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The Truth Movement is a Hoax

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posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Touche' and in that case, just because people are following blind doesn't negate the possibility that their position is not true, nor does it indicate it is false.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 05:29 PM


posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 03:05 AM
yeah its a hoax everybody

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 04:39 PM
watch out for scammers and liars.
cheats are everywhere these days.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:02 PM
Many in the truth movement cannot handle the truth, and so called messiah leaders of the truth movement take what is false and present it as truth, david icke for one, presenting lies as fact, hypocrite , he says he is exposing, then doing exactly the same thing , using deception, what a complete and utter farce.

and people pay good money and swallow this BS , he mixes enough truth with his deceptions , to lead people into deception.

they are just swapping one delusions for another, as for telling those who blindly follow him, that vibrations from a black hole are going to transform, awaken them yer right,

and youve got mugs in the truth movement saying the vibrations are waken me up, sad,

its like the story of the king with no clothes on, a complete and utter farce of the first decree.

as for his hollow moon theory, the only hollow thing is his head and claims.

his hard core followers disciples on the david icke forum, claim this forum ATS because here people expose david icke. that this forum is run by the CIA who want to discredit their false messiah judas icke.

johnny max

edit on 16-2-2012 by johnnymax because: ickes followers claim ATS is a CIA forum, out to discredit the leader of the truth movement david icke satans jester.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by johnnymax
Many in the truth movement cannot handle the truth, and so called messiah leaders of the truth movement take what is false and present it as truth, david icke for one, presenting lies as fact, hypocrite , he says he is exposing, then doing exactly the same thing , using deception, what a complete and utter farce.

and people pay good money and swallow this BS , he mixes enough truth with his deceptions , to lead people into deception.

they are just swapping one delusions for another, as for telling those who blindly follow him, that vibrations from a black hole are going to transform, awaken them yer right,

and youve got mugs in the truth movement saying the vibrations are waken me up, sad,

its like the story of the king with no clothes on, a complete and utter farce of the first decree.

as for his hollow moon theory, the only hollow thing is his head and claims.

his hard core followers disciples on the david icke forum, claim this forum ATS because here people expose david icke. that this forum is run by the CIA who want to discredit their false messiah judas icke.

johnny max

edit on 16-2-2012 by johnnymax because: ickes followers claim ATS is a CIA forum, out to discredit the leader of the truth movement david icke satans jester.

It is all nonsense, yes.

As far as forums go though, I don't see any more crazy on Icke than I see here, but Icke doesn't censor people like this place. I don't think this is run by the CIA, nor do I even care, but the level is fascism is high enough that I see how already delusional/paranoid people would come to such a conclusion, even if they don't understand the concept of counter intelligence.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:47 AM
Okay, so I was wrong about Icke. I just posted all of this:

on DIF and had the thread deleted and was given a warning. They apparently don't take kindly to people questioning these snake oil salesmen.

When I talk about this forum being "fascist", it seems to have more to do with an obsessive desire to "groom" the place, and isn't exactly a censoring of content. Though this is definitely a hotbed for crazies.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:55 AM
Oh, yes. They've caught on and are censoring the hell out of everything I post now.


posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:08 PM
most people who get locked out here go to the david icke forum, raising the issue of freedom of speech,

and are told this forum has a CIA Agenda. ect

if you swallow all the icke baloney youre fine, question their messiah who of course is


and its all change they cannot delete your posts faster enough.

people can attack Jesus, open season.

expose icke and the door is locked .

why are they so threatened and frightened by the truth ?, the truth is the truth a lie is a lie, true or false.

when judas icke sells out truth and freedom, for thirty pieces of silver.

trying to make white black.

you have to make a stand, if i didnt the blood of the saints would cry out from the ground.

Jesus said freely you have received freely give, silver and gold have i none but what i do have i give you in the name of Jesus,

people in the truth movement, baloney movement, may bow down to the false messiah icke, but not i ,

like wise you want to pay £ 64.00 to listen to hours of his phony baloney mixed with truth,

you want to be muppets be my guest.

while judas icke jets of to HA WAII

one percent of America own 50 percent of the wealth, the ruling elite through their rituals swear allegiance to satan,

The fourth Reich, send me £67.00 ill copy and paste a book for £ 25.00 and you can have a box set of dvd,s

for half price, £ 20.00 . Mugs

he cannot save one hair on his own head, nor can his vibrations from a black hole, joke.

he must be laughing all the way to the bank.


edit on 18-2-2012 by johnnymax because: up the garden path, and down the yellow brick road, david icke as the wizard of OZ

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 02:19 AM
What is the Truth who do we believe. who do we follow, listen to. what do we put our faith, belief , hope and trust in ?

The truth movement, said to be seeking and exposing the truth. ???

John 18.36

Jesus says his Kingdom is not of this world,

Pilate asks you are a King then ?

Jesus replies , you are right in saying ,I am a King

In fact for this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world,

To testify to the Truth,

Every one on the side of Truth listens to me.

Pilate asked What is the TRUTH. ?

Jesus also said when asked that he was the Christ, the son of God.

