posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:37 PM
I found this site on facebook, I started by reading peoples threads that kept me interested for hours! Then I took the plunge and joined, I must admit
I have been a member for a while now but do get quite worried about posting comments on other peoples threads as I kind of feel awkward about it, I
have noticed people comment on spelling mistakes and grammar ect which isn't my strong point lol But my thought now is who cares right? If you have
something to say just say it!?...... Well more about me, I am 31, My main occupation is a support worker for autistic adults, I have 2 children,
12(boy) and 5(girl), I have been happily married for nearly 6 years , been together nearly 8
My hubby is open minded but not to the point of
joining, He seems to be happy not knowing about what's going on in the world and I like to have a fair idea, That is why I love this site, I am
interested in the alien/ufo threads on here and the "noises in the sky" threads i am really in to right now, Hours of reading
I can literally
spend hours on ATS! I appreciate everyone's opinions and experiences and hold an open mind to anything that has a small amount of fact to it, And
one thing I have learned by reading on here for so long is to never post a thread without evidence! Although I do still appreciate that some people
can not get the evidence that is required, And take my time to read through anyway. I have quite a large family but am not close to many of them due
to past family feuds not concerning me (family eh!?) lol Apparently most my family are gifted with being psychics but don't quote me on that one as I
honestly do not have a clue if this is true or not as I have not personally seen these ability's myself with them. I have had a few weird things
happen to me but nothing more than "feelings" that I have had that have come true and a few dreams that I thought have come true but may just be
nothing more than Déjà vu. I keep an open mind to it as what else csn you do right? If theres anything else you would like to know feel free to ask
Oh and 1 more thing on my profile it doesn't seem to let me add london as my choice of GMT time, It just bounces right back to Moskow, Any ideas?
Its 12:37 here in Lincolnshire UK right now and my GMT on my profile says its currently 6:34pm......