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Why Are These High Strangeness Bigfoot Encounters Ignored By The Mainstream?

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by blocula
White haired bigfoot photographed in Fort Worth,Texas 1969 >

I don't see a Big Foot anywhere in that picture. I see white blob on black background. Actually, I think it is a unicorn.

See what I did there?

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Originally posted by blocula
White haired bigfoot photographed in Fort Worth,Texas 1969 >

I don't see a Big Foot anywhere in that picture. I see white blob on black background. Actually, I think it is a unicorn.

See what I did there?
I have an open mind,who am i to say that what anyone claims to have seen is a lie or a fake,i was'nt there and after all the bizarre paranormal happenings and sightings that i've experienced,i know for a fact that there are all kinds of strange paranormal creatures being encountered and all types of supernatural phenomena going on in this world and most of them are purposefully ridiculed and ignored,denied and hushed up by the mainstream,tptb dont want anything steering us away from their greed driven rat race...

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by blocula

hi blocula
dont mind the haters
but i would like to say this
i think that the idea of bigfoots being highle
inteligent animals could be true
i also think some sightings could be ghost like
i also think the whole thing is all bogus although i doubt that
but i will post on topic and tell u my possible explenations

my theory witch i thought of after reading ut thread is this
u have seen fish?
they move in big groups telepathy
1000 of fish will move to one side at the same time,how?
the thread off the scientist saying telepathy is fact
wat if the bigfoot has develloped more telepathy skills
also smelling seeieng and so on
so i mean wat if bigfoot is a human but super smell seieng hearing mind
but just developped diffrents skills like hunting and developped a diffrent hair
also i think some are maybe extra dimesions
but why would they come here?
and wat do u think they are if i may ask?

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by blocula

Good post. Some relevant points.

It would be good if Bigfoot was scientifically discovered. The type of accounts you mention are possibly overlooked because they don't add much weight to these creatures being real, in the accepted sense of being a normal biological creature.

This is actually a world wide phenomenon, as you say, with claims of similar 'hairy men" from around the world, though popularised more in the US as Bigfoot. A proportion of them have what appears to be a paranormal element to them. Many of the indigenous stories about them also point to an existence that isn't physical, in the normal sense.

Reported phenomena such as "glowing eyes" (eyes that emit, rather than reflect light) would redefine accepted knowledge of biology and evolution as we know it. Even if they simply reflected light, a large Hominid/Ape with a tapetum lucidum would be equally as puzzling in an evolutionary sense. Not to mention accounts of these hairy men that are 15' tall, that "dematerialise" in front of people, footprints that just stop with no explanation as if the creature just vanished into thin air and any number of other weird stuff.

It seems an unavoidable fact that despite hundreds of years of sightings all around the world (not only the US) there has never been anything unambiguous and convincing put forward to suggest that these creatures actually exist (in the scientific sense), without resorting to assumption and belief. Rather than strengthening the believer's position, the most obvious reason for this is that they don't' exist (at least in any normal biological sense).

Some of the stories are also a bit iffy (IMO) such as the Fred Beck one. He also later claimed to experience psychic visions of which the "Apemen" (from other dimensions as he claimed) were only one part. When it comes to needing special "abilities" like this, the chances of personal fantasy being confused with reality go up considerably IMO. Too much is made of things like the PG footage not being debunked also. It simply isn't good enough quality to draw enough conclusions from (scientifically), which really adds no legitimacy to it being what it proposes to be either.

Yet people still claim encounters.There appears to be another explanation necessary apart from science. Whether the paranormal, or cultural mythology/psychology explain it, who knows? I feel the second one will have the explanation. I doubt hoax and misidentification can account for this entire phenomena (though possibly most) and whether Bigfoot is real or otherwise, it seems somethinging is happening that is quite fascinating.

edit on 23-2-2012 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Cogito, Ergo Sum

I would imagine that if i was in that cabin back when fred beck and others were asaulted,with small boulders thrown at them by the creatures,as well as the creatures jumping on the roof of their cabin and pounding on the walls as well as other terrifying events while they were shooting at them from inside,i would have been horrified,especially having that happen in such a remote and secluded place and if it really happened,the fact that most people refuse to believe it,must make it all the harder to deal with....

