posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 09:07 PM
first let me say sorry for the lack of posting knowledge. ( from under a rock i came )
this first image is of the gulf taken from google earth.
This next image is what i think happend. the impact came in from the direction of the
black arrow ( forgive my paint skills ) the
red arrows show the direction of the out ward blast. the
yellow arrow is the resulting inward water flow.
This last pic shows how the earth and water flowed back in. The earth is in
red showing the flow back in from the mexico side, and
the abrupt sea shelf where the blast went up ward. the
black shows where the water flow back in to the crater thus not resulting
in the same out ward blast pattern shown in
red. so what you see is two lips almost opposite of each other right at the mouth. this
happens when rushing water has a back flow at a choke point. so it just a flat debris field.
well thats just something that ran through my mind and i wanted to see what every one thought. since im broke and i just cant report back the field
studies on my own : )
thanks for your time.
edit on 6-2-2012 by omegacorps because: (no reason given)