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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:34 PM
Thank you

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Then I discovered the Actual Matrix Plan conspiracy based on the same conspiracy -- corroborating my discovery -- only supporting it.
The Actual Matrix Conspiracy

Please define the word “conspiracy” as you are using the word, first, in “Actual Matrix Plan conspiracy” and then, in “the same conspiracy.”

Also, please explain what you mean by “corroborating my discovery -- only supporting it.” Supporting it in what way?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 06:23 PM
first post .. so i'll begin giving the moronic mastadage a little notice:
'deny ignorance' .. what? Access? Access to what? Full rights? Right to what?
Deny ignorance the right to ignore (in the spirit of disowning disowners, dusting dusters, take work out of people's hands, help out, obsolesce professionalisms and other idiocies? Right to work, look stupid, looka

Now, Drew banned me around about a year ago but i got 4 solid years of
diagnosage (diagnosiness?) in .. partly cause i recognize a lot of my own
inclinations, talents and .. ehr drawbacks in him and partly cause i choose to
care for aging parent also.

Just the last few days i get the devil around me ears to so speak.

most of yall prolly ran across truthiracy 1 2 or 3 (and as many times even if try
run around him)

very emphatic about devil stuff, and a sroffy scrapper (martial artist of sorts, sounds confrontational in his vids but on radio with doubters & spycoollietours, hesitants and conjectors he can be gentle i noticed last nite (hivemind1984 a full blown fabulist)

out of appreciation for the parts he got right and to offer supplementation if not completion i wrote him yesterday:


almost 21 minute long vid with very emphatic delivery, cocksureness about
cocksurety ... ain't their a little doublage in there somehow?

In the beginning of the 6th minute i (re)learnt that blessing means blood
offering / sacrifice.
"exactly like a blessing, bledgeoned blood sprinkles"

google finds bledgeoned 4x (3 'to death' and 1 'myself', prolly bludgeoned
misspelled eh

it doesn't even bother to present misspelling when i search 'bledgeon'
151,000 x bludgeon

sure i realize that blood was taken to be / understood as the cosmic
fertilizer, the motor and payment for continuity (maya, aztec) .. was that
part of the reason it went straight in the almighty ever sinking drain every
friday to prevent it from rising above the ankles in the butcher shop i was
born in? Not sure energy from compost and sewage was optimized from
homestead dotted landscaping ... in a long forgotten age where bulls were
actually around and about ... the fantasy novel series Guy Gavriel Kay did
about the Byzantian empire and the role mosaic artists played in it gives the
reader many a glimpse and intimation of the green glory throughout that first
grand empire under nemrud .. where a blade of gras is at a premium right

Via Robert Graves and his chapter on the tree alphabet .. along with some
lucky encounters in the organic farming profession i transitioned from blood
(they use it powdered) to rockdust (the real powerpowder with the powder
to end war and devilishly dubious deceptions in my humble opinion.

So i know a thing or two about fertility (birth-rights, etcetera)

I nevertheless did not know the word bledgeon

I usually resent and avoid revisits to this whole barbaric crude and cruel

You profess to protest it all but offer no alternative, just the immature
outrage of rejection ... and your deriving superiority from seeing through a
mere change of mind is not gonna turn their kids into botanic geniuses
instead of deft gamers with an idol arsenal at their command.

but i do know a thing or two about way of temple cultures, chemagicians
playing with ashes and all that stuff, churches to bundles the soundchambers
of individual throats and all that fake hot air oven principle structurization.
What you did help me see though is that i owe quite a debt to Rhentergem
for a line of thought that is ripening in me slowly but more and more: there
were more connections between Cernunnos (traffic to the underworld,
wealth, prince of peace, lord of animals) and the gospels.

truthiracy is crazier than hitler ... he's banish all books, all codes, all art .. all
the way back into the remotest caves ... the very ones it's earliest traces
were preserved in .. not guiltily hidden mind you

part 4 of jacov&esau by Christopher Lord, who makes them over into teeter
tots, chinks and yanks
between sea/sun, water/fire, blue/red, winter/summer,

