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Why the Earth?

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posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 08:27 PM
Our planet, when judged along side the others within our solar system, is quite extraordinary and unusual... unique. From our free flowing waters to our abundance of life in all its forms, there is not a planet we have seen that can match. Even with discoveries of planets orbiting distant stars, scientists and other experts believe that they do not contain life, either because of the star's size, or distance from the star, to many different factors.

But surely there IS life out there... after all, they always find their way here, to some small blue and green orb circling an insignifigant yellow star on the outer fringe of a spiral galaxy.

And why is that?

We have aliens coming here, experimenting on humans or cattle, or setting up bases. I can actually see the experiments... do we not do the same to lesser life forms? And I can understand the reasoning behind having hidden bases... it makes abductions/research alot easier being closer to the subjects (versus having a base, say, on the Moon).

But that's the problem. How many different alien types are supposedly marking our Earth as their own? Discussions could range from a valuable water source to mineral deposites, to perhaps even humanity being feeder cows. Yet all these alien races are interesting in us? With so many groups seeking control, wouldn't there be some sort of conflict, something which would call attention to their doings or existance?

Why the Earth?

Or the return of the ancient gods. Aliens by any other name, these creatures have existed within our realms of religion and astral. Having created mankind, they someday seek to regain what they lost. There is power in belief, and if you have enough people, that beliefs can become a strong and powerful force. Do these gods desire to rebuild the power they once weilded? Is humanity nothing but a power source, a slave run battery of spiritual empowerment? And how many of these gods, from various religions and myths, are trying to come back through the gates which have sealed them away?

Why the Earth?

What makes this planet of ours so attractive of beings from outside our scope of reasoning? Gods, aliens, and even mortal man all strive to control this world, and for what? Does Earth habour some secret forgotten in time? Is there some great sleeping diety within the ocean's depths, who shall grant control to whomever releases him? Or perhaps there's something more, something not in the physical, but rather the spiritual or astral.

Alien life, if it reaches us here, has adapted to the point where they can no longer change within environments. They have based the entire-ty of their existance within technology. By study-ing us, maybe they hope to return to a state in which they were more suitable to exploration, not dependant on machines.

Why the Earth?

Ancient gods, too, have their need for us, as we do them. The world is hurting, dying. Maybe the cries of the earth have called them up, reminding them of a duty they held in not just protecting us, but by also protecting the world.

There is something here. Something that draws such drastic differences into one small sphere. But what? What makes us any different than Mars or Sedna?

It cannot simply be that Earth has life... aliens are life, too, and they had to have come from somewhere outside our solar system... surely, there has been life on other planets visited. The same with ancient gods. If they have created us, they could have easily created life elsewhere... even, perhaps, the various aliens that visit us today.

I mentioned something earlier, which may help with this... that the Earth is not important because of the physical, but rather the spiritual or astral.

Could it not be that the Earth is a nexus, a point in which so many different planes of existance and realities cross through? To gain control of the world is to gain control of a gateway which can span through countless realms, bringing with it the rewards of new conquests.

Why not a nexus? Many of us on ATS already know of a few realms... the astral probably being the most easily defendable. But what about from where spirits, ghosts, and shadow people come? Could not the bizarre in the animal kingdom be creatures which have become lost when crossing into our reality? In observing alien crafts, it is believed that they are too small to go the distances required for intersteller travel... but what of, instead of folding space, they jump through and beyond? Do not early legends of pixies and sprites sound similiar to tales of alien visitations? And the gods, with their different realms and spheres of control, could these not be other realities?

I believe in quantum physics, it is stated that there has to be 14 dimensions for our reality to work, for everything to 'make sense'. Why? We have our four (point, width, depth, time). What are these other 10? How do they affect us, govern us? In searching for answers, have we not opened up new questions?

I may have gone on a bit too much, jumping from one area to another... and most may not be able to see what it is I am trying to say. There will be a few who may understand (bless you). AND, there will be maybe a handful who completly know and feel what it is I am saying. This isn't merely a rambling of loosly fitted words, there is something lying deeper... something that borders along the TRUTH. You all may have felt that, the TRUTH, at one point in your lives... when you and your friends are gathered around, discussing whatever, when all of the sudden it dawns on you, you can see it, and yet when you go to say what you have learned, it disappears quicker than it can escape from your tounge.

