Hi all,
I don't mean oldest in age, oldest in that I have been a member of ATS for a long long time, and occacssionally chip into conversations, but I have
never actually introduced myself! How rude!
I live in Grimsby UK, and work for the local council but don't hold that against me!! I am a statistician as I have a maths degree, so I am a nerd,
and as you would expect, have a lot of interest in the science forums. I am also really curious about religion. I find the concept of blind faith
quite fascinating, and although I don't believe, I would never rubbish anybody else's opinion/belief in creation. I suppose that I am more spiritual
than religious. I find it difficult to believe that we are just a bag of carbon, water, calcium and metal, but can all be so different. There has to
be a spark of something that makes us individuals. Whether that is an immortal soul, spirit or other, I won't even pretend to know.
I am also really intrigued by the whole 2012 thing. I have said for years that there's been a build up of something coming, but I don't know what. I
am hoping it involves zombies!! I also hope it does happen as I told my girfriend we would look at getting married next year!!! On a serious note, I
do think that we are in dangerous times and this year will be a turning point in some way.... Hopefully, it will be for the better, rather than
global destruction!!
Talking of that, here is an amusing story from Saturday where I work part time as a pizza delivery driver.
We'd just heard that Whitney Houston had died, and were having the usual conspiracy theory, Illuminati discussions and I started looking for links.
Found an intersting thread on here about Olympic Conspiracies which took us to a Youtube video. We just started watching it when this guy came in
wearing a t-shirt with the pyramid and eye on it. I think it was actually the design from a US dollar. After he'd gone, the video would no longer
play on my phone. We all thought that was quite bizarre, but I am sure it is just one of those coincidences and not something more sinister!
edit on 13-2-2012 by UKLionheart because: Riddled with typos! Because I am sneakily doing it at work (and typing!
edit on 13-2-2012 by UKLionheart because: Haha! Typos in my typo explanation!