.....features a picture
of Norma Kassi, sami aigi, shown with large buck .. very close, friendly and
beautiful .. couldn't locate a copy via google images ... and the one vid i
found shows who Palin is stealing her thunder from.
what about the nomad vs settler truth behind the pinpointery of a
personified, individuated over and done with parable's background in reality
(apart from all the calendric notchings, etcetera, of course)?

he commented on my channel quickly enough but i removed his disrepectful
use of the word # and same(+ -ness) towards me, even of my cycling.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 06:43 PM
I received this before finding this thread:
Dear puinboer,

Thank you for signing up to the Cosmometry Project email list. I am happy to
say that the new website is now open for viewing. Simply go to and you can begin to explore the wondrous
field of cosmic geometry.
i posted this:
pretty good but really empty window dressing and substitutionalist, like
taking pillars for trees (or trees for pillars rather): here's a little something
made in 98:
alas the gamble house pop up wars blocked me effectively and the lefties
that scoffed at me for using this kind of 'free' server space (and U facilities)
instead of their radical make shift stuff were right, even if they went on gut
feeling and had no use for me either.

Lefferts points to Aidrian O'Connor, a buddywho read Lawlor in college
(Goddard Maine) in 97 and went on to geek out (contracting the
webbuzzbizz of a college publisher)
geek( k)ing (by his own admission/boast)
netquest gimmerzion from New Yoke city
600K pdf here

i am amused to see astyanax trashing Drew's scholarly integrity here (but he gives up soon after
.. thread has 18 page):

Sokalianisms within Sokalianisms:

Quantum chaos scientist Steve Strogatz has warned that the computers
have taken over mathematics

push / pull ... elegant overcoming of inertia / resistance .. is sound that
souds and not the Drew (LockLeggin((gG))It) avoidancism:

sound resonating neurons as electrical pulses that vary in amplitude as
the phase of the frequency changes

the man obsessed with # can't but cerebrally spout it .. that's why he
claims to have his rise to his head, 'leak through his gums' etcetera, he needs
to be loaded, it's the ammo that keeps his prowess boat afloat.

Drew full tilt at the end of it:

"I call it infinite phase gobbly-gook amplitude consciousness!

the turkish multistringer and fret fritfretterer got me here:
sick(, not) sound:
9 string heavy metalextremist

as far as i'm concerned it confirms a point i made in the descrip of my 2nd (of 6) yt uplds .. unless you want to argue that 'lifting spirits' is equivalent to better air- or workloadlift ... and 'leaving' it at that ...without specifying wether for treesweat or for the weaponization of movables and even immovables since digitalia added a few coats of code and cover (tarnung) on top of older toys gamed into the production lines of deathdeals

Drew erases his blogs periodically to make it less obvious he is a totally
unoriginal, barely to non-evolving automaton, but he claims:

"automatons" have been in control since Plato"

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by LightsideAssassin

Originally posted by FutureOopart
Hello to all!

I've been visiting the ATS website over the past six years and finally decided to jump into the discussions. This thread gave me the impetus to create an account and exchange thoughts and ideas with others as well as contribute any information I might have.

I've been researching music, vibrational healing, it's correlation to the color spectrum, it's relationship to fibonacci sequences, golden ratios, the debate between tuning at 438 or 440, healing and the like for almost 15 years now. I first got intrigued by how music is related to everything when I became interested in people with synesthesia (which still amazes me). I've been a professional musician for many years now and I've had many moments where I could 'see' what I was playing, so to speak. So, you've touched on a subject dear to my heart, which is great!

Anyone interested in music's relationship to spiritual and mysticism should definitely buy or borrow the book "Harmonies of Heaven and Earth" by Joscelyn Godwin. I read it about 10 years ago and it made me delve deeper into the infinite pursuit of understanding vibration and it's effect on everything.

Also, regarding the tritone and the effects of music, I believe that the desired outcome is greatly dependent on the tuning of the fundamental frequency as well as what combination of harmonic overtones are used. I've read in a few places where different sarcophagus' in different parts of the world resonate to 438Hz, which is a little less than our standard 'A' note at 440Hz now. If we start taking these things into account with regards to healing and mysticism, I wonder if that'll help us uncover some interesting things.

I have alot more I want to contribute to this thread, but will have to resume a little later on. I look forward to this ongoing discussion. Great thread!

Thanks for that. the library here had one copy and I snagged it. Will read today.

