Massive protests across Europe against ACTA are taking place. Everything about the issue has been thoroughly covered, I just wanted to give people a
visual impression of what we're talking about - the resistence is truly massive, spreading wide and far like a forest fire.
25.01.2012 Poland.. respect for being the first and most dedicated, bros.
28.01.2012 Paris, France
11.02.2012 Sofia, Bulgaria
11.02.2012 Frankfurt, Germany
NB: notice the funky marching tune. Y U NOT MAD NUFF, GERMANS?!
11.02.2012 Brasov, Romania
04.02.2012 Stockholm, Sweden
04.02.2012 Ljubljana, Slovenia
04.02.2012 Dublin, Ireland
NB: lol@3:34
04.02.2012 Bratislava, Slovakia
02.02.2012 Prague, Czech Republic
edit on 11-2-2012 by falseveils because: (no reason given)
Governments are probably kicking themselves for not trying to control the internet a lot earlier than now. Its too late now lol. Decades of non
governmental intervention and they think they can have the internets back?, lolololol.
Yes, my impression is ACTA was being played out like a covert "compromise" (being an international trade agreement and not legislation) after the
strong public opposition to SOPA/PIPA. And yet, look at what's happening.
We need to do this.. protest and rebel every time the weasels in government and large corporations (which are elements of the same institution, in a
broader meaning of the word) come up with something like ACTA. The Internet is truly our last chance of creating a new society with (at least
relatively) some shred of moral and intellectual integrity and exposing the criminal filth running the circus - which many of us as ATSers have been
trying to do long before the perception of government/banking/large business corruption was so high.
As engineered crises - political, financial, cultural - continue avalanching toward an unprecedented catastrophe and the police state grip is getting
tighter, we as citizens of our respective nations have not only the right, but the moral obligation to protect our freedoms.
It's ALL about information and how it is distributed. I'll say it again - the free internet is our last chance. If we lose that - we lose the battle,
edit on 11-2-2012 by falseveils because: (no reason given)