posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 08:43 PM
Before ATS, I didnt even know what a forum was. I happened upon this site by complete accident and was hooked from day one I lurked around for quite
some time just checking things out. Something I have noticed since I have began participating ( not that long, only about a month or two ) is the lack
of respect that has crept in over the last two or three weeks. Maybe I just never caught all the replies in the beginning or something. Anyway, I have
never heard anyone complain of being warned of anything untill this thread was started. I got warned for one liners right off the start. It was a good
thing for me, because now, when Im reading a thread that Im intrested in, its a pain in the a55 to se 13 people in a row go " ME TO". Or " Yeah, I
agree." It completly disrupts the thread. I learned from it, and I MOVED ON! Now, when I post, I try an put forth effort in what I say. I guess what
Im trying to say to you is let it go, step back for a day or two, come back and see if you still want to contribute to a site such as this. If you
find that you just cant abide by the rules, then by a server and host your own forum. Sarcasm is NOT intended. It is not as expensive as it sounds. A
few of my friends at school are doing it for just this reason. Take a break man, it sounds like you need it.