I've corresponded with Professor Jocelyn Godwin but the problem is that he is not publishing real alchemy -- Godwin just reproduces the Neo-Platonic logarithmic harmonics. He has some interesting stuff on John Scotus Erigena -- but again people read Godwin and think they are getting some secrets but it's really no different than logarithmic equal-tempered tuning. Godwin just uses the "divide and average" math like 5/4 ratio instead of the later irrational magnitude math of logarithms.

As I've stated there's a zillion harmonic systems for healing and esoteric energy but none of them look at the actual root of Western equal-tempered tuning and the secret origin of "incommensurability" -- the irrational number.

Again David F. Noble traces the origin of the Freemasonic philosophy in the West to John Scotus Erigena, the 9th century Neo-Platonic Benedictine monk assistant to the Carolingian Holy Roman Empire. Imperial philosopher John Scotus Erigena was continuing the Freemasonic Platonic mathematics that structurally control science, as well documented by professor Joscelyn Godwin. Godwin notes in his book Harmonies of Heaven and Earth that Erigena “first considers the planetary harmony in terms of speed. His scale of speeds is idiosyncratic: a compromise between the two varieties (Moon-fast and Moon-slow).” Erigena states in his “Commentary on Martianus Capella,” considered by Godwin to be Erigena’s most important work, “The sound of the Sun is between Saturn and the sphere, like the mese between the aforesaid two strings.”

The one point that Godwin really does hit on is the Emptiness or Nothingness as the secret esoteric meaning of God -- from the Logos -- it really means the Cosmic Mother as Pythagorean number is based on complementary opposites. So the Greek Apeiron is the formless but really it's the Cosmic Mother.

The word is an abyss through which the speaker strides. One should speak words as if the heavens were opened in them...He who knows the secret melody that bears the inner into the outer, who knows the holy song that merges the lonely, shy letters into the singing of the spheres, he is full of the power of God.637

637 Joscelyn Godwin, Harmonies of Heaven and Earth, p. 56, citing Martin Buber, Hasidism and Modern
Man, trans. and ed. Maurice Friedman (NY: Horizon Press, 1958).
edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Then I discovered the Actual Matrix Plan conspiracy based on the same conspiracy -- corroborating my discovery -- only supporting it.
The Actual Matrix Conspiracy

Please define the word “conspiracy” as you are using the word, first, in “Actual Matrix Plan conspiracy” and then, in “the same conspiracy.”

Also, please explain what you mean by “corroborating my discovery -- only supporting it.” Supporting it in what way?

Right -- what I mean is that the Actual Matrix Plan is based on the "music logarithmic spiral" with the meaning that logarithmic mathematics is structurally predicting the future of science and technology and that this symmetric-based math originates from the ancient secret societies.

Puharich co-wrote the Actual Matrix Plan which is a secret foundation for the New Age CIA Stargate propaganda
and also secret military mind control technology:

Mark Heley’s The Everything Guide to 2012: All You Need to Know about the Theories, Beliefs, and History Surrounding the Ancient Mayan Prophecies (Adams Media, 2009) gives prominent attention to Professor Oliver L. Reiser’s influence on the New Age community, stating that Reiser is the “little-known” source for a grand unification theory behind 2012. Heley states: “Reiser’s main theory was cosmic humanism, a name suggested to him by Einstein….Reiser’s ideas have been acknowledged as a formative influence on the work of Arguelles….” But the more disturbing aspects of Reiser’s cosmic humanism plan as mass human ritual sacrifice radioeugenic are neglected by Heley who just states Reiser’s book are “out of print or difficult
to find.”
In 1937, Dr. Oliver Reiser, introduced and promoted the concept of “radio-eugenics” in the
scientific Journal of Heredity. (“Cosmoecology: A Theory of Evolution” in Journal of Heredity,
Vol. 28, 1937, 367-371).

So yeah I don't support the Actual Matrix Plan but to really expose it's origins then it's necessary to expose Plato and Archytas at the foundation of Western civilization and the Actual Matrix Plan does corroborate my research on the structural importance of music -- so it supports my research as a dialectical opposite extreme.

Conspiracy means "spiral unity" -- so these opposite extremes meet through nondualism as consciousness itself -- as the formless resonance of complementary opposites creating spacetime and energy-matter.