My friend and i one winter night heard shrieks and wailing growls very close to us inside a cemetary that we were walking through one winter night many years ago and let me tell you it was beyond terrifying and those sounds were very unearthly.We didnt see anything at the time,but i think now that the creature was up in one of the larger trees that line the small center road that runs through the middle of that cemetary.I still live right next to that ominous and gloomy cemetary and i also live within the "bridgewater triangle" area where all sorts of strange things have been reported for literally hundreds of years...

Hearing those sounds so close to us was the most terrifying experience i have ever had and to tell you the truth i was never quite the same afterwards and of course 95% of the people that we told didnt believe me and still dont...
edit on 23-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by blocula

he bloc have u seen this vid yet
a bigfoot crosses the road

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by bloculaI have an open mind,who am i to say that what anyone claims to have seen is a lie or a fake,i was'nt there and after all the bizarre paranormal happenings and sightings that i've experienced,i know for a fact that there are all kinds of strange paranormal creatures being encountered and all types of supernatural phenomena going on in this world and most of them are purposefully ridiculed and ignored,denied and hushed up by the mainstream,tptb dont want anything steering us away from their greed driven rat race...

So, since you believe in ghosts, then you argue that Bigfoot must also be true? I have yet to see any proof, apart from blobsquatches, men in costumes, overexposed pictures and tree branches that form unicorns.

Originally posted by Cogito, Ergo Sum
reply to post by blocula

It would be good if Bigfoot was scientifically discovered.

You can't prove something that isn't there.

Yet people still claim encounters.There appears to be another explanation necessary apart from science. Whether the paranormal, or cultural mythology/psychology explain it, who knows?

Or people that want to believe, like you, make things up in order to have a purpose in life - Just like religious people.

My girlfriend told me of one of the funny calls she got a few days ago at work. She works for Q8 Petrolium, and handles customers who call in with problems. There was an old lady who was a firm believer that her neighboor (Who lives 200 meters from her house) had installed pipes, and could steal all of her oil with the press of a button. Even though she was told that each time they came to her house, there was only ~10% used of her oil tank, she refused to believe it, because she was a weirdo. That's pretty much the same case as with the 'squatch.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 12:51 AM

You can't prove something that isn't there.

Thank you. The obvious truth that "you can't prove something that isn't there", seems to infer in this instance that according to yourself, Bigfoot does not exist. Not at all unfounded as an opinion, I might add. Based on what has been found in favour of Bigfoot (nothing). Yet you seem to be confident that this as a fact. Did you look behind every tree stump in the world, yet found no Bigfoot? Or were you in a hurry and forgot the "IMO" that belongs on the end of it?

I would be interested in both the logic involved and the evaluations used, in proving a negative such as this.

people that want to believe, like you, make things up in order to have a purpose in life - Just like religious people.

Fair enough. Now all that is needed is for you to present me with something in this thread that I have obviously "made up" regarding Bigfoot, to give my worthless existence some purpose. Or my beliefs regarding Religion...if you like. This would be even more interesting.

Bearing in mind there are many things I would like to be real, Bigfoot being only one. Whether I in fact believe that they are real, being a completely different matter.

Oil, pipes...........zzz...zzz...zzz.........................So your (rather boring IMO) little story proves Sasquatch doesn't exist and casts doubt on the mental faculties of all the "wierdos" who claim encounters?
Yeah right, there does appear some logical steps missed and more than a few narrow minded assumptions made here. It starts to become more obvious how you arrived at your "fact of non existence". Perhaps I have misunderstood, perhaps I got you on a bad day, either way, thanks for the input.... I think.....

Over to you................

edit on 28-2-2012 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by blocula

All fair enough Blocula. In the end I don't know, I only have an opinion.

A group of “spiritualist” prospectors, one who claims “special abilities” (Beck), who somehow attracted “mountain devil” paranormal beings to their camp... after holding a séance ....without a shred of proof...

To begin with, very long experience with those who make claims of being “special” this way, doesn't leave me with much optimism. Simple belief based self deception covers most new agers and their “specialness” IMO, though occasionally there are those who become fully delusional (certain new age cult leaders for example).

I can see where the claimant could believe his story. After all people have claimed experiences with the Virgin Mary, been taken by aliens into outer space, move forwards/backwards in time etc and give the appearance of believing it, but I can think of some far more down to earth explanations that I would like rule out first...

Using the same standards that would accept this as plausible.....

People probably do see fairies.