This is one said TRUTH. There is something here on our world, something that the gods, aliens, and even a select few of humanity's finest want to control. But what is it?

Why the Earth?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:55 AM
The Earth is where the source of magic for the Galaxy lies, and that makes it a quarantined planet spiritually, and valuable real estate to other species whose home planets don't have it.

That's the DC Comics' universal explanation, anyway...

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by soothsayer
Our planet, when judged along side the others within our solar system, is quite extraordinary and unusual... unique. From our free flowing waters to our abundance of life in all its forms, there is not a planet we have seen that can match. Even with discoveries of planets orbiting distant stars, scientists and other experts believe that they do not contain life, either because of the star's size, or distance from the star, to many different factors.

But surely there IS life out there... after all, they always find their way here, to some small blue and green orb circling an insignifigant yellow star on the outer fringe of a spiral galaxy.

And why is that?

The Main reason i can think of, is that , Our so-called "Experts" in the field believe that other planets don't contain life because they're basing thier search criteria on themselves... What makes them think that all life has to be Carbon based? If That's what thier looking for, then thier pretty much not going to find it..

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 08:04 AM
interesting idea. our planet is definantly unique. it would certainly answer alot of questions such as, why are they here? and why haven't they told us that they're here?

we could be the guardians of some very powerful thing which none of us could comprehend, but have somehow forgotten this. the aliens could be abducting us and reading the deepest parts of our brain in search for the key or whatever that will unlock this power. they may have realised that we have forgotten and are trying to keep themselves secret from us.

heres a thought. just imagine that there are two earths. the first the same as the other on opposite sides of the sun, for example. humans on earth 1 are us. the same as us. whereas the humans on earth 2 are us but 2000 years back. in other words, earth 1 humans are 2000 more years evolved than those on earth 2.
just imagine that WE are the advanced race of humans. we are able to travel through space for as long as we like. we discover earth 2 - less advance race. do you think that we would study the humans on earth 2?? or go in a cause worldwide choas and war.

my point is that although your story could be true, it might not be. it would be nice to think we are special in some kind of way, but the aliens may be merely watching us and learning from the mistakes we make so that they dont do the same. maybe we are earth 2...

hope you all understand.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 12:56 PM
I personally think that Planet Earth is a little too convenient.

For example, isn't it interesting how most fruit bearing plant life produces fruit that is edible to all forms of animal/insect life.... Yes, I know you could go in depth into how the plant bears fruit to help it proliferate through being consumed, but what if these plnts were actually placed here for us to use as a food source? The same could be said of quite a few lower animal species too....

Imagine if you would, a dying world in the far reaches of the galaxy, so technically advanced it was able to travel vast distances in the blink of an eye, searching for a planet suitable to use for relocation of their entire planetary species. Time is running short, so an armada of sleeper and terraforming ships are dispatched from their homeworld in various directions to try and find the so called Eden Planet....

One flotilla of Arks enters the local area and the ships AI targets a small rocky planet in an ideal orbit around a small yellow star.
The planet is terraformed, and the Ark ships enter their cycle of reanimating the large number of inhabitants and begin to ferry them down to the Eden planet.

Some mishap occurs whilst transferring technological equipment and the inhabitants find themselves without any equipment or machinery.

Over time, the new residents learn basic skills and advance to where we are today......

Meanwhile, other flotillas find similar planets and, without mishaps like the Earth inhabitants have endured, carry on as advanced civilizations, and over time, unite as a Galactic union, and set out to find the lost colony......

Probe ships find this lost colony, but as it has evolved into a civilization alien to the original race, a general consensus of the member systems decide to study the inhabitants for a while before letting themselves be known.....

Just a theory I had, and I probably rambled a bit, but to me, it explains the biblical theory of creation and the story of the ark, ithat we all know.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:08 PM

Why the Earth?

What makes you think the Earth is the only scrap they're vying for? Just look at all the little dirt scraps on this planet, that numerous groups are vying for? It's a simply parallel, no?

I'm reminded of the Betty Hill map, showing the aliens stopping at yellow stars to investigate...

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