So science does not rely on "pure mathematics" as people are taught -- the irrational number is directly tied to military imperialism starting with the square root of two used to center the wheels of chariots and the 5/4 ratio as the cube root of two to adjust the size of catapults and catapult missiles and then onto logarithms for more sophisticated missile trajectories.

Dr. Reiser states in his book Cosmic Humanism and World Unity (1975) that his main collaborator in creating “the Matrix” is Dr. Andrija Puharich. “The Psi-Plasma of Dr. Andrija Puharich seems closer to my own views.” (p. 141) For more details: “Along with this we may feel impelled to adopt a metaphysics of Platonic archetypes in the higher-dimensional Psychosphere, with interference patterns of archetypal holograms, plus even the galactic background of the 'astrological phenomenology' – to bring in the suggestion of Dr. Andrija Puharich.” (Cosmic Humanism and World Unity, p. 152) Finally “...if we fall back on and utilize Dr. Andrija Puharich's emendation of my theory whether such mechanism as the 'beam' and the 'lens' – either or both – could operate high above the earth and assist in the hypothecated process (a deus ex machina device if there ever was one) is a matter to be investigated.” (p. 174)

Reiser goes on to emphasize the contribution of Puharich: “The one investigator who provided me with the most and the best assistance in trying to think through this overwhelming problem is Dr. Andrija Puharich. I have already quoted several items from out exchange of communications.” (CH & WU, p. 268). Reiser: “We must thank Dr. Puharich for his extraordinarily stimulating ideas....” (p. 270).

edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:16 PM
Well, this area is new to me, but I think this book is a good starting point. I'll then go to the source, as it were, and make the comparisons myself. In any case I've started reading and I find it engrossing so far.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by LightsideAssassin

Originally posted by Galactic
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Someone used music very well against humanity, guess who?

Now THAT is amazing. I had no idea..question for you or anyone: how does one go about vibrating this frequency(528hz) regularly? See, I'm an actor and a VO(voiceover) artist. I'd love to find a way to incorporate this into my work. I'm not a musician, but, I've been meaning to pick up an instrument. Now's a good a time as any.
edit on 13-2-2012 by LightsideAssassin because: (no reason given)

O.K. Leonard Horowitz also relies on the symmetric "divide and average" harmonics which in no way challenge the Western tuning at all -- there's no "one" frequency that is better than others because frequency is a Western term assuming symmetry. We can say there is a nonlinear feedback but that would mean supercomputers would have to measure it.... so again watch out for all the fake Pythagorean propaganda out there. Sorry to burst people's bubbles -- but that's why this is a conspiracy.

Leonard Horowitz has been promoting Ernest McClain’s fake Platonic “divide and average” philosophy as Pythagorean harmonics and along with this is the same “music logarithmic spiral”
model as the focus of Dr. Harmut Muller’s research.341 This “logarithmic” or “divide and
average” concept ignores the reality of the Time-Frequency Uncertainty Principle which is the
rediscovery of the true Pythagorean alchemical secret. This Matrix “logarithmic music spiral” is
refashioned as “standing gravitational wave” which is the “sound barrier of the universe” – again
relying on logarithms as a scale model for reality.342

341 Leonard Horowitz, Love: The Real DaVinci Code (Tetrahedron LLC, 2007).
342 “Free Energy, Global Scaling,” Raum & zeit special 1 (2001).

O.K. so I've also corresponded with musicologist Ernest McClain -- again he PROMOTES Platonic harmonics as symmetric "divide and average" mathematics -- which then just becomes logarithmic harmonics -- in no way does it challenge the secret elites at all. Plato only promotes two modes of music -- one is for military obedience as the major mode and the other is for passive nostaglia as the minor mode.

So if you google Leonard Horowitz and Ernest McClain you find that Horowitz is relying on McClain as his source for Pythagorean harmonics.

