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the rejection of violence in all its forms

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posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 12:54 PM
i would like to adress the idea of non violence and its connection of violence in all its verious forms.
when we allow violence to temper our voices that is violence, even in the spoken word,
when we think with violence we temper our eyes with violence,
when we plan for violence we temper our actions with violence,

in this way violence is a possable outcome.

but to live the idea of non violence, it must never be spoken of as a viable solution,
it must never be seen as a way forward,
it must never enter our plan or vision of the future.

the idea that pieceful non violence starts inside a person and tempers the thought, sight, actions and wishes of a person and that with love in heart and compasion as a guide people will be a loving force of change.

this is acomplished by the WILL of the PEOPLE.
this is not acomplished by the violence of some people.

the real streangth of men and women is they care for each other,
the real streangth of people is they care for their society
the real streangth of a society is when they care for anothers society

it is now time to reaferm that ONLY PIECEFUL NON VIOLENT MOMENTS can provide a concensus of WILL



posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Try overthrowing the oppressors without violence, try it. There has never been a revolution brought upon by peaceful methods, it's all been done through blood. The oppressors won't give over power so easily, they have the weapons and they have the greed to justify themselves to each other. Violence is the only method for real change.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Tea4One
Try overthrowing the oppressors without violence, try it. There has never been a revolution brought upon by peaceful methods, it's all been done through blood. The oppressors won't give over power so easily, they have the weapons and they have the greed to justify themselves to each other. Violence is the only method for real change.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.........................

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Tea4One
Try overthrowing the oppressors without violence, try it. There has never been a revolution brought upon by peaceful methods, it's all been done through blood. The oppressors won't give over power so easily, they have the weapons and they have the greed to justify themselves to each other. Violence is the only method for real change.

there has NEVER been an internet before,
there has NEVER been a global WILL before
you limit you thought to violence and it clouds your vision, it makes you think with violence,

with love and compassion for another, a pieceful purposeful sit down protest could be held world wide,
with a "wave" of people siting down around the world as the time zones change,

the world traveling wave of loving people simply sitting down and passing love forward to the people who are ahead and yet to sit down.

in pieceful non violent vision there is only one type of revolution and it only involves non violence.

a world wide movement (or sit down) for love and compasion.

imagine the awe of piece under these conditions.


posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Action expresses priorities.

Mahatma Gandhi

quote source

a truly wise and profound man, thank you

edit on 11-2-2012 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Tea4One
Try overthrowing the oppressors without violence, try it. There has never been a revolution brought upon by peaceful methods, it's all been done through blood. The oppressors won't give over power so easily, they have the weapons and they have the greed to justify themselves to each other. Violence is the only method for real change.

Gaddafi seized power in a bloodless military coup in 1969

and then NATO violently overthrew him.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

there has NEVER been an internet before,
there has NEVER been a global WILL before
you limit you thought to violence and it clouds your vision, it makes you think with violence,

with love and compassion for another, a pieceful purposeful sit down protest could be held world wide,
with a "wave" of people siting down around the world as the time zones change,

the world traveling wave of loving people simply sitting down and passing love forward to the people who are ahead and yet to sit down.

I LOVE this idea!
A global refusal to participate in the corrupt system.
It has been established that thoughts-in-common DO have an effect ... and if enough people think the same thing, it affects the environment. Quantum consciousness or something like that.
Have you read The Physics Of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind And The Meaning Of Life, by Evan Harris Walker , Dec 2000, Basic Books?

For decades, neuroscientists, psychologists, and an army of brain researchers have been struggling, in vain, to explain the phenomenon of consciousness. Now there is a clear trail to the answer, and it leads through the dense jungle of quantum physics, Zen, and subjective experience, and arrives at an unexpected destination. In this tour-de-force of scientific investigation, Evan Harris Walker shows how the operation of bizarre yet actual properties of elementary particles support a new and exciting theory of reality, based on the principles of quantum physics-a theory that answers questions such as "What is the nature of consciousness, of will?" "What is the source of material reality?" and "What is God?”

