posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 10:29 PM
The skepticism shouldn't klick in about someones claim in hearing an odd noise.
it kicks in when people start answering based on...nothing in particular (angle trumpets ushering in the apocalypse, alien crafts, mole people,
The discussion, to my knowledge, is typically about what it could be...from magnetic and solar storms creating odd but not unnatural frequencies in
the atmosphere to etc.
Like a UFO...sure, they exist..but now lets try to figure out what they are. ok, that is a weather balloon, that is a satellite, be
skeptical about the existance of UFOs is being a bit of a dimwit.
Try to see if this noise happens often and you simply haven't paid much mind to it until now (now that your alerted to it..before, it might have
simply been one of the multitudes of background white noise we tune out daily) If it happens often, try to find patterns, move to different
locations, try to zero in on where it is coming from if its possible...or if its just all around no matter where you go.