Dr. Len Horowitz - Love, the Real Da Vinci Code Oct 16, 2008 – Cover designed by Len Horowitz Manufactured in the United States of ..... “Similarly [Ernest] McClain decoded many other musical allegories

My music-math research was originally inspired by musicologist Ernest McClain who focused on the secret role of Pythagorean music ratios in Platonic philosophy. In his “Music Theory and Ancient Cosmology” article McClain states that “The spiral of fifths (and derivative fourths) is the most widely known tuning order documented to old Babylon (c. 1800 to 1600 BC).”198 Ernest McClain calls this Pythagorean spiral of music interval perfect fifths, “The Great Dragon Tuning” and, in fact, it is the secret to accessing real alchemical consciousness, as I’ll explain in later chapters.199

198 “For Plato’s influence on Pythagoreanism, Burkert 1972. Despite my best attempts to follow McClain 1976, there appears to me still no conclusive evidence for the musical ratios in cuneiform sources – although I would be hardly surprised if it emerges.” Professor John Curtis Franklin, “The Wisdom of the Lyre: Soundings in Ancient Greece, Cyprus and the Near East,” 2000, Symposium on the International Study Group on Music Archaeology. Footnote 10.

199 “I was especially struck by his presentation of artificial spectra (such as those produced by synthesizers), which seems to shatter many hoary preconceptions, including the separation of consonance from dissonance: It turns out that by manufacturing a tone with artificially adjusted partials, one can make almost any set of intervals seem consonant.” Peter Pesic, “Harmonious Relations” a review of Music: A Mathematical Offering by David J. Benson (Cambridge University Press, 2007), American Scientist, July to August 2007. Contrary to the “divide and average” approach of digital harmonics my paranormal sound model relies on the inherent resonance from noncommutative relations or complementary opposite resonance.

McClain though, instead focuses on the Western use of this “Great Dragon Tuning” – and in his book The Pythagorean Plato the hint is given that 9/8, the major 2nd music interval, when cubed, was the square root of two as the tritone music interval. “Since 9 actually reduces to a wholetone of 9/8, its cube will reduce to (9/8)³ = 729/512,

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

What about Jamie Buturff's "The Cosmic 432"?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by FutureOopart

I've been researching music, vibrational healing, it's correlation to the color spectrum, it's relationship to fibonacci sequences, golden ratios, the debate between tuning at 438 or 440, healing and the like for almost 15 years now.

...using 8:5 as the Freemasonic Golden Ratio, instead of 5:8, there was also now the use of negative infinity as the new foundation for the Greek Miracle. So the Freemasonic Golden Ratio was considered to have been solved during the time of Plato – using the secret of Archytas. Originally the Golden Ratio was in the form A:B::B:A + B. The same ratio expanding infinitely as the Fibonacci sequence, 1:2::2:3, as with the original Pythagorean Tetrad frequency ratios, 1:2:3:4. This 1:2::2:3 was changed from a sequence into a closed infinite geometric series, as demonstrated by Euclid’s proof (from Eudoxus who was considered a pupil of Archytas). The ratios A:B::B:A + B became the closed form AC/CB = AB/AC and then through algebra the (Golden Ratio plus 1) divided by the Golden Ratio = the Golden Ratio. This closed solution had been from the Pythagorean Tetrad 1:2:3:4 with 1:2::2:3 as the original Golden Ratio extension derived from what had been the noncommutative complementary opposites.251

251 Kepler relied on the Golden Ratio music harmonics 5/3 and 8/5 but Kepler was also against the closed solution of the Golden Ratio yet recognized it’s truth as pure geometry in his infamous Kepler’s Triangle: “Geometry has two great treasures: one is the theorem of Pythagoras, the other the division of a line into mean and extreme ratio. The first we may compare to a mass of gold, the second we may call a precious jewel.” – Johannes Kepler. From Wikipedia on Kepler’s Triangle: “1 : the square root of the Golden Ratio = the Golden Ratio, or approximately 1 : 1.272 : 1.618. The squares of the edges of this triangle are in geometric progression according to the golden ratio.”

In a continued fraction iteration form this means that 1 plus 1 divided by 1 (plus 1 divided by 1) … infinitely is also the Golden Ratio. This can also been seen as the Freemasonic equation for the All Seeing Eye (or I-thought or One). Or X:1 = 1:X-1. Since the ratio was now contained as geometry then algebraically it was solved into a quadratic form, the Golden Ratio squared minus (the Golden Ratio minus 1) = zero. For Kepler, the method of exhaustion, derived from “Plato’s Theory of Numbers,” (for the square root of two, the ratio of the triangle diagonal to the side as an infinite fraction series converging on the irrational, by alternately greater and less ratios) exposes the inherent Pythagorean complementary opposites of evolution – the male and female principles. (“Plato's Theory of Number,” by Ivor Bulmer-Thomas, The Classical Quarterly, 1983).

