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Mothman photo?

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 11:51 AM

Apologies to those who want to believe, but one thing I noticed in this photo was how similar the circled structure was to the other structure on the top of the bridge closer to the camera. That begs the question, was a creature 'jumping' or debris being blown off by the wind? Do we have any engineers in the house who can break down what the nearby bridge top structures are and how the circled one is different for us?

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 03:14 PM
The orriginal few mothman sightings all described the same thing (the first link is down):

Grey wings and skin
about 7-8 feet tall with a wingspan on 8-12 feet
firey red eyes
appeared in the same area (near some bridge/near a powerplant thingy(or something like that))

also the bridge he was seen near had collasped or something and many people died, some said mothman was the cause of it, Ill get info on it once I find the book I have about it

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 08:50 PM
Hell, that could be a trashbag for all we know. It's a nondescript dark blob on a bridge.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:42 PM
Ok now I am in.. I wanted to say I have been reading on this subject only for a few days. I just saw the movie and read the book. I never heard about it before. Funny cuz umm I am from Ohio and My grandparents are from WV. My issue is the camera shots of the thing on the bridge. I had to look at it a few times before coming up with a conclusion. It appears to be a digi cam that the shots were taken with. Not that hard to Photo shop. However if they were going to photo shop why didn't they finish it off by not making the other pics so blurry? Ok here is my other point. If I were taking some pics of say my dog..Cuz that is what the person who took these said they were doing... Anyway if I were taking pics of whatever my dog.. and I look up to see some strange thing on the bridge I would snap a pic and it would turn out just like that one did..(my cam takes better pics from far away,It is a cheap digi from walmart) pretty clear and the camera would flash. Then say the thing notices the flash and tries to make a break for it then I would try to find it again in my viewfinder. and just start snapping to make sure I got something(cuz no one would believe me) and they would end up just as blurry. And believe you me I don't want it to be true. If that thing wanted to make a statement he would become a celeb.
I just think sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow. There are many things in this world we will never understand.. there are things in this world that if we did understand them they would just never makes sense. This may be one of those things. I am a normal girl (whatever that means) and I do think that there is more to this world then meets the eye. I think if everything made sense we would not be here. There are people out there that don't believe that there are anomolies or ufos or whatever you chose to take in interest in. But you know if that is true that is saying in all the planents in all the solar systems in all the universe as we know it(it is huge I am told) (they just found a helix type system billions of miles away) that the earth is the only one privi to having life forms...Hmmmm I think not. So I just think before you are tearing this picture apart and saying how fake it is and how they photo shopped it think of all the times you have seen something extrordinary and did not have a camera. If this one is a fake so be it. But the truth of the matter is for 18 months in a little run of the mill town on the edge of West Virginia... They had over 100 people spot this thing. Back then people didnt have camera phones... Digi cams to show everyone and their brother on the web.. But you know they did see it. They don't even have many pictures of the Silver Bridge. Just my 50 cents.. I hope that you will look a little closer at the pics and maybe it will look like many you have taken with a shaky hand to get something that was moving... Maybe you put a bow in your dogs hair:-) and you were trying to capture your beautiful doggie on film .. You only get a few you can actually use cuz the others are so blurry.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 09:13 AM
The original bridge shots were taken 30 years ago. The bridge then came down. There were also incidents of MIB's to go along with the whole story.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 01:42 PM
If it is some type of "Death Angel", does Mothman make the accident happen, or does he just know that there will soon be an accident, and he is just hanging out until the disaster happens?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:28 AM
Mothman has always interested me. My biggest question is why West Virginia? Has anyone ever dug around the history to see if theres a link?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:52 AM
The Mothman is just a reptilian hybrid creature that was created a while ago. End of discussion

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
The Mothman is just a reptilian hybrid creature that was created a while ago. End of discussion

Why are you so sure of your facts? Don't you want to give some reason(s) as to why you are so sure of this? Do you mean "reptilian" as in the alleged reptilian aliens? Who created him?

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 10:36 PM
"The Mothman is just a reptilian hybrid creature that was created a while ago. End of discussion"

I think not infact i think anyone who beleives in scientology, reptillians, greys and Icke are all victims of IBISS (I beleive in # syndrome)

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 02:48 AM
Could someone point me in the direction of the original photos that were shown for this thread? Much appreciated.

[Edit]: NVM found them above my post

Doubt the photo is real but it looks interesting. I do believe the mothman may exist and what I've noticed is...

A lot of these 'entities' have red eyes. Demonic in nature perhaps? And quite often they resemble half human / half animal.


- Nazgarn

[edit on 11-4-2006 by nazgarn]

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by The_Doctor
"The Mothman is just a reptilian hybrid creature that was created a while ago. End of discussion"

I think not infact i think anyone who beleives in scientology, reptillians, greys and Icke are all victims of IBISS (I beleive in # syndrome)

If that is the case then you won't have much fun around here since a lot of people have IBISS

BTW I have it myself and I quite like it actually.

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