posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 11:11 PM
We have a lot of strange things happening to us all the time and among them are things going missing a LOT! I can't figure out where all my cutlery,
tupperwear lids and cups are disappearing to. For 2 years a couple small hunting knives went missing from the knife jar and just today while getting
out my old camcorder, in a storage closet, there they were sitting on top of the camcorder in the case. My hubby and I did not put them there. We
have a mischevious ghost playing pranks on us and I think this is one of them. You might have what we have. I hope it doesn't get worse for you like
it has for us. We are experiencing cold spots, voices, dark shadows, and scratches on hubby and my daughter. It started out as things missing years
ago. We are working on getting rid of whatever we have in our house.