Questioning freemasonry has brought me in directions I would have never thought myself would have gone (Mods, please do not move this thread because
my target audience is masons). I can tell you flatout right now... I have gone from studying the Bible, Qur'an and the Torah to throwing them out
and starting from scratch. And since I have started from scratch, what I can conclude is that there is a Most Supreme Being and that I know
absolutely nothing about this Most Supreme Being. I have now, taken the path of recognizing Socratic Wisdom's place in society. I no longer believe
the Bible to be the "Word of God" because I feel that it is an ignorant claim. Firstly, I have looked within myself and have decided through
ethical studies that the statement the Bible is the "Word of God" is a fallacy. For instance, a christian will say, "The Bible is the Word of God
and it is proven through the life of Jesus." Well, when we step back we will find out that it is really not true. The only information that we have
about Jesus came to us from the bible. Therefore, Christians attempt to prove the that the Bible is the "Word of God" through the bible itself.
They take their premise, re-word it and give their conclusion. That to me, seems like the epitomy of Ignorace. It is similar to a scientist taking a
hypothesis and basing his theory on a hypothesis he thought up without even doing an experiment! Once I stopped believing that the Bible is the
"Word of God", I stopped attacking freemasonry. This is a very interesting experience. Now, I hope none of you freemasons who believe that the
Bible is the "Word of God" take any offense, nor any of you christians. There is something to the way I am thinking right now but I cannot put it
into words correctly. I am getting a sense that what I am getting at is the key to peace and the end of mental slavery. I can sort of understand
Nietzsche better now. If it is true that christians during the life of Jesus did not consider Jesus God and they did not call him christ, then I
believe that "Christ" is the Roman interpretation of the message of Jesus. When Nietzsche talked about how he wanted the coming of the Anti-Christ
I was infuriated back when I had faith in the bible and christian doctrines. But now, when I see the word Anti-Christ I think of someone who is
apposed to the world view that the Romans created for all of is. I do not see the person as Anti-Jesus. Personally, I believe Freemasonry is halfway
to where it needs to be. Now, I am not a freemason, but I think they would get more accomplished if they did not give credance to any "sacred
text". I believe that the only way we can deny ignorance and find out about God is if we start by wiping the Torah, Qur'an and Bible from the face
of the earth. Just because the Bible says there is a Satan or hell does not mean it exists. Therefore If I have no proof of Satan, how can a group
of people, namely Freemasons be Satanic? The only way you can make this claim is if you use circular reasoning. To say that freemasonry is satanic
would be a fallacy, until there is proof of Satan's existence outside of the Bible or any book. What a beautiful site freemasonry would become if it
separated religious essentials such as faith and books from any inch of freemasonry practices. Maybe the secrets of Freemasonry is that knowledge
comes from within and not handed to you on a silver platter like the Torah or Bible. As far as I am concerned, everytime man wrote a book explaining
God or how to worship a god, there may have been small shards of historical evidence, but that does not confirm the overall picture. On my "Hero's
Journey" I have been led down into the belly of the whale. I have come out stronger and more knowledgeable, but I am not finished yet. During my
journey I fould this website:
I think it is an interesting rebuke on the origins of the torah, bible and qur'an. At any rate, I believe that the doctrines of Jewish, Christian
and Muslim beliefs were created as a control over the population. I was told that J.R.R. Tolkien was a mason. If this is true, it would be wonderful
if he actually knew what type of knowledge he was revealing to people. You don't need the Bible to understand yourself, Just take stories like Lord
of the Rings and Star Wars and disect them. Those movies are perfect exaples of the journey people go through when trying to find out about
themselves and God.
So now, I will start a project in which I will collect information on the fallacies of what men believe when it comes to God. My goal is to make a
Michael Moore-esque type of documentary, (This does not mean I am going to base my claims and statements as he did, but I will make examples stick out
and be in plain view to push my viewpoint).
My second project is to found a society of people who believe in the Most Supreme Being, work together to form a Utopia of sorts and awaken those of
us still in the dark ages taking what men think as the "Word of God."
I can't wait to read Morals and Dogma at last.
Thank you all for being patient with me on my journey.