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This Hoax Effects Everyone!!!

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:21 AM
Watched it, stared it, flagged it, bookmarked it, will send it along to others.Thanks for the work bro

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:13 AM
Iowa is an obvious hoax, everyone knows Santorum did not win Iowa, even Santorum should question it, with the results from 8 districts held back due to the paperwork not being turned in? The paperwork could have been easily avoided in an attempt to change the vote, yet no one questions this very realistic possibility.

Watched the video, really good video. 1% in and 1% exit polls taken and they call the winner? This mathematically is impossible. I wish someone from the inside, someone in charge of the exit polls, someone working voluntarily with the voting process would come clean, or expose the frauds in this rigging scam.

I think the media were afraid of the momentum Romney has been making and caused 'wildcard rick' to win the trifold caucus. I stayed up late and in 3 distinct moments I saw Romney winning by over 1,000 votes in Colorado, even as much as 2,000 votes, and magically Santorum won by a number which looked faked, that was just suspicious, but this video actually proves the media is making up the winner.

The video says the media calls the vote so early even early enough to prove they are hoaxing to, show they are all knowing, ratings, etc. But I say they also do this to get actual votes for the winner they have chosen. I suspect less than educated voters vote for who they think will be the winner. It could also have a reverse effect, but the masses are known to mindlessly follow/vote for the winner.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:50 AM
Just wait for the punchline if the Republicans have a brokered convention in Florida.

Are you ready for Jeb?

Great video, I knew after the Help America Vote Act (Make America think they're voting act) was passed we were in big trouble.

Vote local, rebel globally

edit on 13-2-2012 by Asktheanimals because: corrections

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

Hmmm.. Perhaps i was being Naive.
Sorry it was early.. Im not a morning person.

But you see its not really that important to us outsiders because we cant vote for change..(not as if it would make a difference anyway) we sit and watch as the US time and time again get let down by people i can only describe as Crooks disguised in suits with pre-written speeches.. i do not dislike america.. i love alot about your country.. there's countless wonderful people i know from there.. But i feel as if a huge dark shadow lingers over you all. I do wish you all well!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by CitizenAlpha
reply to post by chr0naut

LoL ok so it does not affect you cause your not an American you say? Perhaps you might think different about that knowing that the most powerful country in the world is completely corrupted, So dont complain later when these Corrupted American leaders come to your homeland and start a war to strip miner all its natural resources.

Many of us 'non-Americans' have continuously tried over-and-over again to say exactly this to Americans, that their leaders are corrupted and are consequently affecting the rest of the world.....only to be shot down time and time again by Americans who claims we are just 'America Haters'.

We have tried mate, dear god have we tried. There is only so much BS the rest of us can take from Americans before we have to stand back and just watch America crumble - with a certain sense of "I told you so" flowing into our thoughts.
edit on 13/2/2012 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by chr0naut

The US Presidential elections DO affect every New Zealander and Australian.......

the White House has enormous influence on our two country's elections AND don't forget the TPPA (Trans Pacific partnership most Kiwis are unaware of) !!!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I'm not an American, it really doesn't affect me.

ill put it to in a way that might make you understand the problem ; America is the kitchen which feeds the world , the staff in it be it the chefs or their assistance are the Zionists , now tell me wouldnt that affect your diet ?

bottom line is whom ever elected as POTUS will have his finger prints all over the world , ask me my friend im a freakin Arab and known this for a long time , it has affected me my country and the whole arab nations and of course the whole world in every way.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:53 AM
Most of us here would find little surprise in this. And we'd be equally unfazed by the collusion of the MSM. But I have to wonder how the people within the media --- the regular folks working the jobs that foist this hoax --- how can thye not come forward? They're watching the wholesale looting of their country and don't raise a hand or voice in opposition? Has it really been this easy to overthow America?

edit on 13-2-2012 by jtma508 because: spelling

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I have always told this to people,and I just wanted to say thank you for breaking it down so simply for the masses...

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:35 AM
i maintain that votes need to be made public and yet remain private to the voter.
a receipt w/ a unique number attached and the date.