Blossom Goodchild probably does channel Pleiadeans (despite a 100% prediction failure rate of said aliens

The Heaven's Gate people probably did meet up with aliens on Hale Bopp and are now living in the “evolutionary level above human”.

It must be tough for them too if they are right and after all, we wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Yet I have more than a few doubts...

Apart from the facts that people are very fallible, misunderstand, exaggerate and at times flat out lie, there are other considerations.

The subject of unusual beliefs (particularly the psychology behind it) and perception is a fascinating one. Neuroscience and recent technology is helping the field of psychology quite a bit, allowing for genuine experiments with technology such as MRI. For example it's known that a reasonable percentage of people will change the way they see reality if an obvious lie is repeated to them enough. The lie will become completely real to them and they will simply change the way they perceive, they will see something that isn't there.

It also appears that much of what we think we perceive via our senses throughout the day is no such thing either. There is a lot that is simply placed there by the mind/brain (what it expects to be there) from stored memory. Normally we never notice because nothing abnormal appears, yet on rare occasions this procedure can obviously go wrong. Especially in circumstances that increase the chances of misperception and misinterpreting of data to begin with, such as forested areas in poor lighting. Beliefs and heightened emotions such as fear also can effect both perception and the interpretation of of what is perceived.

This is not a popular area with believers and therefore is generally not even a consideration. There is a general attitude that only other people are subject to these foibles of the mind, yet the truth is we all can be. Crypto research generally amounts to believers looking for anything to add weight to their own belief and ignoring whatever might take away from it, where any phenomena that doesn't have simple explanation could be a “Squatch”. Though not all, some seem objective, though very few in these fields seem to be looking for the truth, whatever that might be.

I have studied areas with a long history of claimed cryptid encounters such as big cats, hairy men and parnormal experiences in some depth. I can fully understand how people come to their conclusions from having similar experiences. Though IMO if they were to spend enough time and effort to look further they might get a better understanding. I have found almost all similar experiences in these areas have mundane explanations, though could easily be interpreted as something exceptional or exotic.

I have no reason to doubt your experience. The only thing I could say about it, is that the cause of it isn't known. Why assume it's something paranormal? Have you looked further, sought advice from Zooligist with knowledge of your area etc?

There is a long history of “claimed” encounters, not only in every state of the US, but from every continent on earth (apart from Antarctica). When nothing shows up to validate any these encounters it doesn't seem unreasonable to look for other explanations. I can understand why indigenous (often stone age) cultures with a habit of assigning superstition to what they don't understand, could give “paranormal being” status to this sort of phenomena because this habit continues in modern cultures also (ours).

I have the feeling (just IMO) that even some scientists have their areas of Anthropology confused regarding the hairy man phenomena. Rather than a valid study in the area of physical Anthropology, I feel this phenomena indicates something common to the human condition worldwide (psychologically) and fits more in the realm of cultural Anthropology.

I could be wrong though, in fact I would like to be wrong in this instance.

edit on 28-2-2012 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 03:30 AM
I am not saying that psychology/ mispercetion/ misinterpretation will necessarily hold all of the answers to the Bigfoot/ Hairy Man phenomena. Though unlike the common hypotheses that it is a real creature, or a paranormal being, it at least has a basis in observable science.

Some interesting reading.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 03:36 AM
BigFoot doesn't pose a threat to the average mainstream north american,

nor himalayan or whatever in the case of yeti.

It's just an anomoly, whether true divergent species or legend/myth.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Thain Esh Kelch
The native americans were well aware of bigfoot long before the europeans set foot upon the north american continent,they encountered them,talked about them and carved them into their totem poles...

One tribe believes that hundreds of years ago,a certain group of native americans,through ritualistic sacrifice and magical ceremonies,aquired the ability to make themselves invisible and they reverted back into their prehistoric animal form...

Think about that the next time your walking all alone out in a deep forest as night falls...

Some of these high strangeness reports come from pioneers and settlers in the 1800's and some from the early 20th century.The more bizarre types of reports are not just from immature modern day people trying to turn the whole situation into some kind of joke...

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 12:43 PM

The Bigfoot DNA study will be coming out soon....the press will not be ignoring the topic after that.
Over 200 samples submitted from across North America.

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 12:49 PM
I wish people would quit trying to get pictures of Bigfoot. I'm going to have to shave again so people aren't stopping and taking my picture when I get the mail. I only have size 15 boots, they aren't that big.

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