It is the Christian belief That Jesus is the only begotten son

We believe in God the Father.

and The Lord Jesus Christ,

All these things have been written so you may know Jesus is the one. God sent.

That God so loves the world, that he sent his only begotten son,

that who so ever believes in Him,

shall not perish, but have eternal life.

That the Lord Jesus Christ, died for our sin,

and we are redeemed by his blood.

What is the Truth, ?

What Jesus and his followers shared with the world, ?

or what David Icke and his followers are sharing with the world ?

Who do we believe? Jesus or David Icke ?


posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 09:55 AM
Well, I am certainly no fan of David Icke, but I have no interest in your weird Christian agenda either. Christianity is a philosophy of slavery and submission designed as a psychological warfare operation against conquered peoples. I have personally witnessed the effect that this sick doctrine has on primitive peoples, and it can be described as nothing less than absolute evil.

The Christian cult is not a solution to our problems, and in fact, it was the cause of almost all of the core issues we as a species are presently dealing with. I understand the desire to attempt to hold on to something emotional from your childhood, but it is going to take stronger character than that if we hope to face the threat of the modern system head-on.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 02:21 AM
again is your statement true or false, im talking about Jesus, the same Jesus, who said he had come to preach good news to the poor, and to set the captives free.

if you look at the truth Jesus shared, not lies not falshood, or false statements.

you will see and experience, the truth that sets you free.

What was at the heart of what Jesus shared, name one thing Jesus shared , that would cause any thing near what you describe.?

To love God, who first loved us, who sent Jesus his only begotten son, to save us, redeem us, pay the ransom with his blood,

no greater love or sacrifice.

To repent, turn away from the sin and evil in our lives.

God has no delight in the death of the wicked, but would rather all men, put a side the wrong in their lives and be saved,

from a lost eternity, the second death.

to love our neigbour as our self, do unto others as we would have others do unto us.

to care for the orphan and the widow.

if some one is thirsty give them a drink,

hungry some food,

naked some clothes

visit people who are unwell or in prison.

Jesus says take my yoke a pun you, learn of me, for I Am meek and lowly, gentle of heart, and you shall find rest for your souls.

for my burden is light, and my yoke is easy.

to every one who believes can receive the priceless gift of Gods spirit. grace, forgiveness, strength, love,

and a peace that surpasses all under standing.

what is the truth ? the truth is the truth johnny
edit on 20-2-2012 by johnnymax because: the truth remains the truth

edit on 20-2-2012 by johnnymax because: my burden is light and my yoke is easy.

edit on 20-2-2012 by johnnymax because: no delight in the death of the wicked

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:16 AM
I made a new thread explaining my views on Christianity further:

The original full article is here:

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:56 AM
but are they a true reflection , of why Jesus came?, who Jesus was?, what Jesus achieved for each one of us.

what Jesus taught ?

this is what cults, sects, apostate churches do, false messiahs like david icke, they mix truth with false hood, deception, lies, and their own interpretations to suite fit int their own often money making agenda.

many try to make white black, and black white,

when i have the time i will read your personnel views .


posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 03:30 AM
Andreoutlaw i read your article and yes im sure there is some truth in what you are sharing, Jesus, christianty can be used to manipulate , by those who have a form of godliness but deny the power there of.

sects apostate churches false teachers , david icke is trying to use false teaching about christianty, Jesus, so people follow his perception.

Rome hi jacked Christianty , its said the pope, trained Muhammad, and funded his islamic followers to take out the christians in North Africa , who would not come under Rome,

the pope also used these forces, to remove the Jews from Jerusalem , as he wanted Jerusalem , but these islamic forces would not hand over Jerusalem, so the pope raised crusades to remove them.

a simular thing happened in Constantinople , who again would not come under Rome.

the Spanish inquisitions millions of true believers who would not submit to Rome, tortured and put to dearth.

Its said the Vatican ordered Hitler to brake Russia, a they want the power base of the orthodox churches opposed to Rome destroyed.

When Rome teaches salvation can only be completed by their masses, ect along with other false doctrine,

one billion Catholics held and believe this false teaching.

or the Jehovah witnesses if you leave this cult, according to them you have lost your salvation.

which is not the case.

and all the above mentioned are a million miles from what Jesus taught, why he came, and why he sacrificed himself, taking our place our punishment,paid the price the ransom with his own blood, proving to the depth of Gods love to save us, and set us free.


posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 04:01 AM
My mother moved by the plight of street children, in kisumu kenya, sold her house and returned to kisumu.

this was 20 years ago, by the grace of God she has been able with the help of local widows, to save hundreds of children, and give them a hope and future.

when kisumu became a war zone in 2008, all around her, places where looted burnt down , people killed, no one touched covenant home.

hundreds of street children took refuge with her, the mobs would even open up, and allow her vehicle through.

my mother says most Africans are such a colorful people , and have a very natural spirituality, faith is part of their every day life,

blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, the poor are rich in Faith

edit on 21-2-2012 by johnnymax because: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by johnnymaxmy mother says most Africans are such a colorful people


Anyway, I know that missionaries generally feel that they are helping the people, but I view them as simply another part of this mad disease of civilization that has infected Africa. They are in fact enabling the foreign states and corporate interests that are raping the country, by removing the Africans' culture and thus their will to resist the invading powers.