So for the Golden Ratio of A:B::B:A-B the algebraic result is A(A-B) equals 2, 3, 10, 24, 65, 168 while B squared equals 1, 4, 9, 25, 64, 169 creating the male-female (complementary opposite) convergence. (“Kepler’s Celestial Music,” in Studies in Musical Science in the Late Renaissance, 1975, Warburg Institute, Oxford University). This also means the Golden Ratio can be presented as the square root of one with an infinite series of adding the square root of one. Again this proof for the Golden Ratio only works by relying on the commutative property of geometric symmetry, originally devised from the noncommutative music ratios “contained” by Archytas through a continued proportion equation joined with the Babylonian algebra.252 The Fibonacci Number Series 1,1,2,3,5,8 with 8:5 as the Minor Sixth music interval and 5:4 as the Major Third music interval is the “vanishing mediator” from music theory so that now the Major Third or 5:4 equals the geometric mean as the cube root of two, from Archytas’ “doubling the cube” proof that creates similar triangles. The Golden Ratio is originally “A:B as B:A + B”
but that's not the Freemasonic “equipartitioned” gematria (promoted by fake Pythagorean
gematria of Leonard Horowitz and Western Freemasonic science, etc.). Kepler realized that the
replacement of “A + B” with “C=A-B” used to solve the Golden Ratio for the quadratic equation
is wrong. With C not equaling A + B but now C as A - B then AC does not equal B squared!
Again this is the “bait and switch” trick of Archytas by reversing the order, as exposed by Dr.
Alan C. Bowen, for the necessary algebraic geometry Babylonian equation.
So Kepler could not accept the logarithmic equation, whereas Ficino, the great NeoPlatonic
inspiration for the Renaissance, argued in favor for the concept of logarithms. Here's Ficino's
take on the issue, in contrast to Kepler:

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

When I read Godwin, I wasn't looking for anything regarding real alchemy, but just to broaden my understanding of concepts I had recently become familiar with at the time. That was ten years ago and I still believe that book to be a good resource for anyone starting out on their search for deeper meanings to music.

As for incommensurability with regards to music, wouldn't that just mean that there is no singular tuning system which is completely correct and all-encompassing while making the case that several tuning systems will achieve the same outcome? To me that makes sense...

And since pi and the golden ratio are two famous irrational numbers that come up quite often with regards to sacred music, sacred architecture, etc... I would like to think that there had to have been some understanding of a system that incorporated irrational numbers somewhere in antiquity.

My question here would be, how would you discover a non-logarithimic harmonic system if there isn't any pattern or interval to follow? To me that's like trying to discover the secret to chaos!

Again, great subject. You've given me alot more stuff to research!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

What about Jamie Buturff's "The Cosmic 432"?

The idea of a frequency being the answer in no way questions the symmetric "divide and average" math to create frequencies -- what I'm saying is that the "divide and average" math is wrong -- not one frequency versus another.

So the Western system of "divide and average" math is wrong and the true meaning of the Pythagorean Tetrad is the same as the Tai-Chi in Taoism -- a resonance of complementary opposites.

Again the West is awash in "secret" harmonic systems but they all rely on "divide and average" mathematics.

The real secret of sound is that because of the complementary opposites of the Perfect Fourth and Perfect Fifth against the Octave -- those three intervals found in all music in all human cultures -- this secret is that those natural harmonics resonate up to ultrasound. The ultrasound then ionizes our emotional electrochemicals of the lower body via deep relaxation through the internal bliss vagus nerve. This then goes up into our brain as the "snake master" Pythagoras kundalini energy -- called Jing by the Taoists or N/om by the Bushmen, the original human culture.

So then when combined with the electromagnetic energy of the brain the neurohormones serotonin and dopamine continue through deep relaxation of the vagus nerve to go down to the heart -- the left side vagus nerve connects down to the heart. So first the vagus nerve energy goes up to the right side of the brain via the music listening which is right brain dominant.

