I sometimes get evil spontaious thought's
they just seem to pop in there lol
some are funny, for example someone at work who normly does my head in
will get crushed by machinery or set on fire and it makes me chuckle.
other times it could be a loved one being hurt, which fills me with
painfull feelings of regret, I really hate those ones even if u try not to think of them, I wonder weather I'm a monster for manifesting those
there usualy easy to stop thinking about during the day.
Its when ur tired and in bed and u cant sleep
they can keep u awake for hours
constently going over things, that have no meaning or relevense to the real world.
u do think about them when ur asleep but u dont remember them,
Its when ur on the verge of sleep and ur tired but awake
Its the part of ur brain that goes over things and tries to work things out
when ur asleep (like the term try to sleep on it)
except its doing it when ur still half awake.
this should be resolved by getting into a consistent sleep pattern
maybe you have had too many late nights?
also drinking (alcahol) can overcome this.