posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 05:40 AM
Maybe you want to stop for a moment and think about it. The WTC event in 2001 was a satanic ritual sacrifice by the demented Luciferian Nazi Continuum
which includes the Bush and other American Illuminati who were bed buddies with Hitler. Ferdinand Porsche was Hitler's main "civilian" engineer who
designed for him the Tiger I and Tiger II Tanks and armored personnel carriers used in the invasion of Europe. Porsche also designed what Hitler liked
to call the Nazi "People's Car", ispired by the shape that of an Occult Egyptian Scarab aka a Beetle. This occult symbol was very dear to Hitler qnd
to his close friend and Mentor - Satanist Aleister Crowley nicknamed The Beast 666, who touted that Hitler was his "Magick Child" born in a Satanic
Occult Ritual.
Crowley's handwritten claim that the Satanists inspired the Nazi Svastika
Aleister Crowley: the MAN IN BLACK behind Hitler in Nuremberg in the 1930's
King Tut's Occult Magick Scarab
Hitler next to Ferdinand Porsche in an Occult Scarab driven by Ferry Porsche
Occult Scarab Nazi People's Cars
Similarly, the name of the Porsche 911 was chosen for Occult numerological reasons just as the date 09/11/01 was chosen numerologically for Satanic
Ritual Sacrifice purposes. For historical background it is important to remember that the Black Forest still harbor Secret Societies who perform
ritual sacrifices as was made public by former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in his memoirs.
SOURCE: Helmut Schmidt Autobiography - MEN IN POWER: A POLITICAL
It is important to note that the bodies of the great majority of victims of ritual sacrifice are never found. However some manage to turn up at far
later dates due to exceptional natural conservation conditions. Here is an example that shows the historical continuity of Pagan Human Sacrifice Cults
which survive in Germany and the USA to this day:
"Bog bodies, which are also known as bog people, are the naturally preserved human corpses found in the sphagnum bogs in Northern Europe... The
German scientist Dr. Alfred Dieck catalogued the known existence of over 1,850 northern European bog bodies in 1965... Many show signs of having been
killed and deposited in a similar manner, indicating some sort of ritual element, which many archaeologists believe show that these were the victims
of human sacrifice in Iron Age Germanic paganism."
Wikipedia - Bog Men
Such persistant Pagan Cults also survive in the USA such as at Bohemian Grove where they burn children alive while cackling, and in other Secret
Societies such as Skull & Bones with Germanic origins to its Death Cult.
These are evil sick individuals organized in autonomous cells who advance the Luciferian Agenda through Secret Societies and using infiltrated members
inside the Secret Service and at the highest of all government positions, murdering for their own Nazi Agenda. Dick Cheney and the NeoCons are
representative of such minions.
Bush / Cheney
Secret Satanic CIA Assassination Squads
So the OP is quite accurate in noticing that Porsche is Capitalizing on its connection with 911 by reminding us that they were into 911 all along, and
this purposefully throughout time up to the final victory not just of their firm but of the 911 IDENTITY - other Satanist Cells will appreciate the
message. Their ad smacks of Nazi War Propaganda just like the sort that Goebbels advanced in his day, and it is a great discredit to the German
population at large, that Nazi Continuum Groups such as this one perpetuate their agenda still today using front companies such as Porsche, BMW and
many others in various industrial sectors.
Don't forget that Hitler's right hand man, Martin Bormann, ran a Nazi consortium of industries funded by most of the gold stolen during WWII. This was
one of the largest industrial holding companies in history. And it is still alive and kicking today.
edit on 11-2-2012 by Getsmart because: the Satanists are running Porsche and Perpetrated 911.