When the energy hits the heart then the electromagnetic force increases -- called chi or prana in China and India respectively -- called !Xia by the Bushmen. The ancient Greeks had a term also for the energy going up the spine and the healing energy, etc. The Logos means the creative fire as the secret of complementary opposites.

So it's not any one frequency but it's a formless process of natural resonance. Any music that still relies on logarithmic tuning is still based on going against the complementary opposite harmonic resonance.

So that's why it's a conspiracy -- there's tons of fake Western esoteric systems but they all still rely on "divide and average" harmonics. Music is all good but the real meaning of music is to make light from sound -- sonoluminescence and sonofusion as alchemy.

So the real music practice is to practice what's called the Small Universe c.d. meditation.

This is the secret of the 12 notes of the scale as complementary opposite resonance for alchemy.

edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by FutureOopart
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

As for incommensurability with regards to music, wouldn't that just mean that there is no singular tuning system which is completely correct and all-encompassing while making the case that several tuning systems will achieve the same outcome? To me that makes sense...

And since pi and the golden ratio are two famous irrational numbers that come up quite often with regards to sacred music, sacred architecture, etc... I would like to think that there had to have been some understanding of a system that incorporated irrational numbers somewhere in antiquity.

Right the system is complementary opposites and the practice is to listen to the source of sound. So you get the "small universe" practice c.d. -- it's $11 from for the half hour meditation practice. So that is the 12 notes of the scale but not as logarithmic tuning -- instead it's 12 notes along the outside of the body to alchemically increase the body's energy frequency.

Then there's also the simple tai-chi standing exercises with yin and yang of the upper and lower body and the yin and yang of the hands.

then there is the full lotus pyramid power.

Again the Golden Ratio is part of the Western Freemasonry propaganda -- it's not complementary opposite harmonics.

359 It turns out that the science journal Chaos, Solitons and Fractals was created as the “vanity” project of an extremely wealthy Egyptian engineer, Mohamed El Naschie, fixated on this Golden Ratio solution.... There are now a group of seemingly quack-scientists connected to his theory. As the blog El Naschie Watch reports December 12, 2009. Douglas N. Arnold, the president of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) calls out El Naschie and Ji-Huan He for unethical impact-factor manipulation of their respective journals. Arnold calls the cases “appalling” and “clear-cut.” As the mathematician author of El Naschie Watch comments on the supposed magic of the Golden Ratio: “The thing is phi is closely related to 5, and all small integers are special. But different people are amazed by different things, and that's fine.”

Of course these common New Age propaganda lies have a long history -- going back to the Karma Caste doctrine of the Brahmins and Zoroastrians, so well detailed and exposed by U of Chicago anthropologist Bruce Lincoln (who also points out the CIA using anthropologists to assimilate and wipe out indigenous shamanism from within -- to have this fake Freemasonic New Age take over of Egypt and Mayan cosmology, for example). Corinna Rossi’s book Architecture and mathematics in ancient Egypt (Cambridge University Press, 2004) documents that, contrary to the New Age propaganda, there was no Freemasonic Golden Ratio use in Egypt – again the Golden Ratio is a product of the Greek Miracle with the “containment of infinity” using the concept of alogon and Babylonian algebra:

First of all, it is essential to mention that there is no direct evidence in any ancient Egyptian written mathematical source of any arithmetic calculation or geometrical construction which could be classified as the Golden Section….It might even be suggested that they would not have liked the concept of the convergence to a number they could not reach, since the mathematical sources seem to indicate that the Egyptians were particularly fond of completion to the unity.509

509 Corinna Rossi, Architecture and mathematics in ancient Egypt (Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 67-8.

So this scribd book "Awaken the Healing Energy of the Tao" goes through the small universe practice for beginners -- the experiences -- a very good book to read for alchemical secrets
edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by deadeyedick
Thank you

Primate uses ultrasonic communication -- the Philippine Tarsier

So the human inner ear used to be the jaw bone for the tree shrew -- the ancestor of primates from tens of millions of years ago.

The inner ear jaw bone proprioception resonance creates ultrasound that activates the biophotons of the pineal gland.

