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Wacky dreams and occurrences

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posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Phantom traveller

Sounds like 1 of them hybrid alien babies people talk about

Mother hood isn't bad at first you freak out but then you fall in love with the most precious thing of all in the world

As for me I was not given the being a father permission I think me soul mate is else where and probably would kick my butt in if I cheated on her

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by Phantom traveller

Sounds like 1 of them hybrid alien babies people talk about

Mother hood isn't bad at first you freak out but then you fall in love with the most precious thing of all in the world

As for me I was not given the being a father permission I think me soul mate is else where and probably would kick my butt in if I cheated on her

The baby was really cute.The idea of motherhood freaked me more than the idea that the baby is an alien hybrid(go figure

Well you don't have to cheat on your soulmate.Make a baby with her

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Phantom traveller

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by Phantom traveller

Sounds like 1 of them hybrid alien babies people talk about

Mother hood isn't bad at first you freak out but then you fall in love with the most precious thing of all in the world

As for me I was not given the being a father permission I think me soul mate is else where and probably would kick my butt in if I cheated on her

The baby was really cute.The idea of motherhood freaked me more than the idea that the baby is an alien hybrid(go figure

Well you don't have to cheat on your soulmate.Make a baby with her

everything in dreams generally is a horribly far offshoot from what you actually see. giving birth, motherhood, none of those are relevant to what happened to you. 1 key like you said is your fear OF that, so it plays into that part and starts from there, but doesnt lead into just poping out a baby. That was a trigger.

Much like my continental map shift of sorts. Its got nothing to do with the earth or the quakes or planet, it links into my way of thinking and shows a shift in my perception (one possibility) which has or will occur to a certain degree. The city being in the middle of the map also shows safety and balance. The 3 lakes still being right next to it where they were originally, and they shifted with the city means that there is life/positivity/sustainabilityetc as before (water=life).

You gotta find your own answers when you analyze your own dreams. Though of course, nothing is precise or exact to a tee in these things.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by buggy166

everything in dreams generally is a horribly far offshoot from what you actually see. giving birth, motherhood, none of those are relevant to what happened to you. 1 key like you said is your fear OF that, so it plays into that part and starts from there, but doesnt lead into just poping out a baby. That was a trigger.

I know that.It just freaked me out.
The way i see it is that since a baby means a major change in ones life,maybe i need a change in my life.I want to find a different job,but given the current situation with the crisis,i am afraid to just quit it.

Anyway thanks for the advice.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 10:15 AM
I still question this odd code or whatever the old man gave me the CVX5 not sure if it is missing a digit or a letter. Hmmm scratches his manly beard

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I agree completely and do what I can each day to make people who seem lost, Aware of the current issues our species is facing.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
I still question this odd code or whatever the old man gave me the CVX5 not sure if it is missing a digit or a letter. Hmmm scratches his manly beard

cvx5? Cervixes? Lol

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by buggy166

No I dont think so cause he said CVX5 probably a missing digit or number as well.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 06:46 AM
I'd like to recommend the book: " The Art of Dreaming " by Carlos Castaneda

This is the story of Carlos and his journeys after meeting an old sorcerer. Carlos reported many times that these were his true experiences. I became a believer after reading these. This was not an attempt to see into the dark side for me, but quite the opposite.

Within this book you'll read about the ways to help you take back your conscious involvment within your dreams, how to engage within the dream world. You can interact with the dream world, just as you do in your daily life. You do not have to wonder what something means, you can demand answers and receive them.

You can demand that you have Awareness, Intention and Conscious involvement. It takes some practice to be sure, but this is well worth your effort and the few bucks you spend on the book.

Awareness is the key here, increasing your Awareness in all aspects of your life.

Having said the above, I can tell you that within the dream world you'll begin to understand much better what the symbology is all about. Without having read this book, there is no way I would have understood all the symbology, to be sure alot of it is dumb, but the dream world is just another means of communication you have available to you.

Many reading this will think, great another book, but this is one to check out. I had to read and re-read the passages a number of times. I measure an instructional books value by how much more I continue to accumulate after a 2nd or 3rd reading of a paragraph. This book took awhile for me to read, I kept having to go back to previous chapters to reinforce the new material. This is a great book for fellow ATS readers to add to your knowledge base with.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:00 AM
Ok, went to a friends house to sort out some herb, EVERYONE was dry! was not a happy chappy.

so after a while i head home, was walking along a walkway beside a river late at night. The path was bearly visable when i started,and a little while in - i couldnt see two foot infront of me... ok so im struggling to walk due to the fact that theres steep sloaps on either side of me, water on the left rocks on right. im litterally taking one step at a time fighting to see the ground in front of me, scared Sh*tless im going down either side...LOL

To give u a rough idea, the walk usually takes me aabout 15mins and i realised it took me around 45mins....u can imagine the pace.

i start to worry because i feel like i hear water on both sides of me yet ive walked that path a million times,
i had forgotten that there was a little burn to the right of me rougly half way along this path.. & just as i realised i looked up from the ground i was cuatiously peering at and grinned, just as this happend i seen what i believed to be a spirit.

