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The World Is Waiting On You To Liberate Yourself From Ego!

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posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Viking9019
No matter how you look at it,ego is a must for us just like love and hate.

True, to an extent.

Oh and none of us had the same beginning.Evolution states that we came from different areas of the world from different animals while religion states that we also had different origins.

Think a bit further back.. Other than that, same planet and same construct at levels outside our perspective (or ego, if you will)

The standard of threads on ATS is becoming pathetic.

The world around us is due to us. Personal responsibility. "That which we speak most fervently tends to be directed towards ourselves."


How nice to see someone say "liberate" oneself from their ego, instead of the caustic and delusional notion of destroying it. Simply beautiful, Sahabi. Its not about destroying the "self" but redefining it. Its not about "becoming" each other, but realizing the unity through the diversity. That we are ALL parts of the same thing, but NOT the same parts of the same thing. In the same way, the ego is a part of us, we are not contained within it (unless we choose to be so). Its a truly awe inspiring thought, should one pursue it with any degree of honesty.

Others have spoken of such things in depth (including myself). Hopefully your words will move those who are not already moving of their own volition, rather than embolster those who are already in line with such thinking (in ones own context, of course). I have very little hope for such a thing, honestly, but its still there and I am still walking. As always, I only speak for myself.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi
The World Is The Way It Is Because Of You And Me

• It is my personal responsibility that the world is the way it is.
• It is your personal responsibility that the world is the way it is.
• It is his/her personal responsibility that the world is the way it is.

This is a philosophy that I disagree with strongly. Such a philosophy allows the truly guilty to get away with their sins by diluting the guilt over the masses. Most of the population is only fractionally, tangentially guilty and for the most part are just going about their lives and trying to be decent people while evil people scheme and plot in secret.

I truly cannot believe that anybody would embrace a philosophy that allows the main perpetrators, the main architects, and just all around those who carry 90% of the guilt to spread the punishment for their wrong doings amongst the entire populace.

It doesn't make sense to stick me in jail because I gave my brother the pants he wore when he committed a murder. Similarly, ideas like this one make no sense to me at all. Punish the truly guilty, put the blame on the actual sinner, rather than those that are just bystanders for the most part.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

Your thread gets a S+F from me! I found what you said to be spot on. I was on a intense spiritual path and thought that I had to basically kill my Ego. I ended up in a very strange place. extremely disconnected, and anxious around people. I have since found that it takes a balance of Ego. Realizing that all is the way it should be, and that by working with my separation I can have the most enjoyable experience.

I believe that this concept will spread like wild fire very soon my friends!

I love you all!

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

So long as we keep this in mind

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world (one with everything), but lose his own soul (essential character, charm and passion)?"

"To thine own self be true."

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

In my own life, I am responsible for many things that contribute to the world being the way it is, even in a small way. I am not responsible for anothers actions, so what will I do? I will make a change in my own life, and start there. I most certainly take responsibility for it, as I had long sat along passively expecting those you speak of to start taking responsibility for their actions.

Will it happen? I dont know, but I sure as hell know what I intend to do with my own life and actions (that are themselves part of a larger being/system). But as individual parts of a larger system, we can not gain the momentum to instigate such movement. As individual parts consciously (very important part) working together, its a different story. There is not anything necessarily "wrong" with where this world is headed, as I am not the one to judge such things, but it most certainly leads to destruction.

Who knows, maybe in balancing ones ego, it balances other things as well.. And there might be some things coming on the horizon that will yank certain polarizations along with it. Then again, what do I know?

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:58 PM
Great post

I would agree if "liberating" is understood as "embracing the truth about ego". I am a down to earth guy, not really religious. What helped me control my ego was the realization that ego, which I thought to be "me", is not the only thing living in my brain, and in my body for that matter.

I see ego as a part of mind, the purpose of which is to keep the body alive and intact, hence all the fighting and so on. The problem is when the ego things he is all there is. There begins the whole me/them mentality and the inevitable perspective on life follows that everything out there is about to get me.

