posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 12:32 PM
I have been asking myself for a long time why do people use the
Gregorian Calendar and
Julian Calendar when in reality they are dead wrong.
Nature has given us true time keepers like the
Lunar Cycle and the
solstices and equinoxes which can keep the exact time. Not to mention using the light from the Sun in
order to keep the exact time in hours and minutes and with a bit of math, even seconds and miliseconds.
Haven't you asked yourselves why do the seasons seem so off? I've noticed that for some time that when winter kicks in, it seems off and my theory
is that this is because we used the wrong way of keeping track of time.
The true seasons are indicated by the solstices and equinoxes as follows:
Spring - 20 March to 20 June
Summer - 20 June to 22 September
Fall - 22 September to 21 December
Winter - 21 December to 20 March
If you look at the weather in these periods you will notice that they are apropriate for the season indicated. However the dates mentioned above are
acording to the Gregorian Calendar.
I will not start expanding on the flaws of the two or more calendars used today all over the world because that is a whole new subject to be debated
and i think it was debated here but i just can't seem to find the topic.
I hope this can start a healthy discussion although its not much.