posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 12:47 PM
Yea alien dreams, i've had them my entire life from the time i can remember having dreams. I used to live in a townhouse complex when I was a
In my dream I appeared in my 'backyard' which was actually the pool area, basketball area, etc. I was all by myself just standing there in the
middle of the grass. Then three lights (can't remember the exact colors, but blue was one) forming a triangle circled around eachother about 10 feet
in front of me 15 feet in the sky. Then a bright white light came out from the center and I don't remember (weird part) if i woke up after that or if
i stayed asleep just unconscious like.
I'm not going to rant about all of them because some of them just don't make logical sense and are mostly about us fighting them or them invading
There is one I'd like to share with you guys. I appeared in a place which was signified as my home. I had never seen this place in real life, but in
my dream I knew it was home. I can't tell you about the surroundings because everything happens so fast in my dreams, but I remember sitting on some
rocks with a lady that had like a orange leatherish type skin that buttoned up on the side. I left this lady for some reason, i seemed angry at the
woman but I don't know why. I continued to walk by myself across a somewhat empty place and then i looked to the sky. It looked like galaga (the
video game) these ships, which I still to do this day have been trying to figure out their symbolizism, we're all different colors (green blue red
and yellow) they were fighting eachother taking EXTREMLY fast trips across the sky which seemed like teleportation to me. Then a typical UFO (blimp
shaped) craft landed right in front of me and the bay opened. The aliens I saw were humanlike and the captain of the ship had asked me if i knew had
to vacinate an infected alien. I told him no. All of a sudden my friends who i know in real life came running from behind me and jumped into these
medical facilities pulling out giant worms from these alien bodies. Totally freaked out at this point in my dream I ran up to the main control section
of the craft and found a corridor on one side of the ship. I opened a door and a lady was there. She was surrounded by cages stacked on top of
eachother to the ceiling full of different alien life forms, some looked like animals just mutated or genetically engineered, then some looked exactly
like aliens as they are drawn. A pile of what looked like was a mutilated alien lay in the corner near where this lady was sitting on her desk
examining something under a scope. I asked the lady what type of weapon the alien got shot with (I've had so many alien dreams I try to take every
chance I can to ask people questions). She turned me, smiled, and said "nothing you would see in a james bond movie" Then I woke up frustrated.
Its very strange. I would just like to ask something. Has anyone ever had dreams where they can control the stars? (Make them sway, shoot across the
sky, etc)
[edit on 16-9-2004 by Aether]