Here's a review on it from Publisher's Weekly:

Walker's ambitious, unorthodox treatise attempts to outline the basis for a new physics, one that recognizes consciousness as a fundamental part of reality. A widely published physicist, mostly in scientific journals, he reports having had a Zen enlightenment experience in 1966 while walking in an open field at the University of Maryland. This propelled him on a quest to rethink quantum mechanics, which he, like Einstein, found incomplete in its picture of an indeterminate cosmos. Electrons tunneling across the human brain's 23.5 trillion synapses create a vast network of potential interactions according to quantum mechanics, so neural impulses are generating our thoughts, emotions and perceptions, according to Walker's theory. Here, he sets forth what he claims is the cornerstone for a science of mind, complete with equations about the brain's workings. The most accessible, core part of the book is its juicy, vigorous account of the revolution in physics engendered by quantum theory and its replacement of the classical Newtonian worldview. Obsessed with mortality and whether the soul survives death (he believes "something of us must survive"), Walker lightens the load with personal interludes in which he reminisces about his high school girlfriend, who died of leukemia very young. Though deeply felt, these at times maudlin recollections feel out of place and detract from his presentation. This digressive, maverick tome, which opens the door to paranormal phenomena and God as "Quantum Mind," will appeal more to serious investigators and philosophical types than to general readers seeking the purported spiritual implications of the new physics. (Feb.)
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

If we were ALL on the same page (aside from the corrupt) we would certainly outnumber them and disarm them by no longer 'playing' the game.

This idea makes me smile, and it's the simplest plan I've seen.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
i would like to adress the idea of non violence and its connection of violence in all its verious forms.
when we allow violence to temper our voices that is violence, even in the spoken word,
when we think with violence we temper our eyes with violence,
when we plan for violence we temper our actions with violence,

in this way violence is a possable outcome.

but to live the idea of non violence, it must never be spoken of as a viable solution,
it must never be seen as a way forward,
it must never enter our plan or vision of the future.

Very interesting thread! Your post reminded me of many folk beliefs held in many cultures of the world now and in the past. As an example, what immediately comes to mind (as I've been reading on the topic recently) is the idea of words having power in ancient Ireland. Reading, writing, oratory skills, singing were considered powerful and those who could wield words effectively could cast blessings or curses. Treat a poet badly and they could cast a malediction on you (curse). Words can incite violence and they can hurt.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by LeSigh

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.

Read more:

Martin Luther King, Jr.

source here

in human dignity lives all the answers to a just and beautiful world.

edit on 11-2-2012 by XPLodER because: add credits

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

sometimes compresing the complexities into a singular truth that can be expressed by all is the most important maths

when love is shared freely and openly it can never be abused by those that feel that love and pass it on unconditionally, only within the comprimise of love can we truly be whole as a comunity.


posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 02:18 PM


posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 02:23 PM
you seem to think you live osolated from your comunity,
how long can you live without the love of others?
how would your actions be in the "light" of the vision of your comunity?
do you really think one man can stand ALONE for any great period of time?
and if he can what does that say about that persons HUMANITY?

wake up you are impotent in your thoughts


edit on 11-2-2012 by XPLodER because: remove offencive quote

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I LOVE this idea!

to be clear, this is not my idea.... over the course of human history people have "waited" for a reson to "change",
usually it is when times are "in flux" or ideals are being confronted or when the people are oppressed,

this is humanities responce, it always has been,
regardless of what you have been told,
to come together in unity and love for one another is transformative in itself.
the VAST MAJORITY of peoples want no wars and want to love and be loved.

the CAST Minority of people want a seperation of peoples into "groups" based on their position in a VAST structure within your society.

the peoples of the world UNITE
WARNING utube account holder also has offencive content on his page if nakedness and the like offends

Uploaded by MisterBiscuitMusic on Jan 23, 2012

Music by Mister Biscuit featuring Megan Henwood.

video of protesters and music


posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:17 PM
Typical ignoring of all militant action/leaders that equally influenced those events.
Bhagat Singh to your Gandhi. Malcolm X or The Black Panthers to your MLK.
Don't believe the propagandised peace movements by the elites, it's there way of conditioning you against any form of violent resistance.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