So ego is in my mind. So are other things, all living their little lives. Love, hate, despair, kindness, etc. Not everything in the mind is so complex as ego, but nontheless, all those thingies have profound effects on the ego. Everything I see, read and feel affect those things and they, in effect, affect the ego. Looking at todays world I would say most of our environment enchances the ego's delusions

But I see a light in the tunnel
Ego is the only thing/part of the mind, that is capable of understanding what it really is so I would say it is [=ego] crutial to liberation from ego (a little nondualistic philosophy

So ego is neccessary. Actually everything we have is needed. It's there because it proved benticial for our mothers/fathers/granmas... and here we all are.

I see the problems with engorged egos as a kind of a meme, a mind virus but then again... you can't really get rid of viruses from your body. They stay with you till the end. All you can do is adapt and build your immunological system

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Akragon

Actually i would state the standard of posts comming from ATS members have become pathetic...

Ego is not a must... though to religious people it definatly is...

It depend on how you define the ego. The word ego comes from Latin, which means "I". Ego is the identity of the self. Getting rid of it in its most truest sense is impossible, unless of course you lose consciousness...

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
It depend on how you define the ego. The word ego comes from Latin, which means "I". Ego is the identity of the self. Getting rid of it in its most truest sense is impossible, unless of course you lose consciousness...

Very true, and even in losing consciousness, ones self continues its functions.

Interestingly, in convincing ones self that they have no sense of self, it is an illusion of the ego.

However, when we reside solely within the products of the mind, we are not even aware of the other functions that happen continuously within our own bodies. It is the difference between "I feel angry" and "I am angry." Subtle to some, oceans apart to others.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

Well said. Judging by the title I was concerned this would be another "destroy your ego" thread so I'm glad it's not.

Liberating oneself from ego is one thing, but denying it is to deny a part of oneself. My intuition and ego get along great these days, but I had to learn to recognize who was who first and balance them in addition to balancing themselves (an ongoing process).

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Viking9019

Originally posted by Viking9019
All false,new age propaganda crap.

New Age? Please explain to me what concepts in the OP are New Age.

Do you realize that many of the New Age movements are simply re-teaching and re-discovering the most ancient philosophical concepts? Do you realize that people such as Buddha and Jesus taught these things before the term 'New Age' was even contrived? Do you know that the ancient mystery religions and the secret societies teach such concepts? Do you know that such concepts are found in Gnosticism, Sufism, and in the esoteric interpretations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

"No matter how you look at it,ego is a must for us just like love and hate.

You have just shown that you did not read the OP. I never said that Ego is not necessary.
You should read the OP, you would probably be surprised and possibly learn something new.

Oh and none of us had the same beginning.Evolution states that we came from different areas of the world from different animals while religion states that we also had different origins.

According to the 'Human Genome Project,' evolutionary researchers, experts, and geneticists have shown that all humans originate from the same gene-pool. Please go research [Human Genome Project] + [Mitochondrial Eve] + [Y-Chromosomal Adam]

Beyond mere human evolution.... before single-celled life... this Earth, all animal and plant life, and every element and atom came from star dust.

We do have the same beginnings in more ways than one.

The standard of threads on ATS is becoming pathetic

Feel free to disagree. Provide valid points or circumstantial evidence/proof to support your understandings. Give logical reasonings to explain your opinions.

But are your insults necessary?

edit on 2/8/12 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Anusuia

Maybe you've somehow misunderstood the op. It seems like me and you understand existence very similarly.

If Ego is not natural to the soul then why is it so naturally prevalant in all creatures . That sense of SELF ?

Ego is natural. It is one of the mechanisms that supports our existence. Think about the most basic components of animate, inanimate, sentient, and non-sentient beings. Elements... atoms... subatomic particles... raw fundamental energy. Everything is made of the same stuff. Ego is needed for any separation to be possible.

"existence is simutaneously ONE and DIFFERENT .

Yes, that's what I said in the OP. See the individual tree as well as the forest.

One in that it is all connected as part of the same source but their is a particulate energy individuality that enables rasika interaction with the WHOLE .

Yes, that's what I said in the op. Ego allows us to interact with the whole. Without Ego, we would simply be the whole.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by ludwigvonmises003

reply to post by nickendres

reply to post by Historymajor

Thank you so much ludwigvonmises003, nickendres, Historymajor, and everyone else for taking the time to read the op and join in the thread!!!