ok so when i spotted whatever it was it was about 5 -10m awey
(remember its very dark so it was hard to judge distance)
but anyways, it looked like what i could best describe as a white, grey and blackish smog/smoke(mainly greyish though), but it was slightly transparent. Whatever it was, it was on a cycle bike and moved steadily towards me and past my right side, as it went by my jaw dropped it didnt get clearer as it got closer really,it stayed the same almost. it was all i could see tbh i wasnt anilysing how clear it was i was racking my brain for awnsers! yet..telling my self this isnt me playing a trick on myself... its REAL!
i was truely scared, i had never felt the fear, or seen anything like this in my entire life...

i was so shocked and was anylysing the possibilities of how my mind could play a trick like that on me, but as i turned to face the front after a second of looking behind me i was graced with the presence of a similar being to the left of me...walking ! along ! the side of me...! i could not believe it, it was pitch black and i could clearly see this greyish smoke like-looking thing in my periferell vision.
i was so feared of what this thing was that i didnt work up the courage to look directly to my left (at it) only slightly turned, eeeeeever so slightly, so my side vision got a better look, after about 10 very long seconds of walking along with what ever it was - i worked up the courage to reach out and touch it, so i reached over my body with my right arm and aimed to touch it around the top of the arm just at the shoulder.
As my hand touched what ever it was i got a chilling shivver fly up my arm and down my spine and then the whole of my body felt it, & what ever it was faded off to my left as if there was no sloap...and no water down there...just disapeared within a few seconds. Mind u... i didnt stop to look back, i saw it fading awey as i was getting the shivver and walking pretty fast at this point! lol but this was no ordinary shivver it lasted a good 5 minutes hairs standing up straight! & i had this feeling of regret...

i do not know why i didnt speak at the time, what stopped me trying to talk rather than touch...

please people share any similar experiences, look forward to hearing something similar anyway =D

P.S, there have been a few other encounters since that time a few years back ; )
but this is enough typing for now...ZZzzz

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

My dreams have been nuts and so realistic!

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:54 AM
I'm doing a research on dreams to see how much of them come true and I can use them. I call these Level 2 dreams, that deal with more serious issues. Level 1 dreams are things related to my daily life like completely minor things. This is a log from these Level 2 Dreams:

[color=00CCFF]2007. I'm standing alone outside near the (.... in my city ) It's night and
very dark. What I see around is grounded buildings everywhere, some ruins are still on fire.
(....) mountain is an active volcano, lava is flowing down the peak. I feel fear.

2007. I'm on a sandy beach, it's daytime, I decide to enter the sea. The sea has no water,
just sand and dry/dead algae lying on the ground. I continue walking further from the beach
and there is no water, only slightly wet sand and algae. I look back at the beach to see how
far I am and I still see sand from the beach to me where water is supposed to be present.

2007. I'm at our villa in (... my city), daytime. What I see on the north where the
downtown and the city is supposed to be in the lower altitude, it is one big lake or sea,
all buildings are underwater. The water somehow reaches the altitude of our villa and we
hike upper in the mountain to avoid the rising water.

2007. I'm standing outside at a grassy square with buildings around very much like the
campus in (...). It's night. I'm watching the night sky and I see a very bright
white-yellow light coming from the sky. It later turns into a falling meteor. As it hits the
ground, a massive shockwave is released that causes strong wind and blows me away
from where I am standing. I see myself blown by the shockwave, about to collide with a
building. The feeling inside the dream is very real.

2008. I'm at home in (....). It is night. I hear some strange sound from outside.
I look at the window and I see green lights in the sky. Then I recognize something like a
a spaceship, more than one craft appears.

18.03.2011. I'm in my city, outside, it's dusk or early morning. I see a light orb in the sky.
I want to take the camera and record it but I miss it. Then during the day me, my family,
uncle, aunt, cousin are outside the city, hiking on some rocky mountain place. We all see
a light orb again, this time I record it and I have brought my binoculars too. Next we see
2-3 missiles (like the ones used for launching a shuttle in space) launched into the sky, like
against something flying in the sky.

7.04.2011. I record with a digital camera a greyish orb with light in the sky. The sky is
cloudy. Then I want to show the record to someone and see again what I have recorded.

24.04.2011. Someone I do not see gives me the ability to use other parts of my brain that
allow me to do things I generally cannot. I am able to fly without wings, or move to any
place I want, create fire out of my hand and even destroy a person by just using my mind.
In the dream I feel I have more power than others who don't have these abilities. The places
where I apply these abilities are in are in the forest, in the mountains.

4.05.2011. I just enter what appears to be the Denver Int. Airport and I immediately start looking
for the murals and time capsule that I am already aware of. I notice the mural with the masked
man holding the gun. I look around to see if someone has a camera or anything to take pictures.
I see my brother and my cousin, my brother having a camera with him. I don't find the capsule
or all of the objects on the first floor and I climb up the escalator that goes to the upper floor.
Then I find myself in a concert room with my grandmothers sitting at some chairs and I ask
them how are they here in America!? then my brother laughs over me thinking I'm in America.
I facepalm.

17.05.2011. While sleeping in my bed and the night sky can be seen from a part of the window
without a curtain, in my dream I see some strange pink-red lines in the sky like a text but they
are neither recognizable letters, nor any known symbols. They appear like many random lines.
When waking up I feel some tension or pressure in my brain.

19.10.2011. Someone, not seen who, tells me how to levitate myself using my mind and thinking
of something related to charges. I can then see myself levitating any time I want and with ease. I
feel the levitation as absolutely real. I state that at first it was hard, then it became easy to do.

edit on 20-2-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 10:14 PM
You do propose an interesting theory

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