I want to relate a personal story of an event that took place 30 years ago this coming July. I was an average 12 year old boy living in Indianapolis.
I had never heard of, or even seen a drawing of, any kind of alien. My family was very "down to earth" and did not discuss anything supernatural or
unusual. (Except bigfoot and God).
With that said... it was late, approximately 11 PM as my mother had just stuck her head out the back door to tell me so. She yelled that it was time
to come in and then went back inside. I was standing in the back yard with my next door neighbor/best friend and had been discussing the typical
interests that early 80s preteen boys would have. If I remember correctly it usually involved coming up with gross jokes.
I acknowledged that I heard and was on my way in. Now, the angle from where I was standing to the back door was in alignment with a flight path from
our airport. Often planes would take off and fly at that angle over our house. I never thought it was a big deal as I enjoyed watching those big
As soon as my mother went back in, with both he and I looking in that direction, a bright orange/yellow glow appeared over my house. My friend and I
watch with curiosity as a spherical object came over my house and paused directly over us. As we stood there staring straight up I felt everything
slow down. I tried to look at my friend but it took what seemed like forever to tear my gaze from the object and redirect it to him.
When I did I noticed this orange/yellow radiance was all around us. He was staring slack jawed straight up. I turned my gaze back to the sky only to
see the object was not there anymore.
Everything was normal again. I asked him if he had seen where it went. We gazed around the sky and spotted it near the edge of our horizon. It was
moving much faster than any plane I had ever seen... and then it was gone.
I shrugged and thought it was neat. I told my friend goodnight and went inside. My mother asked me why it took me 30 minutes to come in? I shrugged
and said "I don't know." Off to bed. End of story right? Nope.
I woke the next morning. As I threw back the covers my feet were dirty and so were my sheets. Now I had a problem with sleep walking so, I simply
figured I had went outside sometime during the night. As the day progressed I began to remember images of a dream I had that night. It actually took
me a few years for this dream to come completely to the surface. I did not in anyway obsess over it. But, for some reason, It kept coming to mind
with a little more information.
I was lying in bed that night after seeing the object above my house. I was sleeping quite well actually when someone poked me. I opened my eyes to
see 3 figures standing next to my bed. (If you were standing at the foot of my bed... one on the right, two on the left.) They were dressed in simple
clothing, it seemed single piece but, I did not pay enough attention nor cared. The cool thing was they were blue skinned and had big heads. Not
huge just slightly larger than mine. More head smaller features. The one standing by himself asked me if I wanted to come with them.
I told them that my mom might get mad. They all chuckled. He? said "Don't worry we are just going for a ride and you will be back before
They were so nice. Their smiles lit up there faces. I remember asking, "Why me?" The tall one, I know this because by then we were walking out the
back door, said, "Because we saw who you are."
At this point we were outside and conversation died. Before me, hovering between my home and garage (and slightly above) was an object I had never
seen before. Best guess, kinda oval in the middle with a band around the outside. The light was a bit bright. We walked under it and a light just
like the one I saw in my yard bathed us all. In a blink we were standing in a round room. At this point there were 5 of them. All smiles.
"What do you want to do?" The tall one asked.
I was amazed and asked if we were flying. Yes was the answer.
"Well then I want to see my house." They gently grabbed me and leaned me forward until I was lying face down in the middle of the room. I remember
the tall one saying something I could not understand as everything seemed to disappear. At first I was scared. I was lying there and it seemed as if
suddenly I was flying. I could still feel the floor but I could not see it. I heard them all chuckle again. The laugh was what one would hear if they
were watching a child discover something new. It made me feel safe. Their smiles creased the corners of their eyes.
I was lost in the view as the craft lifted high into the sky and gave me a view of Indy that I had never seen. There was a lot of conversation while
we flew but, I cannot recall any of it.
I have, over the years, looked for something online concerning diminutive blue skinned aliens. Simply because as I got older I felt that was who they
probably were. I have not been able to find anything to help.
This is a true event. I recall events as they are detailed here. Even today I wonder if it was all my imagination. I did, and still do, have a vivid
imagination. However, part of me wonders.
What do you think? What can you offer? No stupid stuff please. I do not respond to that.
edit on 6-2-2012 by Sagittarian69 because: (no reason given)