Please excuse my spelling , its too early
I woke up at about 1:30 am and had something to eat , a cup of coffee , then took a dump
. When i was sitting on the toilet i could hear a
really loud ringing noise , like a U.F.O sound from a cheesy 50`s movie or something , so i finished my business and came downstairs to let the dogs
out and have a listen for it.
Its now 4:53 am , and i can still hear the ringing / humming noise , i recorded it with my mobile phone since i dont own a cam-corder, and now feel
like a bit of a knob for not having one , but i also dont have a lead to put it on my pc and my mobile is a fossil.
I did a search online and couldn`t find anything apart from a couple of isolated reports , one in canada and one in a small village here in England ,
the one in Canada has been dismissed because the poster is regestered as being from India , and the one in the village is a video about it but it does
not record the sound.
Village -
Canada -
Then i searched .... "Humming Noise" ... and right at the top of the results was this .....
" The Hum is most often described as sounding somewhat like a distant idling diesel engine "
This is exactly what i am hearing.
Has anyone else heard this sound ? I live next to factory units , but none of them work at night.
Considering no one is in the factories during the night other than the security guards it can not be anything in there , and does not sound close
enough. (i live on ST Luke`s Road , right next to the fence for the factories)
Here`s my location ....,or.r_gc.r_pw
Now if you zoom in on where it says Sunderland , you should see - Pallion -, zoom in on Pallion and you`ll see the factories i`m talking about
........ if you scroll out a little on that map you`ll see that where i live is mainly a housing estate in the largest North Eastern City in England ,
the River Wear runs through the city, and there is factories either side of the river. But this droaning noise sounds really distant. Can anyone
think of what the hell this noise could be ?
I personnally beleive it has nothing to do with any machinery what so ever in Sunderland , it sounds like its in the sky , and i`m hoping there`s not
going to be any "strange" activity on our coast line any time soon , since wherever these humming noises are reported they always seem to be followed
by earthquakes volcano eruptions and general "apocolyptic events".
Keep your eyes open for "earthquake / tsunami in Sunderland" some time this month
edit on 13-2-2012 by RockLobster because: (no reason