I understand that most missionaries do this "work" of theirs thinking they are helping, but the whole thing strikes me as incredibly condescending, and none of the outcomes are ever good.

I don't have any desire to defend David Icke though. Not seeing as though he's doing anything good for anyone anywhere, simply warping their perception of reality.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:19 AM
Jones probably is schizophrenic. He is certainly a fearmonger and a sensationalist. The question is, do I care? Not particularly. Occasionally, some genuinely insightful statements can be found buried amongst his otherwise hysterical ramblings. His signal to noise ratio is admittedly low, but I appreciate the good stuff when I find it.

David Icke is similar; if anything, he's further off the mainstream beaten track than Alex Jones. I am inclined to believe that he is actually more sane, to be honest; and I am definitely not opposed to believing in extreme possibilities if I believe I've found some evidence for them. David Icke says some things which I'm probably not inclined to believe myself, at least on the face of it; his stuff about the moon in particular does not mesh with my own interpretation of hermeticism, as I think the moon does fit into that. He does, however, have a broadly similar perspective to my own on the bankers and how they operate, as well as a few other things. Some of the esoteric stuff he goes into is very negative however, and I avoid that, because I don't really see the point of wallowing in it; it is not healthy.

Project Camelot is iffier; I will usually assume that any of that is complete science fiction until synchronicities or corroborations start showing up, which they can. It just doesn't happen very often in that particular case. I still enjoy Project Camelot for the most part, though; I enjoy good entertainment, especially stuff that makes me think.

David Wilcock is probably the single most consistently solid author I've ever read. He comes across as a bit paranoid at times, yes; but given some of what he knows about, that isn't realy surprising. The Edgar Cayce thing is also something which I personally can't say yes or no about; but it doesn't hurt me if he wants to believe that, either way.

The bottom line is that all of these people say things which are useful and which can help you, but there is also often disinformation mixed in. The disinfo usually isn't deliberate; it's more commonly just distortion of their own interpretation, or a case of them not having the whole story. Three of them might all have different pieces, and then when I get hold of all three, then I can put that particular section of the jigsaw puzzle together.

You have to be willing to think about the information you receive; hold onto some of it, at least in the back of your mind, and give it time for connections to show up, which will tell you what's real or not. Sometimes it happens; other times it won't. It takes years, but eventually you're able to corroborate enough previously fragmentary stuff, that you can build up your own coherent picture of what's going on. Yours probably won't be the same as mine, either; even if only because you have different interests, so you care about different things. Some people believe in Nibiru; I'm skeptical towards that. Maybe I'll come across something which will make that change, though; Lloyd Pye's stuff is interesting.

It just depends. Put some things in the unknown or skeptical basket if you want, but don't definitely close your mind to anything. We live in a time when the weirdest things you can imagine, can turn out to be true.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:20 AM
Mrs Aggassi the provincial head of social services said to me, no one is doing what your mother is doing , if it was not for your mother, many of these children would be dead.

the big organizations come here in the 4x4 stay in nice hotels then they are gone.

Kenya gained its independence, and their corrupt leaders exploited exploit the people and resources more than ever,

kill and torture their opponents , look at robert mugarby, so much suffering caused by his tin pot dictatorship

billions have been siphoned out of Africa by the corrupt leaders,

its said at least 60 percent of the money in swiss bank accounts has come out of Africa.


posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:59 AM
What a predictable amount of thread replies...

This is the thing I will never understand about people... David Icke might talk about things some will think of as insane but how on earth does this mean everything he says is a lie? he says a lot of truths, truths verifiable by doing your own research.

But this is the problem, someone says one thing you do not agree with and then you dimiss all the other hundreds of things they say just because you dont believe in a couple of issues.

The same with Alex Jones, most on here just say you do not like his rants and his raw emotion on what he says... does this mean that if a new Martin Luther King appeared and gave an emotional speech you would completely ignore what he says because "he is too emotional"?

Same thing with Occupy, the message was clear, against the banking system for the most part and because a group of communists/socialists/etc... joined them then their message is invalid... because they get attacked by cops their message means nothing anymore, who cares about the banking mafia? allegedly one of them crapped on a car! and they do drugs! and they dont dress nice! yes... that's way more important! they are costing millions to the economy! those bastards! what's that? the banking cartels cost us trillions? well... who cares? the banking ppl create jobs and dress nice0.! right?

In my opinion is easy to see what is happened with Truth Movement... is filled with misinformation so that people dismiss the whole of it and attach labels to its members, just because you question things it does not mean you believe energy weapons were used together with holographic planes... that is all part of the misinformation, it does not take James Bond to infiltrate things like the Truth Movement and Occupy and distort the message, any stupid agent can dress like civilian and spread misinfo and claim to be part of the movement, yes I have seen undercover agents at various Occupy sites, so dont tell me I am being paranoid... unless people with microphones in the sleeves of their jackets is the latest fashion statement?

Oh what's that? I had 1 spelling error? yes ok, dismiss my whole post.

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