Inner Ear makes ultrasound

“Our paper explains how the ear can overcome this apparent contradiction by using a special wave known as a ‘squirting wave’, which so far has only been recorded by scientists working in ultrasonics.”

“At the most fundamental level, it could provide a basis for reinstating the long-neglected resonance theory of hearing which has, for more than a century, taken a back seat to the currently-accepted travelling wave theory.”

edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

Results obtained from normal-hearing ears universally showed suppression of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in the presence of bone-conducted ultrasound, at frequencies near the test subjects’ upper limit of hearing. Because otoacoustic emissions are created within the cochlea by the outer hair cells, these results implicate the cochlea in the perception of bone-conducted ultrasound. Increasing the intensity of the ultrasonic masking signal resulted in a wider band of suppressed emissions, indicating a broadening of vibration along the basilar membrane.

Ultrasound hearing suppresses outer ear cilia noise
edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

Whether the inner ear resonates or works through a traveling wave
edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

With a prime candidate in place for the resonating elements, this should, I think, prompt us to re-evaluate resonance theories of hearing, which were first put forward by the ancient Greeks and which, irrepressibly, keep resurfacing.

edit on 13-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Hi mary, I know u from previous incarnations, yup apparently fulllotusqigong is drew, whose contributions to my research some years ago sort of made me trash the whole thing because I couldn't get my head around what he was saying and assumed that I could not continue until I did.

I'm reserving judgement at the moment but it seems he may not know all that he says or is perhaps deluded (sorry drew but at the same time whatever) I hope we will get some answers out of this exchange/debate because that's all i'm interested in to be frank.

Peace Mary, Hope your well


P.S) I'm usually a nicer person in general but I'm quitting ciggarettes... not myself lately...
edit on 13-2-2012 by ThoughtForms because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
Why is the technological way so destructive?

So I'm not saying that the natural resonance of qi energy is the same as ultrasound -- I'm saying it's the parallel of what science measures as ultrasound then ionizing electrochemicals and activating neurons -- only because the energy is not logarithmic (based on technology) then it is not destructive.

Furthermore, while ultrasound, low-frequency pulsating electromagnetic fields
(LF-PEMF) and low-level direct currents induce apoptotic and/or necrotic death
of cancer cells including leukemia cell lines (K-562, U-937 and HL-60), they also
have significant cytotoxic effects on normal cells including fibroblasts and PBMC
(Ashush et al., 2000; Feigl, Volklein, Iro, Ell, & Schneider, 1996; Lejbkowicz, Zwiran, & Salzberg, 1993; Radeva & Berg, 2004; Tachibana, Uchida, Hisano, & Morioka, 1997; Tang et al., 2005; Yen et al., 1999). In contrast, external Qi of YXQ has no cytotoxic effect on normal cells including fibroblasts, PBMC and HUVEC, while it completely kills cancer cells such as leukemia cell lines K-562, U-937 and HL-60 (Yan, Fong, Jiang, et al., 2002; manuscript in preparation). Therefore, it is unlikely that these physical aspects, if exist, could be responsible for the cytotoxic effects of external Qi of YXQ on cancer cells.495

495 Xin Yan, et. al., “External Qi of Yan Xin Qigong differentially regulates the Akt and extracellular signalregulated
kinase pathways and is cytotoxic to cancer cells but not to normal cells,” The International Journal of
Biochemistry & Cell Biology 38 (2006) 2102–2113.
edit on 14-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Caggy
Once at yoga we had an exercise using the indian musical scale (swara) as mantra. That thing was very, very powerful... one of the most powerful mantras I've recited since I started to practise Kundalini

the order was first ascending and then descending, we did it for a very long time, usually i'm so into the mantra i lost the measure of time... anyway, i was able to feel how the sound went up and down as the scale was, and to almost see it changing from sound into energy...

here you can find more info

Thanks for the Swara hook-up!

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Can you link de Broglie's model of consciousness?
I'd like to read it.

There's a lot of potential in researching this more, for example some fascinating stuff here:

Maybe even the electron has a proto-consciousness - Physics professor Hiley on David Bohm-de Broglie physics

edit on 14-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Can you link de Broglie's model of consciousness?
I'd like to read it.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Can you link de Broglie's model of consciousness?
I'd like to read it.

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