posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:38 AM
In an interesting twist to the ongoing saga of Pvt. Bradley Manning, an Icelandic group, The Members of the Icelandic Parliament for The Movement, has
nominated Mr. Manning for the Nobel Peace Prize.
February 1st 2012 the entire parliamentary group of The Movement of the Icelandic Parliament nominated Private Bradley Manning for the Nobel Peace
Prize. Following is the reasoning we sent to the committee explaining why we felt compelled to nominate Private Bradley Manning for this important
recognition of an individual effort to have an impact for peace in our world.
Bradley Manning Nobel Peace Prize Nomination 2012
One cannot help but sense the irony of how the Obama Adminstration is trying to nail Mr. Manning's hide to the wall for exposing what he felt was
immoral actions being taken in the name of the U.S.. The same Obama who received the very same award while continuing, and yes even escalating, the
drone warfare over Afghanistan.
While I wouldn't give strong odds on Pvt. Manning making the final cut, I still cannot help but smile a bit and offer best wishes to the Icelandic
group for having the guts to stand up and nominate him for the award.
On a final, related note kudos to ATS member kalunom for creating a thread back in October 2011 speculating this would happen for the 2011 award:
2011 Nobel Peace Prize Speculations
So? What are your thoughts?