reply to post by aboutface
Dear aboutface.
Bloody interesting article by “Nature”. I’m glad the subject earlier in your thread about how governments are controlling scientific research
was mentioned. This journal article gets straight to the point. I have used this journal a lot as a student when doing my environmental biology
The pharmaceutical companies own the government in all countries, because of their multinational” economic clout”. We already discussed how they
have this influence. It is almost like bribery, the politicians are forced to make decisions based on companies that are the most lucrative in order
to appease the population and spend more money on bombs and bullets (this applies to England but I don’t know about Canada). Governments are owned
by the few and most affluent. The media are merely there as vehicle for the government to justify their actions. In other words they tell what they
want us to hear. Thank god for the internet and alternative media such as ATS.
I urge you read “Tales from the Time Loop” (David Icke, 2003) in relation to this and “The Biggest Secret” (same author). Don’t have the
date because my sister misplaced it when moving.
In England our government are the most controlling, dishonest freaks you can think of e.g. they have been trying to occupy Afghanistan for nearly
hundreds of years; the vast majority of the population disagree with it (our young men are just getting hurt both physically and emotionally). If we
left them alone they would not even know we existed, so what is the our governments agenda?
There is no such thing as a democracy in this world while it is a lovely concept. In any case a famous quote for you, “how can a democracy ever work
when the majority are always wrong” (Socrates).
Obviously pharmaceutical companies want to keep the ill unwell to maintain their power and influence over our governments and therefore the population
for the above reasons.
In short, they want to keep our populations ill so they can make more cash and have more control. power and wealth grabbing freaks.
When I mentioned love in a previous post this is how, why, on a spiritual level we can raise our consciousness to the fifth dimension which is why I
gave you that hollow earth references/ link.
Don’t’ worry I did not mean that personally but I do have love for everything (on earth, esp. plants, animals) which is why I studied medicine.
including our mother, Earth. And no, I am not religious at all and do not ascribe to any world religion.
My absolute kindest regards, spacemon