He also said,

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Perhaps one day we will be rid of those who do nothing, say nothing, care nothing about the suffering or survival of our fellow human beings. I don't see it happening any time during my current life. Maybe in my next.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Tea4One
Typical ignoring of all militant action/leaders that equally influenced those events.
Bhagat Singh to your Gandhi. Malcolm X or The Black Panthers to your MLK.
Don't believe the propagandised peace movements by the elites, it's there way of conditioning you against any form of violent resistance.

your words drip with violence,
you lack of knowledge of history disturbing,
and your attempt to shift the conversation to a political viewpoint debate is laughable
you are disingenious,
i show unity,
you sow the seads of DIVISION

WAR AND POWER are the conditioning,
love and piece is life and the reality

the power elite COUNT on violent resistence,
they are geared for it,

you in your vision gives the machine what it wants,

you are an advocate for the violence i wrote about in my op
and by posting here such as you have,
you have exposed yourself as,
violent of though,
violent of vison,
and violent in words,

may you know piece and light one day

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Tea4One
Try overthrowing the oppressors without violence, try it. There has never been a revolution brought upon by peaceful methods, it's all been done through blood. The oppressors won't give over power so easily, they have the weapons and they have the greed to justify themselves to each other. Violence is the only method for real change.

Its never even been tried. I would suggest more than passive non resistance, which did work. But only because the media reported it.

However, the kind of work on self that needs to be done, working at overcoming our shadow squares, and creating higher frequency positivity only, IN LARGE NUMBERS, has never been done. And if it was, this world would raise earth's frequency beyond their reach.

I'll give you an example, if everyone started working on overcoming their own negatives squares and giving gifts to one another, even of our time, a shoulder to lean on, and thoughts, prayers, intentions, if they acknowledged the corruption but did not get hooked into fearful emotions and responses, but projected joyful and happy abundant thoughts of an equal progressed peaceful world without slavery, money, just freedom AND equality in perfection and abundance, this would begin to manifest. Its an infinite universe frozen in the eternal moment, no time, with infinite channels and frequencies, and possibilities/probabilities all around us.

We have to bring in the good.

I would love a meditation, letter writing, prayer, and positive thought protest to be held world wide, with councils of citizens, with representatives from councils in every community of citizens, peace and action councils, watchdogs and ones who educate, and work for eco farms and land uses for the homeless, energy devices and gardens and foods for everyone, and at the same time meet with the leaders on all levels, local, provincial/state, and federal, over and over again, and with news heads, while running their own news.

Solidarity and standing up for each other.

Who says it wouldn't work.

It would.

By the way, because the right thing has never been tried and people refuse to do the work locally, unity, standing up for the poor, giving the homeless a voice, solidarity, equalizing, compassion, then when it comes time for a revolution, there will be karma. People can't be lazy, and greedy, not wishing to equalize or respect one another and work together equally for win/win's for everyone, and then take the lazy violent way out without karma and consequence to your soul.
edit on 11-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

AMEN, brother (and I don't mean that in a religious sense).

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

Only violent when it is deserved. My history is perfectly fine, MLK and Gandhi weren't the only figures in those movements. I wasn't putting it to a political view point, I was arguing the case for violent resistance against your pacifist beliefs. Violence can mean unity, violence is not always chaos.

You use your methods. I'll use mine. Let us hope our aim brings us closer than our methods divide us.

reply to post by Unity_99

I don't hold the same views on positive energy and stuff it seems but I would like a world in which peaceful methods could thrive. I just don't believe it will happen, the elite will still have the strings connected to the puppets.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:42 PM
The problem with the notion of a society which is based on non-violence is the same problem which any ideology which veers away from amorality faces; those who refuse to tow the conformist line and who don't willingly confine themselves within the hampering limitations of the moral ideology du jour will have the edge and advantage which will, eventually, lead to control and power.

In this case, 95% of malleable people aiming towards a non-violent utopia will be no match for the 5% who wouldn't impose these unambitious self-limitations upon themselves.

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