If I haven't replied to someone yet, please be patient and I will chat with you when I can.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
The world is waiting for nothing. It appreciates things as is. That is the beauty of the world, no judgement. Love and Peace!

The Universe is not here for us, we are not special.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by seiva7

I like to imagine and work towards balance and peace. It is such a wonderful concept to imagine! But I do not believe that it will or must happen. It either will happen or it won't. If we do not balance Ego, we will kill ourselves and kill this beautiful planet just like a deadly virus that can not find balance within its host.

Either we balance and survive, or we continue to rot and decay until the human species is no more. Even if the human race becomes extinct, we will still recycle and be reborn as something else. Elements and atoms are not destroyed, only changed into other forms.


posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by tkwasny

Originally posted by arpgme
The world is waiting for nothing. It appreciates things as is. That is the beauty of the world, no judgement. Love and Peace!

The Universe is not here for us, we are not special.

We are here for the universe and the universe is here for us. Everything is special. Peace

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:11 PM
A solid contribution, thanks!

You spoke in the OP about individual responsibility for the collective reality. You also spoke of the oneness of all things. Somewhere in between there exists a line which demarcates collective vs. individual responsibility. For me it is easy to see how in some respects 'we' are responsible for war, poverty and starvation (for example), but it is also easy for me to see that 'we' are responsible for preventing war, poverty and starvation.

Can we be responsible for both creating and preventing the same thing?

Is responsibility equally distributed? If not, then how is it meted out?

Where is the line?

I have only recently begun to explore these issues and have been trying to look at all sides. On the flip (or at least it is the flip for me), I wonder whether it makes any difference at all...all this beating of terms to a fine pulp, dissecting ideas to their most reduced form and relatively futile attempts to apply logic where in my opinion it has no place. And even the idea that there is any place that is no place for logic puts a jackhammer to my reality. Nonetheless, logic is a construct of the mind, and one that was created to try to deal with reality as it is experienced, whereas I am starting to believe that logic does nothing but poison experience as it immediately tries to define the undefinable, and thus quickly turns 'something' into 'something' it is not.

Ok, I am done babbling. Thanks again for a thought provoking thread. SandF for you!

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 06:16 PM
It's obvious from the OP, but just in case anyone was wondering... I am not referencing Sigmund Freud's concept of the human psyche, nor "western" concepts of Ego. I am not alluding to any "eastern" concepts of killing the Ego.

I am describing Ego as I have come to understand it through contemplation, philosophizing, and meditation. I am proposing the acknowledgment, understanding, and balance of Ego.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

Good post Sahabi.

I don't agree one should look upon their ego as something negative, but something special. It's more of a tool, not a bondage. One should learn to wield it rather than to be controlled by it. I think you would agree with me, as you aren't proposing obliterating the ego, only balancing it. I just wanted to offer another outlook.

The ego, like everything else in the body, has a purpose and utility. It should be embraced and learned. It must be nourished well, it must be exercised and it must remain healthy. Destroying it, liberation from it or attacking it is only doing yourself harm.

Protecting the identity and ego are necessary, lest you become homogenized, herd-like or automaton in nature. Embrace your ego and it will embrace you.

Thank you for hearing my opinion.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by princeguy
reply to post by Sahabi

Your thread gets a S+F from me! I found what you said to be spot on. I was on a intense spiritual path and thought that I had to basically kill my Ego. I ended up in a very strange place. extremely disconnected, and anxious around people. I have since found that it takes a balance of Ego. Realizing that all is the way it should be, and that by working with my separation I can have the most enjoyable experience.

I believe that this concept will spread like wild fire very soon my friends!

I love you all!

Thank you very much for sharing your journey of denying Ego. This is exactly what I meant by an imbalanced Ego. When we attempt to kill or deny Ego, we suffer what you have just described. Too little Ego or too much is definitely unhealthy. Peace!

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 07:57 PM
The words "World Is" should be be replaced with "Would-be Despots Are" or "Would-be Dictators Are".

Pride, self-respect, motivation, over-achievement, leadership, excellence, so on and so forth derive from ego.

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