124789 - votes cast xxx yyy etc.

this way each and every individual vote could be made public - if the receipts don't match - then a new vote.

btw - votes matter to the entire wold population - the folks that cast votes as intended.
don't be so naive as to believe that your country has honest vote counting.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:43 AM
so what as a people can we do about it? Most people know the system is broke,but as yet we have no candidate to stand question is can we really change things?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:06 AM

everyone votes.

votes are counted

for example: obama gets 1000 votes. ron paul gets 1001 votes.

ron paul should then win.

what currently happens: people vote. votes are mailed to a small group of people.

they proceed to wipe their ***'s with the votes, and pick the president they want.

this is wrong.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I'm not an American, it really doesn't affect me.

It will... The corporate dictatorship controlling America will make sure that the wheels or terror and war keeps rolling. That money is spent on strengthening the elite and the lack thereof keeping the middle and lower class down.

In fact we in the rest of the world should be helping our fellow humans in the united states with defeating this enemy that their government has become. In turn they hopefully will stand by us once the time has come to bring down the dictatorship of EU.

Originally posted by SoymilkAlaska

everyone votes.

votes are counted

for example: obama gets 1000 votes. ron paul gets 1001 votes.

ron paul should then win.

what currently happens: people vote. votes are mailed to a small group of people.

they proceed to wipe their ***'s with the votes, and pick the president they want.

this is wrong.

YES! That is exactly THE way and only way to do it. NOW DEMAND THIS OF YOUR NATION INSTEAD OF BEING PULLED AROUND LIKE A SHEEP! Sorry for caps, but this illusion of democracy is getting silly. Enforce your right, don't stand by when the elite is trampling on it!
edit on 13/2/12 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:20 AM
That was the most depressing thing I have ever watched
What it says to me is that the only way to fix this country is revolution.
How sad...

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:24 AM
Thank you everyone who has commented, I really would like to respond and thank you all but I just found out I lost a dear friend yesterday evening to death. She was only 37and left two kids and a husband behind, I knew her for last 25 years...

I will be back in a couple days I need to take a break and mourn, thanks for understanding!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:33 AM
The Electoral College, as laid out in the Constitution, is a very excellent method in choosing the President.

The problem is not the method used, the problem is Congress has been derelict in their duty, by mandating powers to the President which Never were intended.

Our system is to work like this.

The Congress is to tell the President what they want to accomplish, the President is just the guy who carries out the task.

Without an “order” from Congress, the President has NO power under our system, if it was working the way it is intended to work.

The office of President, should be the weakest of all the branches.

What we have today is the office of President is the strongest, the Congress is the weakest, and this is the direct result of the Congress, and its members lack of loyalty to the Constitution.

A true representation of the will of the People is only reflected trough the Congress, and our Congress DOES represent who we are as a People.

We the People allowed this to happen to our Nation, and now it is almost to late to get our Nation back.

The Only way to change course is through the Congress.


allowing career politicians whose loyalty lays with Globalism, Corporatism, and the N.W.O. to continue employment in our Congress, we will never regain our nation.

If your Congress person, as mine has, Voted to remove our liberty through the Patriot Act, the Nation Defense Reauthorization Act, is a very good indication where their loyalty actually is focused, and it is not with “We the People”

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:57 AM
Great video, thanks for sharing. This just proves what I have been saying for years, that America's problems cannot be fixed via the electoral process. The answer lies with the individual state governors, it always has.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:00 AM
The best solution is in my opinion to allow states to govern themselves. Once states get independent it becomes easier for corruption to be rooted out and for citizens to call their leaders to account.National decisions would be arrived at through a inter state vote too. Any attempt by the national government to override a states' independence would be illegal plain and simple and would be met with resistance to the last. The most vehement opposition would probably be from the leaders of each state who would naturally be opposed to the idea of their power being usurped.

Every conspiracist should pursue a career in international relations or government and politics if s/he wants to make any realy difference. We can march all we want but noone is listening to us.Change must come from within the government itself

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

America is the shining beacon of Freedom on the hill. It's hated by many for various reasons.


maybe america's being 4.6 percent of the world’s population yet gobbling up 33 percent of global consumption might have something to do with it?

nobody likes greedy people.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by TripleDoubleSingle
America = america.. world = earth... america.. is not the WORLD! so why do so many americans act this way...
No.. this does not affect me..
I couldnt give a turd about U.S elections... try electing someone with a soul? thats all i say.

"Try electing someone with a soul?"


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