posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 02:20 AM
Sometimes i think that springheel jack,bigfoot,ufos,lizard men,moth man,aliens,flying saucers,ghosts, poltergeists,demons,angels and all the other
weird humanoids and creatures that have been seen and encountered and still are all over the world,are actually tulpas,involuntarily projected,psychic
Either by an individual or group,who is unknowingly bringing these things out from within their subconscious and into our material realm and these
psychic projections take on a life of their own,for short or long periods of time,depending on how much people are "thinking" about them...
And these things often do come and go in "outbreaks" and "waves"...
This also might be why these things remain ever elusive phantoms never captured...
Our collective subconscious desires may be telepathically and telekinetically creating and projecting temporary beings greater than ourselves,larger
than life entities who will rescue humanity from destruction...
An author wrote a lot of books in their home about a fictional character called "the shadow" and this shadow was actually seen within the house! years
after the author died! this intense concentration about "the shadow", actually brought it to life!...
UFO’s...An Affair of the Mind? > edit on 20-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason