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omg, so evil!!

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posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 11:51 PM
Evil is measured by your actions and not by random thoughts presented by an unconscious to a conscious mind.

Watch enough f*cked up American TV violence about people solving problems through violent means, you will have these thoughts. Play enough stupid video games with mass homicide and no repercussions, you will have these thoughts.

Act them out, we all have a problem.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 03:16 AM
the fact that you were worried about it shows that it might have been outside influence. TV and movies i dont think would warrant the exact thought of what may be a part of a brain malfunction of obsessive complusive type.

Or the outside influence left the obsessive complusive type as a footprint in your brain in its wake. whatever.

have you been denying your feelings or experience any lack of feeling (emotionally) lately?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by beebo
...all of these evil thoughts came into my head, and also some vibrations or something, i swear, I knew that it wasn't my brain making them up...

Then you weren't making them up.

Originally posted by beebo was like "kill all those people, you are very powerfull, all those people will die"...
..all these evil thoughts came into my head talking about how powerfull i am as a psychic...
and how i should murder all the people...

Hey, this sounds a little familiar. Somebody wants in. Your choices then are to either find the opposite of evil and seek protection or give in to the voice. I recommend protection. Pray to God.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
no big deal, the fact that all you people have had this happen before is just insane. It is a HUGE deal. I have never ever ever even come CLOSE to thinking of murdering ANYTHING. I feel bad if i take the life from a fly! Man, that is so strange.

So what is the worst thought you've ever had then? Don't tell me you're the only human on Earth that does not manifest both sides of our duality in some way. Or are you just that good?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 07:02 AM
Could HAARP possibly be an explanation?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
Could HAARP possibly be an explanation?

You mean, could HAARP be responsible for all of the evil thoughts in the world? As if people had no evil thoughts before HAARP? Don't think so.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by beebo
A couple of days ago...just before i fell asleep, all of these evil thoughts came into my head, and also some vibrations or something, i swear, I knew that it wasn't my brain making them up, it was like "kill all those people, you are very powerfull, all those people will die" and then i smiled, and then realised what i was doing and thinking and i felt this shock, and all these evil thoughts came into my head talking about how powerfull i am as a psychic (actually im not at all powerful, at least i think im not, and i have yet to achieve an act that is beyond ordinary) and how i should murder all the people. But then i sort of 'took control' and made the spirits (?) go away. It took me a while to fall asleep afterwards, but when i woke up in the morning, i felt no guilt, or hatred, or anything bad like was cleansed, what do you all think about this, cause this sure freaked me out...


Initially, everyone survives bodily death: the spiritual, common and evil alike. Most unite their souls with a collective or Group Entity of like-minded spirits because it gives them comfort, a sense of family, telepathic unity, and because it grants them the unique advantage of combined power. Most souls, the basically spiritual types or angels included, cannot ascend far into The Light and are therefore very weak spiritually. They remedy this lack of energy by being part of a large group consciousness. The more disciplined and nobler souls, the Saints, do not join a Group Entity but strive to become a Light onto Oneself; these are rare indeed and most of them eventually succumb to descending and uniting with a group consciousness.

What you experienced was a Group Entity or collective of discarnates that was on an evil path. They wanted to manipulate you and work through you in order to inflict torture and destruction upon innocents. There are many accounts of mass murderers who claimed that they were just listening to the voices in their head that bid them to inflict harm. Those voices were discarnates on an evil path that used that incarnate person for their own sadistic pleasure. The traditional psychological community does not recognize the fact that we each have a soul which survives bodily death, and that spirits interact telepathically with the incarnate population. So they came up with a whole bunch of fancy words to scientifically describe what they know little about.

All dreams, as well as any thought, feeling, impression, visualization, etc., which "just pops in there" does not come from one�s brain; it comes from people on the Other Side.

If you were a spiritually weak person, you would have succumbed to their influence and become their agent of evil. But you were strong enough to reject them and thereby thwarted their plan to use you for their sadistic pleasure. Discarnates like that do not survive themselves for very long.

"Evil contains the seeds of its own destruction."

You did the right thing in rejecting their energies.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by DeltaChaos

Originally posted by dawnstar
Could HAARP possibly be an explanation?

You mean, could HAARP be responsible for all of the evil thoughts in the world? As if people had no evil thoughts before HAARP? Don't think so.

no, but, well, there seems to be alot of people who just seem have all these thoughts pooping into the heads from least there's been alot on this board saying they've had the same thing happen. I don't believe that it's normal, or at least it wasn't when I was growing up.

One possiblity is the presence of spiritual forces....but, well, depending on weather or not what they are saying about haarp is true, it could be another explanation.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:29 AM
Now come on...this is just your own mind playing tricks on you. I reckon you could be worried about something and you are thinking very dark (and quite disturbing thoughts). You just need to stop it as soon as it starts and think about something else!

It ain't gonna be demons or evil mind control, its just your worst thoughts running away with you and it is up to you to stop it.

If you find you are having these thoughts often, then you need to get some counselling to find out why you are having these thoughts.

Peace and happiness to you!


posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 10:22 AM
Minds don't play tricks on themselves...discarnates play tricks on incarnate minds. Counseling can be helpful. Using drugs in an attempt to alleviate the problem is not a good idea. Developing greater self-control and riding out the storm is the best solution.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 04:22 PM
Every human mind has the knowledge of 'evil' things. Every mind has the capacity to think them. Just because we think them, which we all do, isn't reason to assume our minds are being controlled by HAARP, by discarnates, or whatever. Our minds do a lot of things that we are not conscious of. We all think a lot of random thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. Just because some of them happen to be 'evil', or at least represent the currently accepted definition of it, doesn't mean these thoughts are any different than any other type.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:18 PM
if haarp is involved, or some kind of mechanical manipulation it is only to weaken your defense by placing your brain in a hypnotic state. i dont think exact words can be placed in your head that way.

people were evil before haarp, so i dont think its a factor. i mean tv or music can do the same thing even more effectively since you automatically tune in to the programming that penetrates your mind the best.

evil spirits that manipulate you would know best when to attack and how you customized your mind if they have any kind of survelliance in your area.

put more likey what you probably got was the eqivalent of demon telemarketing.

have u supressed your feelings or felt a lack therof. the prime places to attack you are the hippocampus functions and the area directly under your heart.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:39 PM
There is a vast difference between an occasional negative thought that is self-generated and hearing voices prompting one to commit violent acts. The latter is indicative of a negative discarnate influence. Those who are not strong enough to overcome that influence succumb to committing heinous acts of evil.

It helps to understand that all the evil people that we see in the flesh around the world and in prisons (the rapists and murderers for example), eventually transition; these are what constitute the spiritually retarded on the Other Side who seek to instigate the morally corrupt in the flesh to pursue sadistic pleasure.

Originally posted by NuTroll

people were evil before haarp, so i dont think its a factor. i mean tv or music can do the same thing even more effectively since you automatically tune in to the programming that penetrates your mind the best.

evil spirits that manipulate you would know best when to attack and how you customized your mind if they have any kind of survelliance in your area.

Quite true. They seek to use your faults against you and know when your resistance is down.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:41 PM
I find it amazing that someone has suck a lack of an evil thought, that they have not even thought of harming a fly. Actually after typing that, I find it almost impossible to really believe that. I guess it might be possible considering that there are several billion people in the world. Anyway I believe there can be a fine line between crossing over to the evil side and just having evil thoughts. I suppose thoughts don't really count, it's what you do that really matters.

To sort of quote Captain Kirk from an old episode of Star Trek, "We're all killers, but all we have to say and do is agree that we are not going to kill today." Tomorrow we can say the same thing.

I believe some evil thoughts may be gotten rid of by thinking of how best to attack the source the devil himself. Just tell him to go to h**l.
and laugh at him and totally ignore those evil thoughts.

edited note: Now I know why I'm having these thoughts, my point total is 666 and 2. I may need to post some more to get past this evil juncture.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by orionthehunter]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 05:08 AM
I believe that there is a good and evil side in every human being. We can't always be thinking good so we switch to thinking bad. Remember that there is a difference between having a bad thought, and acting on a bad thought. Just know that it is completely human to have those feelings. I am a fully fledged christian but i do believe there is an enemy that tries to tempt us into doing wrong. After all, since wen do u get noticed 4 being good as much as u get noticed 4 being bad. So don't worry, yr nt alone

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 03:27 AM
cool, thanks evryone, luckily i havn't had any murdering and killing thoughts since
and btw, i dont play many video games that involve violence. ok that was a lie, but they dont involve too much violence. thanks for the help

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 04:33 AM
MaskedAvatar I believe you hit the nail on the head so to speak. Anything you do often enough (watch violent TV, Movies, play violent games) tends to 'rub off' on you. In moments of INTENSE anger I have thought of hurting loved ones when they really annoyed me to a high degree. I never acted on those thoughts, I usually took it out on something inanimate. In fact when I was young (around 12 perhaps) I had moments where I heard screaming inside my head, especially when there was silence and I was alone.

Also if you do not dwell on such 'evil' thoughts and rather think 'good' thoughts you will condition your mind. I remember someone saying once it takes 3 good thoughts to negate 1 bad thought. Especially after my father committed suicide I frequently had a 'rage' where I would snap and get very aggressive. Even during these short episodes I never hurt anyone physically, rather punched walls, my door had about 1000 holes in it.

Nowadays I find it incredibly hard to get angry, I have worked through most issues. Thinking back, I have NEVER intentionally physically hurt anyone and I put a lot of it down to understanding (martial arts helped a lot I think, the more I do it the less I ever want to hurt anyone).

- Nazgarn

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by Dobbie
Now come on...this is just your own mind playing tricks on you. I reckon you could be worried about something and you are thinking very dark (and quite disturbing thoughts). You just need to stop it as soon as it starts and think about something else!

It ain't gonna be demons or evil mind control, its just your worst thoughts running away with you and it is up to you to stop it.

If you find you are having these thoughts often, then you need to get some counselling to find out why you are having these thoughts.

Peace and happiness to you!


I have to agree with you there. The human mind is very powerful, it can be your worst enemy or your best friend. It is so intelligent it frequently can play tricks on you. It can be conditioned and nurtured to eventually come under control, but also chemical unbalances can alter the way you think (Eg - Depression). I'm not saying you have a condition, I'm quite certain these are normal thoughts but under your relaxed time your mind may have 'ran away' from your control, some subconcious thoughts may have bubbled their way to the top, resulting in these rather extreme thoughts. If it does keep happening I would recommend perhaps seeing someone about it. Yes, you can control your own thoughts, and yes there are people out there (books and information too) who / that can teach you ways to control them.

- Nazgarn

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