tank every couple months.

When the potassium hydroxide eats the aluminum it leaves behind aluminum oxide which I throw in with my recyclables. For me it has been completely worth it.

What I would like to try to do is take a generator and see if I can loop the power back to a fuel cell and be able to document the results. One design I have seen where someone had done this they added a fine mist of water into the engine to act as a coolant and increase the compression like a steam engine.

To answer your question directly, yes I did see an increase in fuel mileage but it wasn't as much as I wanted that could also be due to the size of the fuel cell I have installed. It really should have been bigger perhaps in the future I will build another one to accommodate.

I drive a 2001 Dodge ram 1500 4 x 4 with a 5.9 L engine and I am getting 27 to 31 miles per gallon considering I used to get about 14 miles per gallon at best.
edit on 15-2-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-2-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
I think it is high time that the automotive industry start using some of this decades old technology to improve gas mileage. Where's the downside to the consumer? I can see why oil companies would not want to have it incorporated in vehicles because they would lose money but as consumers shouldn't we be demanding this. It isn't a question of does it work because we know it does. I would be very happy with 20% or 30% better gas mileage. I would probably drive more.

I have personally put one of these in my truck and it has helped my gas mileage so I know it works. The only major modification I had to make was buy what they call a PMA which stands for permanent magnet alternator. I also had to have my friend add a device that fooled my computer because it thought it was running to rich or to lean.

One thought I had about that engine the high school student made was if he hooked it up to a small generator I wonder how much electricity you could generate all of a gallon of gas. When dealing with vehicles you are putting strains on the engine at different speeds. I would think that having a engine run at a steady pace generating electricity would be a easy task comparatively.

I’m sure that the Big 3 in the US discontinued their sales of smaller trucks were due to the fact that the larger trucks were getting the same mileage as the smaller ones.

Heads were exploding in boardrooms across the world once they found out that the engineers and the folk in marketing had pulled the wool over their eyes.

But those same folk in engineering and marketing also realize that they may be blowing their own career. So they are well aware of “Planned Obsolescence”.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Thanks for going into detail about it. I've wanted to try something along those lines in my own truck but the whole concept is totally foreign here and it'd be tough to find the help I'd need in installing it. The computer hack, was it a hack (reprogram) or a new chip?

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by mretgis

There is a component you can buy online that you can hook directly into your O2 sensor and then you can adjust the settings on your vehicle. My friend who is a mechanic did have to go into the program and change something he said it was simple but we needed the equipment from his work that allows im to do that.

If you are going to get a hydrogen fuel cell go with a dry cell and go big, also get a PMA permanent magnet alternator otherwise your standard car alternator will work against the engine reducing your fuel mileage.

There are different PMA's get one with the most magnets, people also use them for wind turbines.
edit on 15-2-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:47 AM
I can see how you could improve mpg if you are adding hydrogen generated from a chemical reaction or other means not powered directly or indirectly by the engine.

I cannot see how using hydrogen generated by the vehicles own battery / alternator could make an improvement, at least with physics as currently known.

Here is a link for someone who claims to have tried a few of the systems: eBay Guides

And here is another link explaining well why it doesn't work: Link However this link also mentions that a study concluded that HHO increased an engines thermodynamic efficiency by 15%, which is interesting.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I can add a personal testimony here. I traveled 15,000kms in a bus with a large Diesel engine with an added fuel cell, a browns gas generator, exceptionally good results. The device required a few items, a switch so it didnt produce gas until after 30 seconds from engine start for safety also a secondary water source so it never could run dry, easy. To help matters along we added an extra alternator just for the cell so it got the total output of a 24v 50 amp (? not quite sure) anyway it worked a treat. Fuel on a normal full tank would get us 450kms, we checked on the delivery run to the install place, with the device we managed 1050kms with a top end power boost that made us the envy of many a passed truck on a hill.
I am told the builder of this device could not patent it because it had been around since the first world war as an addition to the first tanks used by the british. google the "Joe cell" simple to make and install no problems at all.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by EasyPleaseMe

My fuel cell alone did increase my gass milage probably only by eight or 9% while I was using the regular alternator but when I switched out that alternator with a PMA that change things drastically because it wasn't causing a drag on the engine and it was creating a higher voltage.

I know there are many people that say it doesn't work but it works for myself and as you can see it works for the kid in the video. He did win many awards for it.

There is a lots of misinformation and disinformation on the Internet with charlatans and carpetbaggers but there are some that are for real. The fuel cell I have I built myself from designs I found on the Internet that were free.

I didn't really want this thread to be about my vehicle but I will answer questions. I would rather talk about the video because that kid managed to get some amazing results with his tinkering.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by aussiespeeder

There are tons of patents on water fuel cells but it has been my experience to use what they call a dry cell that works best. Your friend that had to alternators would have done better to put in a PMA although they are expensive you can make them yourself but I think they are completely worth it.

Thanks for the information.

posted on Dec, 30 2016 @ 10:29 PM
Nice info.

posted on Jan, 1 2017 @ 12:06 AM
A PMA alternator will increase MPG alone. i used them on mine equipment because they were more reliable.
I even used one driven by a air motor for a underground welder.

Years ago i did tests on a large portable diesel generator by adding water injection along with propane injection.

I got about 10% more KWHs for the same amount of fuel and the generator would start easier in low temps.

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