To members who are asking for or demanding more evidence of Mr Alonzo's claims, I'd like to comment that this is only an introduction thread and as
such, is for members to introduce themselves and give some information about interests and/or experience if they choose. Introduction threads are not
supposed to be used for presenting detailed material; when a new member has the required 20 posts to begin his or her own threads, that's where such
more detailed material should go -- within the appropriate forum category.
A member voiced suspicions because Mr Alonzo used terms like "Black Ops" and "ET", seeming to imply that a man of ninety should not be familiar with
them. Seeing as the term "Black Ops" has been in use for decades and "ET" was also in use before Spielberg came along and made a film on the subject
(in 1982) and has certainly been in common use since then, I don't see why this has to be an issue.
Being elderly does have to mean ignorant.
My own paternal grandfather was born in 1906 and passed away in 2002, well into his 96th year. Right up to his very last day -- in fact, his last
moments -- he was quite lucid and able to express himself clearly and with a degree of fluency that many who are decades younger would probably be
hard pressed to match. He left school as soon as the law allowed, as did many children from poorer families in those days, but all through his life,
he loved to read and had an extraordinary memory.
My mother, now in her eighties, sent me an email a while back. She sent it from my sister's because she doesn't have internet at home, for the simple
reason (as she said) "If I had it I'd be on it all day! There is just so much to see and learn!" However, my mother is not unfamiliar with computers
and in fact worked with various generations of them right up to her retirement.
I must emphasize that I have no problem with members raising such issues; that's what this site is supposed to be about: enquiring, seeking the truth
(if possible) and being willing to consider concepts that are presented on their own merits. At the same time, I feel that as Mr Alonzo has not, as
yet, had the opportunity to make any detailed presentations -- for this thread is not the place for them -- then it is not unreasonable to reserve
judgement until such time as he is able to post new threads.
I for one am looking forward to reading those threads and asking more detailed questions.
edit on 10/2/12 by JustMike because: typo