posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Neocrusader
A blending of races
Think about today's multi cultural plan gone hay wire where an immigrant gets more rights than a native
Tptb have push multi culturalism down our throats for decades
The right blend of white black Asian ect blood to produce a race incorporating the best traits from each blood line
Bad example but just to get you thinking
Strength/stamina of blacks , intelegence/creativity of whites and the dexterity/speed of Asians
The real master race - the best features of all the people's of earth
To say the 1% or tptb are all white old dudes is more than a little naive
The chance of getting any race 'pure blood' is diminishing
No no no. Racism/Race is a convenient tool the TPTB use to control us by. A obsolete tribal defense mechanism. They control by emotion and fabricating
reality. They have studied us for a long time.
know how to control people. Or...better guide people into doing what they want.
It has to seem fun and altruistic. Thats how they get you suckered into the con.
Tell the victim that they are important and special to get thier trust/confidence. Paedophiles,pimps,con artists,career
thieves,psychopaths,murderers,politicians,marketing agents, warmongers that profiteer of the military industrialist complex do the same thing.
People think its hard but its kinda easy. If your a cold blooded psychopath that is.
People's egos will never allow them to realize they are easily control by these methods and tools.
no one wants to think they can be fooled like that.
But yeah back to the point...They are not going to keep anyone really.
They are going to engineer a "race" of genetically lobotomized worker drones. Then a "race" of nano-machine enhanced superhumans to be the
enforcers. Remember that movie "Gamer".Yeah a lot of that will be implemented for real this time not hollywood. These meta-humans are under control
of the "queen" central computer. A super computer ran/maintained by TPTB.
They whip most of us out. Only leaving enough to help establish a marxist borg-like global fiefdom.
That is if we can wake people up in time.